Cloud events vs. Map Table Markers

  • I know cloud events look awesome up in the sky, but I got to thinking. With TT and Reaper icons now being a thing on the map table, how come we don't also have specific icons for the cloud events? I think that it would be a nice relatively harmless addition.

    Being a bit more drastic, why not just have map icons to indicate where these events are instead of having the the clouds at all? It'll reinforce use of navigation and use of the map table a bit more. Now, I know many of you may not like this idea, but think of what it could do towards freeing up resources on the server too.


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  • I like the idea of having map markers in addition to the Clouds in the sky. The Cloud lets you know at a glance that there's a major world event going on, while the marker helps show you precisely which fort or island you want to travel to (or avoid) on your voyages.

  • I guess because, Cloud events are....more visible wherever you are. (Unless underground) and if your not near a map. Just look around the sea and...'see' the Cloud :p

  • @galactic-geek something like this?

  • I think the main point of the cloud beacons is that they attract immediate attention, ostensibly to encourage player interaction. Markers on the map table are more easily missed.

  • I guess I’ll play devils advocate, but I think it’s more for people to figure out and find out which island it is. Say the fort is finished or FH is done, it’s up to you and your team to remember where you were. I remember a lot of times in the beginning just darting to the island but not really checking the map as to where it was. But I can dig the idea and get behind something small like that. Don’t hate it.

  • @galactic-geek I use the map and the clouds when I don't know where the fort is and I follow the clouds when I do a skelly fleet battle again

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