Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread

  • @withmyapologies I said I don't mind. Put the cutlass away. It does seem like they try to force pvp tho. So I'll do what I do best and be sneaky and play at 3am and not worry about it.

  • @pithyrumble well the main focus seems like that, but you have the voyage if you do not want to risk fighting

  • @schramm00 said in Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread:

    Ok I will list the things I can do a feedback:

    1. I liked the way we can catch new blue coins for our pockets, what I found annoying is that the time limit for the box to be delivered, Like it just too fast, if you catch for exemple 2 box and witch one of them is on the opposite sides of the map ( North start seapost and tree paces seapost for exemple) depending on the time limit you can one deliver one and lost the time for another. Of course you can say that I should simple dig one, deliver, dig another one, deliver it, and so goes on but its take too much time, like A LOT (10 box if you go to legendary one) its get too annoying sometimes.

    2. I do not know why, but you guys put a lot of bluecoins for the Fearless Bone Crusher. like 100 bluecoins? wow.

    3. Speaking on the Fearless Bone Crusher, can we assume that the original Bone Crusher and the ship set will be back? I was too surprised to know it was a different Bone Crusher

    4. I'm from Brazil and I have to say the prices for the Pets is too expensive especially when you have to buy 1k of ancient coins to buy the pet :( ( I know I can try to get the skelleton ones but its rare to respawn right?)

    The rest I liked a lot! Specially about the mystery surround about what will happen after events and with THOSE persons..

    1. the time is actually longer than initially planned.

    2. it may seem like alot of doubloons but they are giving us alot? for free.

    3. if you dig all of them up, you ca. pick and choose which outpost has the most for delivery. on time is doubloons and late is gold. both count for the commendations not needing time.

    4. they aren't meant to be cheap but affordable. I'm not sure how the exchange rate works for Brazil.

  • So dumb questions time...can I equip 2 pets or just one, and can I equip 2 dances and waves or is it one of each type? One of you IRL rich pirates that already bought everything let us know lol...
    I'm trying to decide how much I'm spending this month 🤷🏽‍♀️😅

  • I played for a few hours after this update came out.

    The prices of ancient coins are rediculous. I'd expect this for a free to play game but not for a game we have to pay full price for. We would have to spend upwards of £50 just to buy everything in the market.

    The pets are cool, but seem rushed and unfinished. The birds seem to have a lot less animations and life about them compared to the monkeys, whereas the monkeys seem to be teleporting around the map. For example, when he sits on the side of the boat he just fades away then fades back in on the seat. It'd also be much better if they monkeys / parrots sat on your shoulder / held to your back, rather than just being essentially glorified wildlife that appears next to you every now and then.

    Pets would also seem more life like if they interracted with each other, or remembered your friends pets as their friends after spending so much time sailing with them. Like if the monkey held and stroked the parrot, or the parrot tried to play with the monkey by flying around his head.

    As a few people have said, the new missions seem so repetitive. There is nothing new, just dig up some treasure and deliver it somewhere. Someone also mentioned about forced PVP due to the single island that everything seemed to be on. I can see this being especially annoying as we only play with a sloop, and a 4 man ship could easily camp at this island waiting for us to leave and steal the chests. Sloops have no chance against a big ship besides driving into the wind, at which point it's just whoever gives up first.

    The storage crates are very useful however. The skeleton sloops were a good idea, especially after we spent so long killing the galleons for the skeleton captain chest / skull commendations.

    On a random final suggestion, adding rabbits to the game would be awesome, as well as a icy / snow region, which could be much like the volcano islands where they have avalanches, ice freezing the sea, polar bears, whales etc.

  • @pithyrumble You can only equip one pet at a time. You can equip any of the emotes you want, however, if you buy the full pack, you can only use 8 at a time - which doesn't make much sense as an action isn't really something you should need to equip. A secondary emote wheel would have been a better idea.

  • A few thoughts/ideas for pets.

    Have them ring the bell when you are heading for a rock or skelly ship
    Send them to turn out all the ships lanterns (The OG lantern color hurts my eyes)
    Send them to raise the alliance flag or join an alliance

    Also this I love the idea of a finger gun fire emote and play dead pet animation!

    Just a few thoughts.

  • Pet Glitch At Legend Base
    If there is a pet on the entrance to the pirate legend base while you open it, the pet just stays floating where the floor was.

  • Another Pet Glitch in the Pirate Legend Base
    Whenever you set your pet on a table in the pirate legend base, it just falls right through the table, and you can't grab it back out of the table.

  • Pirate Legend base pet glitch 3
    I was on the ship wreck in the pirate legend base and set my parrot down on the wooden planks blocking the staircase leading to the lowest deck, and then my pet just completely vanished.

  • Hi !
    Do you know if commendations about selling robbed crates are really permanent ?
    I ask this because Duke voyages aren't, so where can we find those particular crates after the next update ?
    Thanks you all, have fun

  • Since this update, every time I log in or every time I die, all my tool skins get replaced by some "random ones". I'm on pc and my girlfriend on the XBox also has the same issue.

    I believe every time it roll back to the same set of skins that are a mix of all the ones I have unlocked.

    This is quite annoying...

  • Am I the only one who experienced a lot of new lag spikes when playing? Many times my ping jump from 60/80 to 200/300 for a few seconds out of nowhere.

    I've also been having major teleporting issues that I believe are related. I literally rubberbanded from the very front to the very rear of a Gallion which is quite a huge distance for rubber banding/teleporting.

    I've also had issues where when releasing an interaction like harpoons, I would get lot of rubber banding and glitches as I start to walk away.

    I even got thrown 1 mile off of my ship for absolutely no reason since I was standing/walking in the very middle of the top deck. I was nowhere near the side of the ship and I just got propelled 1 mile to the side of it in the water. It was a Gallion.

  • I also had lot of issues with the pets where they would just disappear after 1 or 2 minutes. Sometime I could still hear them but they were no where to be seen I had to respawn them regularly.

    Sometimes I even end up finding the name tag of my pet somewhere on my ship but the pet itself isn't there or at least it is invisible.

    I also happen to see lot of pets ending up floating few meters off of a ship.

    I'm also having many instances where I'm trying to pickup loot on the ground and the pet interaction gets on the way and I endup picking him up instead...

  • @captain-coel said in Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread:

    1. the time is actually longer than initially planned.

    2. it may seem like alot of doubloons but they are giving us alot? for free.

    3. if you dig all of them up, you ca. pick and choose which outpost has the most for delivery. on time is doubloons and late is gold. both count for the commendations not needing time.

    4. they aren't meant to be cheap but affordable. I'm not sure how the exchange rate works for Brazil.

    1 and 3 - It is probably longer if you only dig one per time, like I said if you dig all the box you will not have time to deliver all of them, and if you want all of the doubloons you can dig like 3 per time, but again it will be annoying since takes a lot of time than simply digging all and go selling ( and you'll have to choose the bests one you can deliver in time and letting the other just only gold. I mean for getting the doubloons, if it only for gold there is no problem getting out of time)
    2 - Yeah I knoe they're giving a lot of doubloons and this is probably the main reason for the price, but I think 100 is too much, don't you think? it could be like 50 ~ 80
    4 - That I cannot agree, I can't neither say about the price is ok for you in your country but here its way long to be affordable for a pet..

  • I've come across a few new bugs in this update, and wanted to mention a long-standing one since it has been around for ages. Short version first, then a descriptive version of each item for context and what was happening, in an effort to help you Devs in your bug hunt.

    1. Supply crate completely vanished after picking up, dropping within a second or 2, looking away briefly then turning back to get it.
    2. Treasure vanishing (deleted?) when placing in treasure chest on ship, then moving to Order of Souls. Not on ship or anywhere to be found.
    3. (old bug) Moving inventory around between pocket and barrels (occasionally) not accurately reflecting the transfer from pocket to barrel, or barrel to pocket.

    The first supply crate I found, I picked up and had to drop it again almost immediately as an Athena skelly ninja'd his way right up in my face. As soon as I delt with him, I looked to my side where I had dropped the crate and it was gone. Looked for several minutes, but I knew exactly where it was, because there was a friendly blue and black snake about 1 ft from where I placed it. My crewmate verified the anomaly, and we moved on.

    The second issue happened when turning in loot. We placed 2 villainous skulls and a mermaid gem in a treasure chest, ran it over to the order of souls, opened said chest, empty. Both skulls and gem were gone and nowhere to be found, as if they were just deleted from existence.

    The third issue has actually been around since I started (and I'm pirate legend now). When moving inventory around, either from a barrel into inventory, or the other way, items will randomly not reflect the transfer that has taken place. If I have 2 bananas, a fish, mango, and worms I want to put int the food barrel, I click the bananas, hear the sound of them moving into the barrel, but the bananas in inventory become greyed out while still remaining there. If I click on the bananas again, it moves the next item from my inventory over, but the bananas and item next to them still show in my inventory. If I close my inventory and re-open the barrel, it usually fixes this, but it has been going on for several months, so I wanted to make sure you guys are aware.

    Thanks for all your hard work, team! You guys and gals are all legends to me!

  • Pet cage problem
    Whenever I put my pet into a pet cage, I can't take it out. Even if it says something like "Take (pet name) out of cage", it still just closes the cage when I press the button to take it out. It would be a lot easier if the button to take a pet out of the cage and the button to open/close the cage were different.

  • I hope this isn't the case all the time, but I tried to join Arena matches and never started the games after waiting what felt like 20-30 min. I did it once w/ xbox only settings and once on open match.

    Also, my parakeet disappears whenever I put it in a cage.

  • @pithyrumble said in Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread:

    So dumb questions time...can I equip 2 pets or just one,

    You can only equip one at a time.

    and can I equip 2 dances and waves or is it one of each type? One of you IRL rich pirates that already bought everything let us know lol...
    I'm trying to decide how much I'm spending this month 🤷🏽‍♀️😅

    You can equip any emote into any of the 8 emote slots, so yes you equip two dances .

  • @galactic-geek The only oddity with the coin toss emote is that before the coin is actually tossed it looks to be hovering in the air and not actually being held when viewed by another player.

  • This whole update is nothing but a hot mess but then again it always IS. Don't worry, leave it broke so you can sell highly over priced cosmetics.

  • Item Texture Glitch
    Every time I join a game, multiple items in my item radial change to different variants that I've purchased, and I have to keep going back to my equipment chest to get the ones I want again.

  • @redcommandblock said in Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread:

    Item Texture Glitch
    Every time I join a game, multiple items in my item radial change to different variants that I've purchased, and I have to keep going back to my equipment chest to get the ones I want again.

    [mod edited]

  • @redcommandblock said in Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread:

    Pet cage problem
    Whenever I put my pet into a pet cage, I can't take it out. Even if it says something like "Take (pet name) out of cage", it still just closes the cage when I press the button to take it out. It would be a lot easier if the button to take a pet out of the cage and the button to open/close the cage were different.

    [mod edited]

  • @freddykrug said in Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread:

    Am I the only one who experienced a lot of new lag spikes when playing? Many times my ping jump from 60/80 to 200/300 for a few seconds out of nowhere.

    I've also been having major teleporting issues that I believe are related. I literally rubberbanded from the very front to the very rear of a Gallion which is quite a huge distance for rubber banding/teleporting.

    I've also had issues where when releasing an interaction like harpoons, I would get lot of rubber banding and glitches as I start to walk away.

    I even got thrown 1 mile off of my ship for absolutely no reason since I was standing/walking in the very middle of the top deck. I was nowhere near the side of the ship and I just got propelled 1 mile to the side of it in the water. It was a Gallion.

    [mod edited]

  • This is a major missed opportunity and I am a little shocked at the choices made here. Having pets locked behind a paywall I feel is such a slap in the face to all fans of the game who have supported it for so long. I don’t feel entitled to one but I just think it’s the complete wrong way to take its direction since there was so much they could be done with them for everyone. In my opinion Everyone should be able to get a pet with one of the in game currency’s a basic parakeet for example and a store full of different outfits at like 1.99-2.99 a piece. I would have most likely bought them all, but now it just seems clunky and an afterthought that will go away. Not being able to buy exactly the amount of coin needed for every item is worse than pirate behavior and I am honestly stunned it’s being done by Rare of all developers. I can’t say I won’t buy any pets since I love this game but it’s a real eye opener that even developers you think are trying not to be like everyone else absolutely can be.

  • Hi @wickeddeath,

    This thread is for feedback and suggestions. Please keep all posts on topic. I would also remind you to be polite to other forum users and staff. As several of your posts were not in accordance with these rules I have moderated them. Please follow these rules in the future. Failure to do so will result in a ban from the forums.


  • I don't often post here, but I've been feeling pretty let down lately. A lot of this is simply my opinion, but that's the point of feedback, right? So salt the rim of this yargarita and let's unpack this flop.


    • I have a dedicated crew of 8-10 that I always play with and we have been playing since between Alpha and April 2018
    • We played for the first five hours of this update
    • Our crew is very PvP motivated, but we also do any/all commendations when we can't find ships (disturbingly common to sail an empty sea)
    • We each have millions of gold and around a thousand doubloons

    Directly related to this update:

    We loaded into a galleon and immediately bought all of the cosmetics from Duke. Then we loaded up on the new voyages, dropped a Legendary one, and headed from Daggertooth to Shipwreck Bay.

    We dug up our ten chests, then delivered them to the seaposts well within the time allotted. We saw two sloops on the seas. One had no voyage and no loot, the other had a few Rag & Bone crates. They were already expired so we took them to turn in later.

    Then I checked the commendations and noticed that the only reward for this update is doubloons, of which we already had an abundance (thanks, Reaper Chests). So now our crew is aware that we effectively get nothing for completing these voyages that we already find boring.

    The following is subjective and reflects only the views of me, my crew, and those who might agree with us: The voyages are just cargo runs with a fresh coat of paint. I'm sure you (Rare) have analytics on gameplay and I'm willing to bet that those data points show that cargo runs are decidedly not popular. We play nearly every day and we attack every ship we see so we get to see what a lot of people have in their hold and on their voyage table. We haven't seen cargo crates on a ship in months. Why you decided to have us do one of, if not the least popular voyage type and only reward us with a currency that is both inflated and useless is beyond me.

    We dropped another few legendary voyages and dug up some more chests. In our 5-hour session, those were the only two ships that we saw and we were falling asleep at our keyboards sailing in circles to turn this stuff in so we just logged out with a dozen or so crates on board. There is no reason for anyone who has gold or doubloons to do these voyages unless they enjoy being a glorified Amazon delivery driver.

    In a game where you can go hours without seeing another player (plenty of AI sails on the horizon, though. yawn.) there has to be something fun to do and/or something to work toward to keep us logged in and there just isn't.

    Indirectly related to this update:

    Gold is incredibly easy to get in this game. Especially since Black Powder Stashes. In a game where gold is so easy to accrue, there has to be something we can throw gold at. Some kind of gold sink. We can immediately buy everything added to the game and then we just build up more gold with nothing left to spend it on.

    Since the introduction of Reaper Chests, doubloons are easily farmable as well. I had 900 before the chests were implemented. I was at level 24 in both Hunter's Call and Sea Dogs. I bought myself to 50 in Sea Dogs, then I grinded Reaper Chests, built up another 700 or so doubloons and bought myself to 50 in Hunter's Call. Then I grinded more and was back up to 900+ before this update dropped. The only sink for doubloons is buying gold, and gold is useless to me so I have no doubloon sink.

    Give us stuff to buy. Recoloring existing cosmetics takes so little effort and resources that there is no reason we shouldn't have hundreds of them to buy. When you do add new cosmetics people get mad if they don't like them because they know they'll have to wait another couple months for the next mismatched sampling of half-finished cosmetic sets.

    So now we're in the uncomfortable position of loving a game we don't like. I don't know what to do about that, but if we don't have a reason to play the game anymore, we probably won't. Give us a reason to play the game, Rare, because it's a lot of fun when there is actually something to work toward. We love combat in this game, we always have, but without new tools and interactions to diversify our experiences, we're pretty bored with it.

  • @takuboto Why doesn't the Parakeet have a special combination deal?

    Other feedback - Was the Insider as ______________ as this? Let's discuss. But remember your NDA. :)

  • @minimum-vital said in Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread:

    Hi !
    Do you know if commendations about selling robbed crates are really permanent ?
    I ask this because Duke voyages aren't, so where can we find those particular crates after the next update ?
    Thanks you all, have fun

    The voyages are time limited. So that means the accommodation are temporarily.

  • I think there should be other options to obtain certain pets, free ways that are only achieved by skill, or rare finds in game. These pets can be different from the ones in the market, so buyers can still purchase what ever other options are provided via the store, add new pet options to attract more buyers. This way players who have worked their way up, who would prefer the challenge can also have a pet to flash around. Also please add more shanties♡

  • Am I the only one who feels bad for owning the green skelly clothes of the black market...? I just dont feel it's fair to have a recolour of the same set someone achived with their sweat, knowing that some of thoose event quest were hard... I started playing Sea of thieves when the Skeletton ships events ( cursed sails, I think) was in. AND I really sweat for that! When we were stuck with 50 CANNON BALLS in our barrels and limits of 50 woods ion the barrels too...

    It just doesn't seem good to have those clothes, It's identical with another colour... Couldn't they just put another cosmetic instead of that? Just for a bunch of people that say they couldnt play the events doesnt mean that all the effort of other people feels worthless... I didnt have the skeleton clothes, neither the cosmetics from the Hungering deep event and im not complaining about it! I'm pretty sure that in thoose 2 years, SOT has been making a lot of cosmetics that didnt realised yet... coudnt they just put a new one? No. Bloody people complaining and getting jelous on others for having clothes they havent earnt...

    Couldn't they just changed it a little bit? NOT JUST THE COLOUR...

    I will just keep playing, but I'm starting to get annoyed by some decisions...

    Spread the curse in the seas...!

  • @captain-boilo said in Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread:

    I don't often post here, but I've been feeling pretty let down lately. A lot of this is simply my opinion, but that's the point of feedback, right? So salt the rim of this yargarita and let's unpack this flop.


    • I have a dedicated crew of 8-10 that I always play with and we have been playing since between Alpha and April 2018
    • We played for the first five hours of this update
    • Our crew is very PvP motivated, but we also do any/all commendations when we can't find ships (disturbingly common to sail an empty sea)
    • We each have millions of gold and around a thousand doubloons

    Directly related to this update:

    We loaded into a galleon and immediately bought all of the cosmetics from Duke. Then we loaded up on the new voyages, dropped a Legendary one, and headed from Daggertooth to Shipwreck Bay.

    We dug up our ten chests, then delivered them to the seaposts well within the time allotted. We saw two sloops on the seas. One had no voyage and no loot, the other had a few Rag & Bone crates. They were already expired so we took them to turn in later.

    Then I checked the commendations and noticed that the only reward for this update is doubloons, of which we already had an abundance (thanks, Reaper Chests). So now our crew is aware that we effectively get nothing for completing these voyages that we already find boring.

    The following is subjective and reflects only the views of me, my crew, and those who might agree with us: The voyages are just cargo runs with a fresh coat of paint. I'm sure you (Rare) have analytics on gameplay and I'm willing to bet that those data points show that cargo runs are decidedly not popular. We play nearly every day and we attack every ship we see so we get to see what a lot of people have in their hold and on their voyage table. We haven't seen cargo crates on a ship in months. Why you decided to have us do one of, if not the least popular voyage type and only reward us with a currency that is both inflated and useless is beyond me.

    We dropped another few legendary voyages and dug up some more chests. In our 5-hour session, those were the only two ships that we saw and we were falling asleep at our keyboards sailing in circles to turn this stuff in so we just logged out with a dozen or so crates on board. There is no reason for anyone who has gold or doubloons to do these voyages unless they enjoy being a glorified Amazon delivery driver.

    In a game where you can go hours without seeing another player (plenty of AI sails on the horizon, though. yawn.) there has to be something fun to do and/or something to work toward to keep us logged in and there just isn't.

    Indirectly related to this update:

    Gold is incredibly easy to get in this game. Especially since Black Powder Stashes. In a game where gold is so easy to accrue, there has to be something we can throw gold at. Some kind of gold sink. We can immediately buy everything added to the game and then we just build up more gold with nothing left to spend it on.

    Since the introduction of Reaper Chests, doubloons are easily farmable as well. I had 900 before the chests were implemented. I was at level 24 in both Hunter's Call and Sea Dogs. I bought myself to 50 in Sea Dogs, then I grinded Reaper Chests, built up another 700 or so doubloons and bought myself to 50 in Hunter's Call. Then I grinded more and was back up to 900+ before this update dropped. The only sink for doubloons is buying gold, and gold is useless to me so I have no doubloon sink.

    Give us stuff to buy. Recoloring existing cosmetics takes so little effort and resources that there is no reason we shouldn't have hundreds of them to buy. When you do add new cosmetics people get mad if they don't like them because they know they'll have to wait another couple months for the next mismatched sampling of half-finished cosmetic sets.

    So now we're in the uncomfortable position of loving a game we don't like. I don't know what to do about that, but if we don't have a reason to play the game anymore, we probably won't. Give us a reason to play the game, Rare, because it's a lot of fun when there is actually something to work toward. We love combat in this game, we always have, but without new tools and interactions to diversify our experiences, we're pretty bored with it.

    While I don’t share your sentiment that we need all fights all the time, you perfectly managed to describe my current mindset. I loveSea if Thieves, but in its current state I don’t exactly...LIKE it.

  • So you go an meet the masked stranger and talk to her and all you get is ...
    Was someone not bothered to write any dialogue? Lazy...

    This Rag and Bone update is the worst yet.

    Change the colours on the Ocean Crawler and Bone Crusher set and charge 89,000 for a jacket or dress. Lazy...

    Same with the ships cosmetics. Lazy...

    Pets. You can put them in a cage. They scratch their bum, or bob their heads up and down... Lazy...

    At least make the pets do something useful.

    I love this game but have had to come on to air my dissapointment at this update.

  • @evulm0nkey this is to pay to win

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