Thoughts on selling cursed cannon balls

  • What are y’all thoughts on selling cursed cannon balls?

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  • This may be a case of semantics...

    I'm o.k. with Selling extra cursed cannonballs to the voodoo lady, or merchants or whomever.

    Under no circumstances should a player have the ability to BUY cursed cannonballs.

  • @br0crastinat0r I say why not! I often have a load in my inventory at the end of a session that simply go to waste when I log off. Occasionally I'll gift them to another crew if the chance arises but that rarely happens. Sell them to a vendor for a few gold coins, I see no harm in that!

  • If you mean like how the pirate did in the cursed sails trailer, I could definitely get behind it. Course i'd probably want either a bit more than 10 gold for each, at least maybe 50.

  • That was my first thought before they introduced CCB‘s! Let’s sell them to the Order of Souls, like Kegs to the Merchants!

  • I personally would prefer a mechanic where you could use CCBs to "spike" a cannonball crate. For every five CCBs you use in place of regular cannonballs, the value of the crate has an additional multiplier added to it's gold and rep value.

  • @br0crastinat0r Apart from the fact that I also think CCs are not fun in the first place, I’ve always wondered why we couldn’t sell them to OoS like in the trailer.

  • @blam320 said in Thoughts on selling cursed cannon balls:

    I personally would prefer a mechanic where you could use CCBs to "spike" a cannonball crate. For every five CCBs you use in place of regular cannonballs, the value of the crate has an additional multiplier added to it's gold and rep value.

    Interaction with the crates should be the same as the with the barrels. Adding Cursed Cannonballs should also be possible. Make the banana crate a food crate and I think we have a solution here.

  • @br0crastinat0r we could do that

  • @sargent-sully “If you mean like how the pirate did in the cursed sails trailer”
    Yes. That’s basically what I was referring to. Kind of like the gunpowder kegs, feels like a consumable treasure. I can use if needs arise, but would like to sell if I don’t. 10 gold is better than nothing I suppose.

  • @br0crastinat0r I hate CCBs theyre terrible, its the worst update they've added. They need to be so much more abundant. Or I think CCB should be treated as a reward by killing skeleton ships or completing a fort, that way actual effort is put into getting them. Yes to selling though👍

  • And Im talkin like 1 or 2 from completing a fort just to give you a bit of an edge

  • Selling em?

    Purchasing em?
    Yeah but make there's like 2 or 3 Randomized Cursed Cannonballs for sail at seaposts, not an infinite amount.

    And make they sell for around 50 gold.
    And make them buy able for like 10 gold.

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Thoughts on selling cursed cannon balls:

    Selling em?

    Purchasing em?
    Yeah but make there's like 2 or 3 Randomized Cursed Cannonballs for sail at seaposts, not an infinite amount.

    And make they sell for around 50 gold.
    And make them buy able for like 10 gold.

    No no, not selling them from vendors. Selling them to vendors. As in put them in a cannonball crate and sell them to the merchants. Being able to buy CCBs would be broken, not to mention it would violate Rare’s intention that money is never used to gain a tangible gameplay edge.

  • @BR0CRASTINAT0R I 'ave t' admit I was wonderin' about this in th' trailer th' Order O' Souls lady did purchase one from th' pirate...fer a pittance it be true...but still...why not says I!

    Now buyin' them? Avast! That would be bad fer all sons afore th' mast. I give that idea th' Black Spot! (though you did not recommend that in your did say selling. Just thought I'd add that in as well.)

    As me matey @LucianSanchez82 be sayin, I try t' give me Cursed Cannonballs t' a likely crew at th' end o' me voyage...but rarely get any takers.

  • @blam320
    You just gave me a great idea for one of my next threads!
    It'll be called:

    Add Cursed Cannonball Crates.

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