• hmm, it appears to be a rotational cannon with equal parts advantage and disadvantage, allowing a player and their crew to pursue a unique playstyle that benefits chasing but is bad for extended engagements. what a Novel concept, how you may ask?

    -Placed at the bow or stern of your ship, has a 270 degree arc of movement, aims faster.
    -removes a standard cannon on each side of your ship, has a longer reload time, and much smaller AOE.

    hmm but what about crews that want to excel at range, even though it may cost them at close distances?

    here's the answer
    -Double range, double damage, double AOE
    -replaces 2 cannons on the side of the ship with the
    Big cannon, Aims Slower, and reloads at Less than
    half the Speed of a standard cannon.

    Alright, but some crews just love boarding. SO...

    how about a harpoon gun for boarding, but reduces a ships damage potential? that shares many attributes with the swivel gun?

    -placed at bow, has a 270 degree firing arc, Fires a harpoon that anchors two ships together, pirates are able to run across the rope line and board each other.
    -The line can be cut or shot off, Removes a cannon on each side of the ship, has 2 time slower reload and 75% of the range of a standard cannon.

    DANG, all that seems pretty balanced, and gives more power to the community to be the pirate they want to be, very neat.

    P.S also smoke shells and grape shot(Small ship damage, high player damage). as well as rounds for all the specialty cannons listed above. and to further balance that out, throw the idea around that the special ammo must be bought and doesnt spawn randomly


  • 18
  • @djm-xr07 said in MORE SHIP WEAPONS:

    It's a joke? hahaha :)
    If they add something like that, I want a keyblade:
    alt text

    With the ability to use it as a cannon 😂:
    alt text

    Now seriously, I would like to see boarding tools or some mechanics that involve the classic boarding ropes:

    alt text

  • @el-espectro-0 nope haha not a joke, the picture is solely there to convey that it'd be different and larger than a standard cannon. doesnt have to look like that in game.

    The important take away would be the print below it, explaining what it's purpose is. I feel that some sort of customization beyond adding a sparkly new sail is going to be required to keep people captivated after the first 20 hours of gameplay.

    I've just proposed a way to let players explore different gameplay styles, mechanics and customization choices, in a fair and balanced way :)

  • @djm-xr07 I know it was not a joke, it was mine :)
    Honestly, your idea of cannons seems too big for what is currently the game. And it would be difficult to implement due to the alleged inequality between galleon and sloop.

    It would be good to start with a customization of different cannonballs (as you and other users have already suggested).

    At least, that's what I think.

  • I still like the “Barf Canon”

  • @el-espectro-0 Oh 100%, i think its far too late in the development for them to really add anything big to the game, i suspect at this point they'll just be focused on bug fixing and polishing off existing features. i'm just holding out hope for the addition of something along this line in future expansions/DLC

    You mentioned inequality between the Galleon and the Sloop?

  • @djm-xr07 for bairding id rather have each crew member have a grappling hook they could throw and it takes a full team effort to pull the other ship in. while the other ship can use their cutlasses to cut the ropes of said grappling hooks

  • There are only two weapons that could be added to the Galleon and Sloop that I would be okay with at this point.

    Weapon #1 being one of those small swivel guns meant more for defending against items in the water like gunpowder barrels, sharks, etc and for attack the people on another ship. the gun would lack the ability to damage the ship but could be used to fire at the crew instead. Yes your guns and cannons can already achieve this but another option balanced between those two would be welcome.

    Weapon #2 being some kind of B***s firing weapon. This could be used for a couple of things. You could fire it at the rudder of a ship, momentarily incapacitating their ability to steer. Or I'm sure Rare could cook up a way that the B***s would slow down the ship since the sails are basically the throttle.

    Any sort of giant cannons or more cannons on the stern or bow I wouldn't be okay with.

  • Yea i hope they add it so you can configure your weapon layout on your boat.

  • What is interesting to me is that almost every weapon mentioned above is included in Blackwake, Black Flag, or Raven’s Cry.

  • GENIUS! We want quantity combined with quality! I'm glad you do this research for us lazy ones:)

  • @djm-xr07 I cannot go into detail because of the NDA, but there are many Alpha testers who think that the sloop is very unbalanced against the galleon. But I think that when you learn to use sloop well, you can easily escape or even fight (but it isn't very feasible to fight against an organized team).

    And yes, they will be adding things to the game (like GTA Online probably).

    Edit: And I add an idea that I had yesterday:
    Being able to have a double cannon in the sloop would allow more balance to be fought against a galleon. Not two separate cannons on each side but one with two cannons together.

    Like this:
    alt text

    Logically it would take longer to recharge.

    @Wolff34 I had forgotten about that type of ammunition lol, I would love to see it in the game.
    I didn't know about Raven's Cry, it seems quite interesting. Thanks again hahaha.

  • Being able to have a double cannon in the sloop would allow more balance to be fought against a galleon

    This is the most important reason I'd like to see the swivel gun in the game. It'd give the sloop an advantage over the galleon if they kept behind them and away from their broad sides. And seeing as they are very manuverable, a skilled two man team might be able to contest the galleon if they played to their advantages.

    But yeah that would be neat if you wanted to have a galleon with just double cannons on one side, so that they were really dangerous on one side but totally exposed on the other. and like wise with a sloop vs sloop engagement. could give an advantage if the other sloop didnt realize

  • @djm-xr07 As nice as the idea is for more cannons, I'll be honest in that what I've played it really doesn't need them. Anything more would feel like clutter.

  • mortars were common long range weapons on pirate ships in real life ... i think it could be balanced and would fit nice into the game

  • @vulpesger said in MORE SHIP WEAPONS:

    mortars were common long range weapons on pirate ships in real life

    Ehhh.. You sure about that?

  • @erinom3 said in MORE SHIP WEAPONS:

    @vulpesger said in MORE SHIP WEAPONS:

    mortars were common long range weapons on pirate ships in real life

    Ehhh.. You sure about that?

    At least "Billy One-Hand" put two mortars on his "Fiery Dragon"

  • For sure we could use more ship weapons! Personally, I'd love to see:

    -Bigger Cannons (More Damage, slower reload/fire time)
    -Smaller Cannons (Less Damage, faster reload/fire time)
    -Swivel Guns (Shoots Ball, Grape or Chain shot)
    -Ball Shot: Like a smaller cannon ball, used for blasting folks off the decks.
    -Grape Shot: Like a shotgun shell, but for cannons! Used for clearing the deck of sailors, or ripping sails to shreds.
    -Chain Shot: Used for slowing a ship down (Usually by breaking the masts and tangling the sails)
    -Grapple Hooks! Shoot them out of a cannon to drag an enemy ship closer, and prevent their escape!
    -Harpoons! Shot out of forward deck guns, with tow lines for latching onto ships and whales!

    All of these weapons would be excellent additions to the customization aspect of the game. Fitting out your ship with new shiny weapons you've uncovered throughout your adventures or bought with all that hard earned gold!

7 out of 18