Eliminate ability to swim with chests?

  • Not sure if this has been suggested before, but it seems too easy to just swim with the chests back to your boat/shore. Would be really cool if there was a small rowboat attached to the ships that was used to transport heavy chests between boat/shore. Maybe there could even be varying sizes of chests; small ones you can swim with and larger/big payout chests that must be carried on a boat. What do you all think?

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  • Gamebreaking.

    Rowboat or not.

  • @tre-oni how so?

  • @sharif-ali Not for this idea. The game is meant to be fun, not laborious. Having to coordinate a rowboat when stealing a chest from an enemy ship is just frustrating and would really kill the fun vibe in my opinion.

  • @sharif-ali Bad idea would remove the action in the middle of a fight

  • I would enjoy a rowboat for kicks but not to transport chest. Heck more so if i lose my ship I can row with any chest I was able to save :p

  • @sharif-ali eliminates stealing chests from other ships and covertly swimming back to your ship, or a nearby island to stash.

    Is rowboat unsinkable? If not attacks from sharks that kill crew and destroy rowboat leave chests floating in water unable to grab.

    If so what's the point of sharks?

    I could go on but those are the easiest.

  • @son-of-estoras I see what you're saying. Maybe they could add the ability to grab "handfuls" of gold, enough to swim with, but not the entire contents of the chest. This would add to the smash and grab element of looting an enemy.

  • IRL, yes... In SoT? not just no, healllllz noah...

  • @tre-oni I like the idea of sharks being able to attack the rowboat! That'd be exciting having to defend your loot while another guy rows.

  • Lol, while I get the physics you're a little upset about, the biggest point to all this treasure gathering is that your loot is stealable at any time by other players. How much HD volume, bandwidth, and energy do you want spent effectively doubling the number of floating/moving objects just to make griefing easier?

  • @sharif-ali It's just not feasible with the way the rest of the game is set up. Consider what we are to do with looting under water ship wrecks, etc. Sorry, I'm ok with rowboats, but the necessity for them to transport a chest is just an idea I can't get behind. We have to remember that RARE is focused on making the game "believable" but not "realistic".

  • lol I feel that opposing arguments described why this a bad idea pretty well. Not even including how expensive it would be to code in everything to do with the rowboats.

    I laughed when I saw this thread.

    Cool idea but totes game breaking

  • That would make shipwrecks sooo fun! Not.

    Suspend disbelief. We already swim with 10 cannonballs, a bunch of wood planks, and two guns (that are powder and you can still shoot underwater...), all while having two peglegs. I think we should be able to have another chest on top of all that weight.

  • @sharif-ali this is a video game, with video game elements, not pure physics or life simulation, sloop solo would be a nightmare. If you go that real, have scurvy, whist suffering a fur-de-lance bite, carrying 1000lbs of cannonballs, a hang of bananas, and a half-tree of planks... Might as well be stocking a fortress of mud-bricks, because I'm ripped like atlus...

  • @Sharif-Ali I like the spirit of this idea and I really like how it would solve the problem of "docks feeling somewhat useless". A simpler solution might be to make swimming with a chest slower, so it's still possible but not the most ideal solution.

    This would encourage players to dock their boats properly (or at least learn how to), and it would make shipwrecks more of a challenge and not just a grab-and-go; you could potentially have to work with teammates to get a chest out, or leave it and come back once you've got more air.

    I'm not suggesting making the chest swim speed excruciatingly slow, but a little bit slower could potentially push people in the "right" direction.

  • @sharif-ali
    I like the idea and I'd like to see it in game, but the gamers that don't like the idea will complain and the people that do like the idea just wont get the game they would like from SOT.

    If it was an option that you could toggle that would be fair, I'm sure a few of us that play SOT now and some players that start easy may want more complexity later should have a chance to toggle the feature.

    But really for the people that say the game is about "fun" and it won't be fun to have that feature.
    we all have our own views on what fun is and for some that would be more fun.

    Each to their own I guess,

  • @son-of-estoras with the shipwreck thing, someone could hang a rope from the edge of the boat, once you pull the chest out of the wreck, you grab the rope and the other person could pull you up.

    Definitely more complex game mechanics would be required. Probably something to hope for in Thieves 2....

  • @sharif-ali if they add rowboat, I think they could do somthing where you have a chest so big 2 people have to carry it to the shore and then into a boat, but I believe the chest in the game should remain the same, as with our ability to swim with them.

  • I think it is difficult to swim back to your boat/shore. Firstly, you move really really slowly with heavy chests. That slowdown is enough for a shark attack or an enemy to target you with a gun.

    Secondly, I like the idea of a rowboat to assist with transporting multiple chests to land/Ship, but I would not make it a requirement to do so.

    Part of the strategy of this game is how to communicate, negotiate with other pirates, and protect the treasure you have spent time questing for. I think overall if you make it less easy to steal chests then there would be less on sea PvP and then it becomes far more potential for camping outpost locations.

  • I can see this making sense, not for sloops, but maybe the galleons and bigger ships, a dinghy was commonly towed by bigger ships to be used as a lifeboat, I could also see it being used to transport a high number of chests(Say 2-4 as fortress treasures are meant to have more treasure than you can carry as they want you to make multiple trips from your boat and back) recovered from an island back to your ship, but keeping control of it would be difficult especially in a storm, it would probably also be easily sunk by enemy ships were it to be shot by a cannon, as, one shot would probably blow it to bits. So I don't view it as a bad idea, and if they added such a feature as ships being capsized in storms or by lack of control when waves were getting reckless(I saw a forum post about this somewhere), using a dinghy would probably definitely not be a good choice in a storm. As for the swimming with the chests, it would be kind of pointless to remove it, as you can't swim fast with them, so you're in danger of being attacked by players and sharks as you try and get to your ship or run to land.

  • Because of buoyancy in chests. They should be lighter under water In my opinion. If anything it might be faster to move in water than on land.

    Just saying

  • I think rowboats would be a fun alternative to having to make 4 trips to your ship just to get one island’s loot. Keep the chest mechanics the same but add the ability to put multiple chests in a row boat to take back to your ship. Thoughts?

  • @sharif-ali nope

  • @anubis0311 Are ye trying to steal me idea? I'll have ye walk the plank ye scalawag if that be what yer doin'.

  • How about removing the ability to carry a chest full of gold up a ladder?

  • Actually, the chests can't be that heavy, they float...
    Like witches, and very small pebbles😆

  • @sharif-ali said in Eliminate ability to swim with chests?:

    Not sure if this has been suggested before, but it seems too easy to just swim with the chests back to your boat/shore. Would be really cool if there was a small rowboat attached to the ships that was used to transport heavy chests between boat/shore. Maybe there could even be varying sizes of chests; small ones you can swim with and larger/big payout chests that must be carried on a boat. What do you all think?

    just too much work to get the chests from the island to the ship, i see what you mean with the rowboats (which are gonna be added after launch), but still, i think that not being able to swim with a chest is just too much complication

  • @ryz-argos said in Eliminate ability to swim with chests?:

    Actually, the chests can't be that heavy, they float...
    Like witches, and very small pebbles😆

    Ahh mebee chocolate coins?

  • @pir4te-roberts I dropped me Hershey's in me drink, and it did the opposite of float... And got wet, and deformed☹
    Mebbe butter coins?

  • Like others have said, I like the idea of rowboats as a mechanic but not as a requirement to play.

    Is there currently a speed penalty when swimming with chests? I can't recall.

  • @sharif-ali solid neg on that. if anything just add rowboats.

  • Why on earth would you want to take away swimming with chests just to make the process slower and more complex?

  • @ragefire31 I dare say that great minds think alike and if that was your idea to then... well you really wouldn't want to make me walk the plank now would you?

  • @anubis0311 I suppose I can be lenient this time, but my mercy can only be stretched so far before I lose my patience.

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