Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?

  • It's a simple question stated above? I'm not active enough to be able to remotely keep my ship safe from the more aggressive players. I'd much rather a PvE server to have fun with instead of having my fun ruined. PvP players seem very much against this. What I don't understand is; why? No one would be forcing you to play on those servers

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  • @wolf-zero-x The way I see it is like an ecosystem, if you take away all of the prey (PvE players) the predators (PvP) will die off. Just my personal POV.

  • Not sure.
    Pvpers will have less easy targets? They like to say they like a challenge, fighting other pvpers surely would give a better challenge?

    Dont like that pvers can earn quicker without pvpers changing pvers playstyle? Why should they care that they wouldnt have to grind as hard as they did? Does it really matter if its all about the adventure and the stories you make? Pvers will have their peaceful stories, their drunken mucking about while pvpers will have high adrenalin stories of tucking, sniping, and bombing other hardcore pvp legends.
    Everyone enjoys what they like best in the game?

  • @wolf-zero-x I'm mostly PvE player and I'm against PvE server...I bet I'm not the only PvE player that thinks that way

  • Simple, it's a PVEVP game and most players embraces the fact that every session will potentially have both, you accept that fact by buying and playing this game.

    Why do people that hate PVP buy a game where it is a core concept that makes half of it?

    Rejoice, you will soon have the option to play privately without encountering other players, please be patient or even better, help test it when it comes to the insider program.

  • @wolf-zero-x You heavily mischaracter the "PvP" side most us love PvE and PvP.
    We mix them as the game intended, i will enjoy a PvE activity and when there is a great chance i might take it and attack or talk to them even if they started or sometimes i wake up and i want to kill everything with a heartbeat its all welcome.
    Enjoy the PvE side of the game and learn to defend yourself and you might even like it, ask for tips if you need help i can even join you and show you.
    In a positive attitude everything is possible but when the PvE side dont want a compromise and demonize us by calling us tryhards and toxic and all the salty tears in the world it does not foster and nor us or the devs will listen.

  • @wolf-zero-x It's simply because the game was designed and created specifically to be a shared world experience in which you go on an adventure, whilst at the same time other players go on an adventure and none of those teams of players know the intent of the others. That's the fundermental point of the game - go out, and see who you meet and what happens.

    To me, if you try to water down the experience by adding PVE mode, you're destroying the game at it's core. A PVE mode would be so tiresome, and before you know it, demands for more stuff to do will result, meaning the devs will have to try and split their time between the original flavour of the game and trying to cater to a mode that doesn't fit, because the challenge has been completely wiped away.

    Frankly, asking for PVE in this game is the same as asking for the ball to be removed from Fifa.

  • @wolf-zero-x

    I'm not more interested in PVP, i aproach both aspects balanced.

    Why i am against PvE Servers? Because it removes the unpcertainty about other Ships.

    One of the core designs of SoT is to have that and to meet a wide variety of players, from passive, friendly to hostile - and some Encoutners even change from passive to friendly, from friendly to hostile, from hostile to friendly or passive.

    split the players into PvP and PvE and the one Server will be a KoS DM and the other one would be a PvE grind Server.

    Also it is hard to remove the PvP aspect from Adventure as so many things are tied to PvP, not only commendations, but the FotD is only enableable with a Flame of Shame you get from beeing killed by another player.
    Dont tell me how to exploit it a- that is not the way how it was meant to be played.

    Forts and all Raids have clouds in the sky, that is not to only show you there is good amount of loot! It is meant to be contested or meant to cooperate.

    the whole Problem is the split of players - alone in this thread you can read it that there is no PvEvP players - its rather solely PvE or PvE - that is what the games suffers the most from.

    Players only branching into one aspect of the game, dislking the other.
    And voila you have to groups hating each other.

    If majority would aproach SoT balanced in all of it's aspects you would not have any problems regarding this.
    Its gamers, gaming systems to their wants not seeing the vision of the developers or if they see it refusing to aproach it that way.

  • @luciansanchez82 said in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:

    Frankly, asking for PVE in this game is the same as asking for the ball to be removed from Fifa.

    It's like asking to remove one of the teams and wanting to score goals in an empty net without those pesky adversaries blocking you.
    (And still asking for a trophy for it)

  • @wolf-zero-x said in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:

    It's a simple question stated above? I'm not active enough to be able to remotely keep my ship safe from the more aggressive players. I'd much rather a PvE server to have fun with instead of having my fun ruined. PvP players seem very much against this. What I don't understand is; why? No one would be forcing you to play on those servers

    As a PvP player I am pretty bad. I used to be okay at it, but the player base improved while I did not. Why? Because I spent a lot of my time on the PvE content. I will take PvP encounters when they present themselves, but I am not someone who just logs in to hunt player ships. This makes me primarily a PvE player, and I am against PvE only servers unless they have zero progression. I enjoy the PvPvE mix. I bought the game because of the PvPvE mix. I didn’t buy a PvE or PvP game and post on the forums asking for the developers to change the game to suit me. I bought a game advertised as a PvPvE game,

    You say no one would be forced to play on it. Did you see someone post, “I don’t want to be forced to play on a PvE server?”. You need to take a “bird’s eye” view to see why most of us oppose this. The main issue is that most players will take the easiest route to reach their goals. As you have noticed, if you want to complete the PvE content, it would be easier without the threat of PvP. The PvE threats are not much of a threat once you figure out the underlying patterns to things. PvP is different. People are less predictable. So when players are seeking to complete a Tall Tale, raise reputation with a faction, or gain gold, why wouldn’t a sizable chunk of players pick the PvE server to get there? It would be the most effective (safest) way to reach PvE goals. And before anyone says, “That would mean a lot of players WANT PvE” no, it just means players have figured out it is a more efficient method. Games are filled with players who will grind away on content to reach their goals despite their dislike of the process. Take out the players who completely avoid PvP, and the players who will grind away content in safety, and you are left with a much heavier PvP crowd on the normal servers. Since PvE content is being completed on the PvE servers (why wouldn’t they?), most players on the normal servers won’t have much treasure, and most crews you encounter will be seeking a fight. That changes the game for everyone.

  • Oh, its the daily "I want PvE servers" thread. :)

  • @wolf-zero-x said in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:

    It's a simple question stated above? I'm not active enough to be able to remotely keep my ship safe from the more aggressive players. I'd much rather a PvE server to have fun with instead of having my fun ruined. PvP players seem very much against this. What I don't understand is; why? No one would be forcing you to play on those servers

    Problem number one. You admit you're not very good at the game. So instead of asking for help, tips, or advice on becoming a better player, you are suggesting that all the experienced players should embrace changing the game so you and others can play without having to bother putting in the time and effort to improve. That's completely unfair.

    Problem number two. Those of you begging for PvE-only servers have no idea what you're actually asking for. There are myriad problems associated with somehow removing PvP from a game that was designed as a PvPvE game. For example, do you take explosive kegs out of the game? Or just make it so they don't hurt players or ships? Do you make it so nobody can touch your loot except you? How do you control who can pick up what? How about fire? Shall that also be removed? Or are you suggesting you should just get an entire server only to yourself? These are all huge problems that the "PvE-only" types never seem to consider.

    Problem number three. As touched upon above, Sea of Thieves was designed to include PvP as a constant threat. Literally every aspect of the game is balanced around the threat of other players. It's a matter of risk vs. reward. Without any danger from other ships on the sea, the game completely loses its balance. Why should you be allowed to progress in a game with the primary challenge removed? How would that be fair to all the players who have put in the time and effort to succeed?

    Problem number four. You claim you are not able to "remotely keep my ship safe from the more aggressive players." Hogwash. There are lots of simple techniques that you can apply to prevent getting ganked by other players. But you haven't bothered to ask about any of that. Instead, you've simply begged Rare to change the game for your own benefit. It's lazy, selfish, and quite annoying to experienced players.

    So there you have it. Any other questions?

  • @wolf-zero-x

    Because PvEvP players do not seek a PvE or PvP choice at the menu screen. This is an open world shared experience where both are experienced, where the choices you make in game determine the outcome and as people that enjoy both PvE and PvP want to have both elements not a fight club or a safe haven of gold based on what we feel like playing now.

    Offering PvE servers changes the Adventure mode into PvP servers. We bought a PvEvP game and would like it to remain that way, a shared experience where we decide how it turns out.

    If you want a PvE game, because you are a pure PvE player play one of the many.
    If you want a PvP game, because you are a pure PvP player play one of the many.
    If you want a PvEvP experience then welcome to the seas.

    Each style can be done within the game, you can decide and influence the session. You can flee and never fight, you can hunt and seek a fight... who will succeed?

  • @genuine-heather sagte in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:

    There are lots of simple techniques that you can apply to prevent getting ganked by other players.

    @Wolf-Zero-X completely right - the most important thing you have to adapt to is: WATCH THE HORIZON!!!!

    There is no choice to not PvP, but you can avoid fights to an amount you will barely have one.
    If you do so you still PvP as beeing cautious about other players is already part of openworld PvP.

    Ships dont come out of nowhere or just pop up. Watch out for Mermaids too!!!
    Know where to park to be harder to spot, use skeleton cannons as an alarm system if you have to leave your ship alone...

  • @wolf-zero-x I am a PvE player here (meaning I do not actively search for player to fight...i only "defend" myself)...I know that some want a pve server or safe zones or something...but how should this work?

    Just imagine you wanna cash in at an outpost and someone is already there (you didnt see him, ship gone didnt see mermaid etc.). He just goes onto your ship and grabs a captain skull (since you cannot kill him or otherwise chase him off) he can sell the stuff in front of your eyes O_o
    Counterargument: just make it crewbound...but then again: Imagine you being able to defeat a meg....suddenly there is a rowboat and a guy grabs all the stuff from the water (like pick up&drop immediately) meaning it is bound to him, but you did all the work...you can just watch in sorrow as the guy "steals" from you...

    I would rather have a PvPvE experience when I have the ability to fight for my stuff rather than it being taken in front of my eyes and I cannot even kill/try to kill the guy to get it back. There are enough ways to watch out for other ships and avoid PvP (I am really bad in PvP mind you...dang I cant even aim the cannons properly no more lol)

  • I’m not interested in pvp, I love both. I just don’t want another thing added to split players and have less interactions.

  • Well I am not a major PvP'er on this game and I am against it so....

  • @wolf-zero-x

    Well i hope you hve gotten some satisfing answers to your question in this thread.

    Now please answer the question why you a self discribed PvEer are So agianst Learning to PvP? PvPer also PvE and alot. I do it all the time. I will stack hoards of loot i don't care about on my ship just to get players to fight me.

    This is a Game where the 1 of the primary Goals is to steal. The whole point of the loot your collecting is to be stolen. Your a pirate act like one. Instead of getting upset of losing your loot why not try to steal some? Your missing out on half the game. Why?

  • @enf0rcer

    To be honest, no. Many of these answers could be boiled down to to a simple "Cause I won't have as many targets."

    It looks at though I'm in the minority of the situation, (which I'm completely fine with) which should ease everyone's mind about what would happen if there were PvE only servers/private servers.

    I don't dedicate much tie to this game, maybe once a week for a couple of hours with my friends. Believe it or not, I'm the more hostile one of my group. Many of them are more interested in PvE. Combine that with my lack of play time and it makes for a very sour PvP experience for me.

  • @burnbacon

    I don't much care for the interaction, generally going out of my way to avoid other crews. Not many of the interactions I've had didn't involve my crew's ship getting sunk.

    It wouldn't be much of a split it seems. Just us filthy casuals going off on our own.

  • @genuine-heather

    How is this annoying to experienced players? You stand to benefit by constantly being in sessions with other experienced players. Someone like me just gets kicked around a lot due to my lack of time and dedication to this game.

    Why are experienced players so upset that the less experience players don't want to play with them? It's not a lot of fun.

  • @wolf-zero-x said in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:


    To be honest, no. Many of these answers could be boiled down to to a simple "Cause I won't have as many targets."

    It looks at though I'm in the minority of the situation, (which I'm completely fine with) which should ease everyone's mind about what would happen if there were PvE only servers/private servers.

    I don't dedicate much tie to this game, maybe once a week for a couple of hours with my friends. Believe it or not, I'm the more hostile one of my group. Many of them are more interested in PvE. Combine that with my lack of play time and it makes for a very sour PvP experience for me.

    So your problem is you don't have much time and you don't have PvP freinds?

    Well then a PvE only server won't solve ethier of those problem. This sounds like you be better of playing arena.

    But there are many more and better solution out there you can be promoting then a pve server.

  • @enf0rcer

    What are these better solutions?

    To be clear, I'm not looking to be better at PvP. I just want to go sailing with my friends and not have to deal with someone that is capable of taking out three of us by themselves.

    And no, Arena is not the answer. I did have a fun time with it. When I'm spoiling for a fight, Arena takes the tedium out of searching for a ship and just throws us into the chaos. Even if we've lost every match, at least it's a short match.

  • @wolf-zero-x said in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:


    What are these better solutions?

    To be clear, I'm not looking to be better at PvP. I just want to go sailing with my friends and not have to deal with someone that is capable of taking out three of us by themselves.

    And no, Arena is not the answer. I did have a fun time with it. When I'm spoiling for a fight, Arena takes the tedium out of searching for a ship and just throws us into the chaos. Even if we've lost every match, at least it's a short match.

    It sounds to me like you only play this game cause of your freinds and you really don't like the game if you refusing to learn how to play it.

    I mean i play games like fortnight only cause i like to play with my freinds but i woundn't make suggestions on a game i don't like.

    Why do your freinds play this game?

  • @enf0rcer

    So no answer on these better solutions besides "git gud"

    I like this game very much. We have the most fun when we're just sailing around doing our own thing.

    That's what my friends and I are doing, just our own thing.

    Ark Survival Evolved has PvPvE and PvE only serves, so why shouldn't SoT? We just want to play for fun. Fun for us means something different than fun for you.

  • @cotu42

    You won't lose that many players from the standard adventure mode. If you do, well then maybe some people just aren't any fun to play with

  • @bugaboo-bill

    Yes, watch the horizon, loads of fun. Just sitting on the ship, waiting. Fun...

  • @wolf-zero-x said in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:


    So no answer on these better solutions besides "git gud"

    Well i was going to suggest a list of improvement to PvP as a list of suggestions for shorter content but since you simply refuse to partipate and learn the pvp aspect i feel the problem is much deeper.

    I like this game very much. We have the most fun when we're just sailing around doing our own thing.

    You seem to not understand or enjoy this game at all and simply enjoy playing with your freinds. Nothing wrong with that but you should reconize that the fault doesn't lie in the game.

    That's what my friends and I are doing, just our own thing.

    If you only enjoy saing with freinds thats not the game at best its only half the game your rejecting the other half entirely. Which is interacting with other crews.

    Ark Survival Evolved has PvPvE and PvE only serves, so why shouldn't SoT? We just want to play for fun. Fun for us means something different than fun for you.

    That was a bad example as frist Ark is A sysmtric gameplay and wasn't a well recieved game at all. Your right fun is subjective and you literally seem to have no fun with half of this game.
    Why can't SoT have PvE only cause that is simply not the game. Your asking for a completly different game in the same universe.

  • @enf0rcer said in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:

    @wolf-zero-x said in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:


    So no answer on these better solutions besides "git gud"

    Well i was going to suggest a list of improvement to PvP as a list of suggestions for shorter content but since you simply refuse to partipate and learn the pvp aspect i feel the problem is much deeper.

    I like this game very much. We have the most fun when we're just sailing around doing our own thing.

    You seem to not understand or enjoy this game at all and simply enjoy playing with your freinds. Nothing wrong with that but you should reconize that the fault doesn't lie in the game.

    I didn't say the game was bad and I understand it fine.

    That's what my friends and I are doing, just our own thing.

    If you only enjoy saing with freinds thats not the game at best its only half the game your rejecting the other half entirely. Which is interacting with other crews.

    Other crews are generally the cause of grief

    That was a bad example as frist Ark is A sysmtric gameplay and wasn't a well recieved game at all. Your right fun is subjective and you literally seem to have no fun with half of this

    You're right, I only like one half of the game. If I get the itch for a good battle, Arena serves that purpose well. When I don't want to play with random people, I don't have a lot of options. I enjoy the treasure hunting, tall tales, fishing (mostly my friends on this one. I'll do just about anything else) fighting ghost and skeleton ships, the kraken, megalodons, forts and some skeleton head hunting. What I don't enjoy is someone coming along and taking all that away and saying "get better at Pvp so this doesn't happen."

    There are many games in which I will avoid activities in it because I don't like them. In the Division 2, I would rarely enter the dark zone and never played the Pvp modes simply because I prefer to avoid other people. That game had three different. Modes, so why can't Sea of Thieves?

    I don't want to play with people like that. Why are they so upset about it?

  • @wolf-zero-x sagte in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:


    Yes, watch the horizon, loads of fun. Just sitting on the ship, waiting. Fun...

    You asked why, so i answered.
    Sorry if it is not fun to you.

  • @bloodybil said in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:

    @luciansanchez82 said in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:

    Frankly, asking for PVE in this game is the same as asking for the ball to be removed from Fifa.

    It's like asking to remove one of the teams and wanting to score goals in an empty net without those pesky adversaries blocking you.

    Maybe so. Maybe I just have fun kicking the ball in the net. I don't expect you to play with me.

  • @wolf-zero-x

    We are not the ones upset here. Your mad cause your loot gets stolen in a game where the point is to steal thats like playing ctf and only trying to cap the flag without trying to defend it and get mad when the oppsing team takes the flag. I mean you can get as good as possible at grabing a flag quick but if thats all you can do you will forever suck at Ctf.

    Same for Sot your great at collecting loot but bad at defending it. You don't even attempt to take from others which you can do by completly avoiding combat if your sneaky or luckly enough.

    You admit your not good at the game and simply refuse to get better and you don't even know why? Do you think you can't?

    Instead you as for a game mode that has nothing to do with the core game. Like asking to play ctf with one team. Thats no longer CTF.

  • @enf0rcer said in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:


    We are not the ones upset here. Your mad cause your loot gets stolen in a game where the point is to steal thats like playing ctf and only trying to cap the flag without trying to defend it and get mad when the oppsing team takes the flag. I mean you can get as good as possible at grabing a flag quick but if thats all you can do you will forever suck at Ctf.

    Same for Sot your great at collecting loot but bad at defending it. You don't even attempt to take from others which you can do by completly avoiding combat if your sneaky or luckly enough.

    You admit your not good at the game and simply refuse to get better and you don't even know why? Do you think you can't?

    Instead you as for a game mode that has nothing to do with the core game. Like asking to play ctf with one team. Thats no longer CTF.

    If you remove other players from the game, then stealing from each other no longer becomes part of the game. Thus, making that point moot. Then, it's just me and my friends, Leisurely sailing around the sea, having our fun.

    I know why I don't get better, because I don't play all that often. Once a week for a few hours. Which becomes less with each bad experience. I simply don't dedicate that much time or energy into it. There is zero confusion on my part as to the gap in skill level between us and dedicated players. However, dedicated players seem to get upset about the notion that us casuals aren't interested in playing with them.

    I'm not mad either. I just don't see why I have to play with other people when I would rather go play with just friends.

    I'm not into the Pvp and have little desire to spend time on it.

    I don't stop people from playing Pvp, So why be so against me playing PvE? (not you specifically, just in general)

  • @wolf-zero-x said in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:


    You won't lose that many players from the standard adventure mode. If you do, well then maybe some people just aren't any fun to play with

    Euhm... you don't lose them, but they only join the server to hunt you while when they farm they do it in safety.

    It makes Adventure mode into a PvP server, not a PvEvP one.

    A simple reason for this is because people don't like to lose, people will take the easiest route and it will change the balance on the seas. We have 6 ships on the seas, how many are out for a hunt determines the ruthless nature of the session.

    Who will do a tall tale in the Adventure mode if by a simple menu choice you remove the largest threat in the world?

    Who will hoard tons of loot in a world with Thieves when they can do it in safety by a simple menu choice?

    Why should I fuel their fantasy of stealing if they never provide me with the same?

    I have no interest in a seas full of Thieves where nobody carries anything to steal... just a group of bloodthirsty pirates out to kill and fight, because when they go treasure hunting they do it in safety of the PvE experience...

    You don't get the concept of the game. Treasure is just there to reward the people that manage to be the pirate they want to be.

  • @wolf-zero-x said in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:

    @enf0rcer said in Why are players that are more interested in PvP against PvE servers?:


    We are not the ones upset here. Your mad cause your loot gets stolen in a game where the point is to steal thats like playing ctf and only trying to cap the flag without trying to defend it and get mad when the oppsing team takes the flag. I mean you can get as good as possible at grabing a flag quick but if thats all you can do you will forever suck at Ctf.

    Same for Sot your great at collecting loot but bad at defending it. You don't even attempt to take from others which you can do by completly avoiding combat if your sneaky or luckly enough.

    You admit your not good at the game and simply refuse to get better and you don't even know why? Do you think you can't?

    Instead you as for a game mode that has nothing to do with the core game. Like asking to play ctf with one team. Thats no longer CTF.

    If you remove other players from the game, then stealing from each other no longer becomes part of the game. Thus, making that point moot.

    This is poorly worded i'm a bit confused by what you mean. Could you plz clearfy.

    Then, it's just me and my friends, Leisurely sailing around the sea, having our fun.

    I know why I don't get better, because I don't play all that often. Once a week for a few hours. Which becomes less with each bad experience. I simply don't dedicate that much time or energy into it. There is zero confusion on my part as to the gap in skill level between us and dedicated players. However, dedicated players seem to get upset about the notion that us casuals aren't interested in playing with them.

    This is why you should be advocating for shorter content and maybe a better matchmaking system or noob server or somthing to help reduce the learning curve?

    If your issue is you don't have time to learn and keep getting pub stomp by veteren players. I mean i don't understand why your freind haven't gotten better do they not have the time also? I mean if thats the case a dueling system would be best so you and your freinds could pvp eachother and get better and have fun that way.

    I'm not mad either. I just don't see why I have to play with other people when I would rather go play with just friends.

    You said that your fun gets ruined by PvP when player steal your loot. You call it a bad experance. Thats part of the game. That Is the Game.

    I'm not into the Pvp and have little desire to spend time on it.

    Thats the issue here you don't like PvP. That means A. You feel that the PvP is bad or B. You simply don't enjoy Pvp.
    If you don't enjoy PvP you don't enjoy the game. The Loot and encounter exist cause of PvP thats the game and the PvP in the form of theift can't exist without PvE.

    I don't stop people from playing Pvp, So why be so against me playing PvE? (not you specifically, just in general)

    No one stopping you from PvE its just your playing a different game, your asking for a different game and if the dev were to make you and the minority your apart of , thats time taken away from deving the game the majority came to play. Now if another studio were to make a spin off version or if the majority every decides to ask Rare to make this spin off then fine. You can call it Sea of Adventures or Sea of Explores.

    You may enjoy playing the game your way thats fine more power to you but reconize your playing a Game called Sea of Theives.

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