Will hardcore PVP'ers take over Sea of Thieves?

  • The community will get out of the PVP mindset that has been so firmly ingrained by the lack of creativity in the multiplayer FPS genre since the release of iD Software's DOOM.

    It's mostly the developers fault, churning out title after of the same old thing. Move your mouse as quickly as possible to a point on the screen.

    I got bored after Quake 3 when I realised I might as well spend my day playing aimbooster.swf.

    During a game, we had some persistent PVP'ers follow us for a hour whilst we scrambled to sell our crates while running low on planks & cannon balls. Eventually we teamed up with a solo player on the final outpost and charged the enemy ship. TL;DR; Quake skills sent them to the Ferry of the Damned.

    It seems we impressed them - when they spawned back in they joined us for song, dance, drink and a journey to find the Kraken in the SW red zone. Back to back protecting each other from the sharks - truly EPIC.

    RARE has come to the rescue - it will take some time to re-educate us.

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  • I highly doubt it. The game isn't purely pvp focused and I think crews that go down that avenue will inevitably become bored if there is consistent content to be unlocked.

    Sometimes we'd attack crews within the beta but at the same time we were always still trying to complete our voyages. As completing voyages/tasks will always be more profitable than attacking other crews.

    Rare just need ensure that the progression train keeps rolling otherwise people will turn to pvp when they've unlocked everything.

  • @bamcreeps Eventually this will happen. People will get bored if they have to do the same things over and over. For me this game is all about PVP already, but I will most certainly check out the new content.
    However sinking galleons, as a sloop is so much fun.

  • Judging by what i saw on severals Youtube videos after the closed beta, a decent number of encounters seemed to be a bit more than just plain kill on sight.
    Hopefully, Rare will give us incentives and tools to make it happen more and more.
    But if we're being realistic, you can expect a very large percentage of players just wanting you dead.

  • Honestly, I don't think they will. Everyone in the game is going to pvp at one point or another, but those who only pvp instead of adventuring won't really succeed or earn anything for killing people.

    The constant pvp'ing will be rewarded with empty ships most of the time, and they probably are revamping the outposts to be pvp locked so you can safely drop chests off if you make it to port. So yea overall I don't think the pvp'ers will even want to pvp all the time, it won't be as rewarding as doing a mixture of everything.

  • @briggz77 said in Will hardcore PVP'ers take over Sea of Thieves?:

    ...and they probably are revamping the outposts to be pvp locked so you can safely drop chests off if you make it to port.

    Fat chance.

  • @aenima123 I don't really think they will either, but there is still that slight chance. Considering how many people in the beta just sat at outposts waiting for ships to come by and they just carved them down and jacked the chests they worked for 30+ minutes to get. I am sure they are making a safety net somehow to prevent griefing.

  • I really worry there will be no safety net. Rare will realize pretty quickly after the game goes live that it is needed.

  • Here in the forum it seems to me that some people try to make a new battle royal/ PVP game out of this adventure game. I hope they won't get their ideas through.

  • Personnaly, i hope they won't make outposts safe. You just have to scout it first, for solo'ers, i understand it's a pain but for a crew, it should be standard procedure.

  • @briggz77 @Tombie Rare have already tested "Safe Zones" internally and said something along the lines of they didnt fit in with the the game. I personally dont want safe zones, im not that great at PvP but it adds in an extra layer of excitement for me and means you always need to be keeping one eye open and scouting.

    I think another big mistake people do is assume just because a chest is on your ship that it is actually yours, this isnt true i believe even Rare stated it doesnt belong to you untill you cash it in and get paid. Bringing it back safe is apart of the "Mission/Voyage"

  • Will PVP dominate in a no rules Open World PVP setting? Hmm I wonder...

  • @inflickked Not in this day and age, I honestly dont know what you are implying. XD

  • Nope, the hardcore PvP players will in large, get bored easily as others have said and be frustrated that their progress doesn't unlock better weapons/equipment for them. Not all of them, of course, because every pirates different, but the server populations being the way they are will certainly be tough on them.

  • @erikinthebakery said in Will hardcore PVP'ers take over Sea of Thieves?:

    Nope, the hardcore PvP players will in large, get bored easily as others have said and be frustrated that their progress doesn't unlock better weapons/equipment for them. Not all of them, of course, because every pirates different, but the server populations being the way they are will certainly be tough on them.

    By experience, most of the time it's the other way around, people start to go full mean PVP when there is nothing else to do. Keep them interested and they will play nice for that time.

  • They won't take over Sea of Thieves. I'm also a PvP player (played FPS games for many years) but I don't hunt every ship I see. It's not about PvP only. The voyages are a big part of the game.

  • @erikinthebakery I personally think its going to boil down to if there is enough in depth content to keep them interested in PvE and unlockables to work for.

    Even in its bare bones the game can be addictive as we found out during the beta, theres a great formula for sailing and working as a crew which makes the game have a draw to it.

    So just because it is addictive in that sense i believe it will keep a pretty big audience of PvP only players, heck gta has been out fpr about 6-7 years now and people are still content with just shooting each other in free roam.

    And about finding other players, its really not that difficult to do if you know how, im not going to give away @Capta1n-Cr0ss's trade secrets aha but when crewing with him we have never really found issues with finding ships. There are alot of ways its just the majority of players haven't figured them out yet.

  • @gulpee-rex said in Will hardcore PVP'ers take over Sea of Thieves?:

    They won't take over Sea of Thieves. I'm also a PvP player (played FPS games for many years) but I don't hunt every ship I see. It's not about PvP only. The voyages are a big part of the game.

    Sure, but how much time before you get bored of digging out chests or hunting skeletons ?

  • There are things in modern games that has led to the hardcore pvp mindset crowd as you call it.
    Back in the early days if online games and pvp there was TRULY no strings , no safty nets no respawn and no do overs, there was also not all the 3rd party mods that allowed key binds, macros and 15 button mouse to do all the work for you. So back in the day when you fought pvp it was your skill vs thiers and if you lost they usually got all your stuff etc. This led to a more " real" feel to pvp.
    Todays gamers have demanded so many safty nets and ez mode mods etc that pvp is nothing more than a griefing tool once players have " got all the best pvp gear" in game.
    That last sentence gives me a tiny bit of hope that most so called hardcore pvp players will get bored and leave asap because there is nothing to gain from grinding out kills and THANK GOD this game cost 60 bucks to keep out all the f2p trolls who just grief and leave and all the kiddies who like to click to feel good .
    I have hope that after the inital few weeks or months this will be a pretty fun chill way to kill a couple hours with friends.

  • @knifelife I couldn't agree more. I love the fact that there isn't safe zones, it adds more adrenaline to the 'cash in' aspect of the game to be honest. Another thing you have to look at also is if you do have a lot of chests you have to make decisions based on that. If this outpost has people already there while I come in with 10 chests or whatever, are those people turning chests in, camping, sitting in the ship or what. This adds a lot to the pvp.

    Then after we think of what they are doing, do we chance cashing our chests in with people at the outpost, or go to another, or beach the boat or dock it lol. That is definitely an aspect of the game I love, it adds a whole different aspect to the pvp nature of the game.

    The only thing I think they need to add is a reward for sinking a ship. If a ship goes out for an hour or so and just treasure hunts, then a ship that has done nothing but log in and try to sink other ships to steal treasure and is constantly hunting you because they have literally nothing to lose, what reward is there for the treasure hunters for defending their ship again the attacker? If I went out and got 10 chests and then successfully defended my ship against someone, I should at least get something out of it, but as the defending side right now, you have a big negative attached to that. You not only got attacked, but used a lot of resources and time defending, so even though you won, you are still at a loss.

    That is the only thing I think they need to tweak, is a reward for sinking a ship.

  • @aenima123 I think I can play a few hundred hours before I get bored.

  • @aenima123 I agree, but there will be quite a bit more to do. Looking at it, they've been showing us the trading companies from simplest to most complex. Gold Hoarders are just go get the treasure, Order of Souls make you fight for it. Merchants look like a whole other ballpark. Bring this to here by then, ok... not too tough. Gather these certain types of pigs and snakes and bring them to here by then is a bit more complex. Plus, the more advanced iterations of the previous companies (umm...skull forts anyone?). Plus, whatever is going on with the commendations. Plus, just sitting around and playing shanties with your crew. The whole mysterious Athena's Fortune thing. In-game events. Other things we haven't even dreamt of (I'm still hoping for the giant crab from the cave paintings as well as that kraken thing).
    There will be plenty to do. The hardcore PvPers will be bored if they refuse to do it.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Will hardcore PVP'ers take over Sea of Thieves?:

    Encounters aren't guaranteed for this to be a PvP game. It's a cooperative adventure game with PvP elements. A game where if you see a sail on the horizon, you have no idea what their intentions are. A game where you hunt treasure but it's deferred until you cash it in. A game where deceit plays a major role. A game that's unique

    I believe this is what us as a community and especially Rare need to try and make the game into, the beta wasnt that, for both our sanity lets not get into a discussion about the beta aha But i think your explanation of the game is in an ideal world one. But none the less one we should all be trying to work towards.

    But i think we have a little way to go yet. :)

  • @ant-heuser-kush That makes no sense to me what so ever, if that is thr case why are you on the forums giving feedback? Why even have forums or even alphas, betas and pioneers if you should just be content with what you have?

    Its our job to help shape the game and try and help the developers make it the best game it can be.

  • @ant-heuser-kush Except Rare has spent years telling us we can be the pirates we want to be in the ultimate Pirate game. Much more like going to a car dealership and having the salesman trying to sell you your dream car, but then refusing to go into basics like Horsepower or any other additional feature you'd expect to know when buying a car.

    The idea that Rare has been outright and transparent on what this game is going to be on launch is laughable. They've discussed game philosophy ad nauseam for the past year, but we as a community don't even know how representative the beta was of the launch product and we're about a month away.

    It's not going to be anyone's fault (except Rares) when people come to Sea of Thieves to PVP their hearts out and we get non-stop threads complaining about griefing here on the forums.

  • @ant-heuser-kush Im going to respectfully have to disagree, at the end of the day while Rare are making the game they are not necessarily making it for themselves. They are making it to sell and make money to a consumer base.

    So they may have a plan of how they want it to be, but if the consumers are not interested in the product they will either have to change it or let it die.

    I personally belive thats why they have had the Alpha, betas pioneers and all the community involvement, they are taking risks and trying to push boundaries and yet pretty much every step of the way they have been asking there community for there feedback and ideas and letting 100,000s of people test and try it so they can mould it around what they think will sell and have the vision of it.

  • @ant-heuser-kush I can agree with that. Nor should they try to, personally i think them trying to please everybody is whats making it hard to get across the core elements of what the game is.

    They are trying to build the game to fit into the anyone demographic and im not sure if that is even possible in this day and age when alot of gamers all have completly opposite play styles.

    Ill give them kudos for trying to bring PvE and PvP together though, not a challenge i personally would try to take on lol

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Will hardcore PVP'ers take over Sea of Thieves?:

    @knifelife Yeah, but you can't please everybody and when you try to, your game is going to fail.

    Funny you say that because that's exactly how I view Sea of Thieves; a game of half-measures and compromise trying to appeal to everybody. That's what they're trying to do by breaking down the barriers between PVP and PVE, no?

  • Anyone "hardcore" is going be in a sloop trying to take down galleons. If they can do that, kudos to them. Don't want to be a victim? Learn to sail and get good with the Eye of Reach. Sloop drivers are highly exposed to galleon crews unless they're patching leaks.

  • Think of PvPers like "advanced" NPCs in singleplayer mode :D

  • @ant-heuser-kush To be honest i dont think its really anything to do with running on the base Xbox, although im sure some PC players will feel differently.

    I remember reading an argument on the Subnautica forums where someone was saying how amazing the game would be if they never made it for console. A developer responded saying basically the OG Xbox is about the same if not a little bit more powerful then thr low spec PCs. And the majority of PC players popular tp contrary belief use low spec PCs, so Unknown worlds even said nothing would have changed even if it was a PC only game. And i am going to assume the same here with Rare and console. If anything having game on console is probably better for the company we pay almost double then pc players for our games and are quite content with having the **** taken out of us with micro transactions and anything else. Us console players are basically the definition of riding the gravy train cough Con Of Duty cough xD

  • @ant-heuser-kush P.S How on earth are you not a pioneer? That blows my mind, i dont think we have ever really agreed on much yet paha but still you've been around these shores for ages!

    Thought they would have snapped you up on the first wave, did you afk for months or something?

  • i don't think it'll be PVP focused. those pubg and fortnite players will quickly leave after playing this for a while. there's no leveling, theres not serious pressure to go into combat and i think the actual game will involve doing a quest and then surviving to make it to the look out to get your reward. that imo will be the game. a mix between PVE and PVP. everyone does their own thing.....sort of.
    reminds me of the dark zone in the division. you'll have some players working together and some against. what i'd like to see in SoT is maybe a few NPC ships. almost like patrol ships and a couple courier ships with random items. but thats another topic.

  • @ant-heuser-kush Im trying to be glad about having my One X (Youve set me off in rant mode now l**o)

    I bought it especially for SoT, Overwatch and PubG, within the first 2 days it broke, fair enough spoke to Microsoft to get a replacement sorted anoying but these things happen. 2 weeks later replacement arrives yayyy! 2 days later replacement breaks now im waiting for my third and praying 3rd times the charm. I swear if this one breaks im going to tell them to send me a PS4 pro l**o, and if i get kicked out of the Pioneer program because there world's most powerfullest console cant even bloomin start up or stay alive for more then an hour cannon balls are going to hit the fan hahaha Rant over, sorry you had to witness that. My lil Kilbill moment xD

  • @ant-heuser-kush If we all agreed on everything then what would be the point, its why i love these forums you can debate and actually have a civilised discussion without it turning toxic.

    Its how me and @Erinom3 met paha and hes epic! :)

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