hey guys and gals have you ever been shot by noobs when you try to help them?

  • well that has happened to me and the sloop that I was talking to shot me because I said I could've helped you with the kraken but no they just wanted to shoot me FOR NO REASON WHAT SO EVER

  • 18
  • @closinghare208 This happens to me quite a bit actually. Whenever I am sailing solo, I almost always end my session (even when I am tired and ready to quit the game already, lol) by sailing to the nearest ship I see to give them my CCB's and let them raid my ship for supplies. Sometimes I even have loot on board that I am willing to give them. Far too often instead of welcoming my gifts, I get shot. Sometimes with statements like, we will just take what we want anyways. So I quickly scuddle the ship so they get nothing and leave the game. Their loss for not being able to accept a gift horse.

  • @nofears-fun yes

  • @nofears-fun I try to be generous and give out my supplies and treasure, but it's not easy to do when people tend to react with hostilities. Usually I'll just hand out my CCBs to the first person I see on the ferry. If I have treasure, I'll offer it, or tell them where it is. A couple nights ago I had left numerous skulls sitting on pretty much every small island in the ancient isles, from mutineer rock to chicken isle. Some with other random treasure with it. I waited on the ferry for 15 minutes just to tell someone they could go get it but I left before anyone showed up. I always thought it would be better to find them and explain your kindness in the ferry so you can agree on a place to meet up and exchange treasure and supplies. That way they don't think you're just some random ship pulling up to possibly kill them. They may not trust you but at least they will know you're coming which will give them more time to be prepared incase you try something sneaky like they probably expect you to do.

  • Unfortunately ...This can happen, some new pirates , may also feel a bit paranoid ...It wouldn't be the first that told them to help and when they let him or her on their boat ,starts a havoc...But ( * Hold on yokel, no dirty words or the banhammer gets you - Whaaaahahaaa ,Sunshine , dumb yokel , butt is with two t's...* Hihihiiihiii, got you Captain Tearface ...you stepped in my trap...Yo, Dear Moderator...Captain Sunshine wrote butt...Ban him ,ban him hihhihihihihihi)...If they acted ,just to kill you Mr ClosingHare , then ,if i was you , i wouldn't waste one minute of my time on them...Let them sail without help , in this perilous world , we will see if they will stay to become a Legend , just like you recently did...

  • @clumsy-george true

  • One time I was relaxing on the docks of Dagger Tooth after a long and successful voyage. As I often do, I decided it best to dispose of my trusty sloop, lest it fall into the hands of pirates. Har! Anyway, I raised the anchor, dropped the sails and set it on a lonely Southern course. As I watched my former vessel sail away into the unknown, I suddenly saw a set of monstrous tentacles emerge from the depths. The kraken!

    I half considered catching a mermaid to go fight the dreaded beast, but before I could move I noticed another sloop on the horizon. I thought they might be trying to come to the rescue of my poor sloop, but then they skirted around the edge of the blackened water. Then I caught sight of yet another vessel, a great galleon closing fast. And then, yet another mast on the horizon, another sloop coming in from the East.

    My sloop succumbed to the kraken quickly. I watched her sink beneath the waves as the galleon took her place, fighting the kraken. As the galleon fought, the first sloop pulled into Dagger Tooth and dropped anchor. The other sloop was still a ways out, but closing fast.

    Before I'd sent my sloop off to its unexpected fate, I had dropped the rowboat and filled it with cursed cannonballs and other supplies. I hadn't seen anyone from the first sloop, yet, and it didn't seem like anyone had seen me. So I thought I'd give the captain a little surprise. I fetched the rowboat and rowed it over to the back of the sloop, docking it along with all the supplies. My, won't they be pleased, I thought to myself!

    But once aboard the sloop, I found no sign of life. Hmm. The other sloop was nearly upon me, and the galleon had finished off the kraken and also headed my way. So I made yet another command decision. I stole the sloop.

    Well, only temporarily. Actually, I figured I was doing my mysterious sloop captain a big favor by saving his ship. I sailed past the incoming sloop, who was kind enough to try to give me a few extra cannonballs in my hull. I ignored their kind offer and kept sailing, leaving the other sloop and the galleon to work out their differences at Dagger Tooth. I was heading for Galleon's Grave.

    The outpost was only a short distance ahead when my captain friend suddenly appeared below. I knew he'd be so happy that I went to the trouble of saving his sloop for him, and gifting him a nice rowboat packed with supplies. But as I waved, awaiting his gratitude, I received instead a flurry of musketballs. But wait, I...

    Alas, my philanthropy came to a brutal end, and I was reminded of an old adage: No good deed goes unpunished. Heh!

  • @closinghare208 new guys are just ducks most of the time. Or maybe like Canadian geese.

  • Don't be discuraged by this. There will be those who need help and other who will have to sink.

  • Yes I had the ultimate betrayal by some! My jaw almost hit the flaw but it was so bad it was just funny!

    There was a Brig near when I first logged in on my solo sloop, they where getting massacred by a meg, so I sailed over and killed it for them. (Wasn’t complaining I needed it for my commendations) I let them have all the loot.

    Then out of nowhere a 2 man sloop starts firing into them and trying to sink them, so I engaged the sloop and eventually sunk it as they tried to avoid it. After that I waved and asked for an alliance (Since they was about to cash in the net loot) They pulled up next to me and one boarded in which I said hello then he one shot me with a blunderbuss before I could react and they sunk my little sloop lol!!

    Feelsbadman! I wasted like 45 minutes keeping those landlubbers alive 😂

  • @closinghare208

    A lot of pirates our just too bloodthirsty or just do not care. Majority of new ones are just double gunning and camping. You will find some that can change their ways.

    A few nights ago we had this sloop stalk us for over an hour while we were working on an Athena. We would always get the better of them. Even got in a three way with a brig along the way. They would sail off after we peppered them with cannonballs, but eventually will come back and try again. Just before we were ready to dig up the last chests to get the last map, we saw them get caught by Karen after they sank the brig. We loaded up and sailed to them. We decided to not take advantage of them and help them instead. They ended up joining in an alliance with us as we helped them defeat her.

    Last night we went to Morrow's Peak during another Athena. We spotted a sloop tucked away behind the outpost. My spouse went ashore as I sat near the sloop. He found the person camping on the island. The person started shooting right away. I sank the sloop and he killed the pirate. The person called us Pirate Legend trash because we out smarted their trap.

    So many pirates these days want to just kill you. They want to get on your ship so they can double gun. We have a policy only friends are allowed to approach and climb onboard. Until everyone proves themselves, they are shot. Even holds true for alliances as 9 out of 10 times they do not want to be allies at all.

  • @x-crowheart-x

  • @knifelife

    So true

  • @x-crowheart-x yep I adopted that way of playing also. Ever since I sailed over to help new players being attacked by a skeleton ship. They were sunk and I told them they could come aboard with thier loot and I would take them to a outpost to cash it in. Instead he decided to shoot me in the face and brag about stealing my sloop to his friend. I respawned and destroyed him.

  • @paladindh

    Good play mate! You have to be careful out there on the sea these days. Was sailing with my friends earlier today. A couple of sloop crews were camping Morrow’s Peak. They also kept trying to sneak and hide on our galleon. They spent hours doing it. Even swam miles to sneak onboard as we worked an Athena. They got to know the Ferryman well.

    We kept killing them. Funny thing was one person tried to keep hiding in the same place behind the captain’s desk. Guess they thought we would not keep checking there lol. All double gunners. Final got tired of camping and came after us. We out played and out sailed them.

    These players must really love doing nothing instead of actually trying to play a better way than emulating thier supreme streamer. Like always we were called trash. They all must have gotten the memorandum as that is the exact words they all use now.

    Just three more days to RIP double gun exploit.

    Fair winds and happy sailing!

  • @x-crowheart-x good job.

  • @closinghare208 said in hey guys and gals have you ever been shot by noobs when you try to help them?:

    well that has happened to me and the sloop that I was talking to shot me because I said I could've helped you with the kraken but no they just wanted to shoot me FOR NO REASON WHAT SO EVER

    Yup, me and 3 other PL were doing our guilded athenas, we found a solo sloop player in default ship at canon cove. Anyone who allied with us would make bank, decided to be nice to get him to ally with us. I jump on his ship the guy had one seafarers and 3 wet silks. He seemed nice at first and explained him how to how to ally.

    Dude then double gunned me, we sunk his ship and he spent his time running around the island trolling us. When we killed him he came back on his sloop, would fire off to the island and start all over again. He wasn't a threat, just an annoyance. Oh well his loss.

  • @closinghare208 just because you want to offer help doesn't mean they want a friendly lessons. Maybe they rather learn through sinking is the best way to learn approach.

    Not everyone is interested in learning and being better. So, believe that they know better and unless proven wrong will not believe you.

    Happens to us all, based on their voyage I sometimes just leave it at them killing me. Other times I show them that messing with a stubborn solo pirate is a bad idea.

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