Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal

  • @sledgezapper64 This is a different issue which seriously needs fixing too. It is downright unbelievable that Rare haven't already implemented a system where you can:

    1. Join friends mid voyage.
    2. Have invite only.

    Normally I'd have no problem playing with random players online but in a game like this you are just asking for trolls like the one you experienced. At the very least they should keep your friends spot open for 15-20 minutes before adding a random to give him plenty of time to reconnect.

  • @entspeak Lets be real, you are the one who needs to defend your opposition to this idea not the other way around. The reason being as I have stated if this idea was implemented properly it would have NO negative impact on PvP or the game itself. Thus, why are you opposing it?

    Say they kept the current rewards, 100% rep and 100% gold for loot hand in, but then had bonuses compared to what you get now, for completing other tasks. Quantities can be debated but for examples sake, lets say you can gain anywhere between 25-50% progression for completing your other tasks. This includes sailing to the correct island, completing all levels of your riddle, digging up the chest, or all chests, killing all skeleton captains or whatever.

    To clarify, I am not saying 25-50% of the 100% rep you currently get for handing in, I am saying 25-50% BONUS overall, by the time you have completed all tasks and got your loot back on the ship. The quantity is debatable, it could be less than this, but whatever it is, a BONUS to what currently exists.

    How can you or anyone else be against this? It only has positive impacts:

    1. Decreases negativity associated with losing loot
    2. Makes the grind a bit easier however if Rare like the current grind, there is no reason the total rep needed for 50 couldn't be increased so the grind is identical, this system would still be more positive for the player though.

    And it would not impact on PvP. I was ALSO worried about losing tension for PvP combat! To this reason I am against 100% progression reward when players get the 'voyage complete' sign. I am FOR the incentive and the idea, but I do think that is far too generous, but some people want that, we have varied opinions on quantity in this thread, remember that.

    All players need to have a sense of paranoia and something which they need to protect, this is what Rare wanted in the game, what exists in the game and something which should REMAIN in the game however do you honestly think people are going to think 'meh we've got out 25% rep, we don't need to protect it now' and will be careless about losing the 100%? Do you SERIOUSLY think that is a concern? The only thing which MIGHT happen is people might feel more complacent as the impact of losing your loot IS lowered, but all that will mean is they are easier targets for having their loot stolen, and if they are going to be foolish like that they will end up paying the price!

  • @lotrmith said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @i-am-lost-77 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    SoT is designed as a casual adventure game, designed to make your own adventure playing how you want.

    I want to kill your toon, sink your ship, and take your loot for its full value.

    I sure am glad the game is designed, as intended, to allow that.

    Are you kidding me? That's the most illogical statement I think I've come across in this thread. You are worried about not getting the 'full value' of your loot, yet you are using PvP means to do it? PvP by definition of how this game works is a far less efficient way to get loot than voyaging. And if you do happen to sink someone while on a voyage, this idea wouldn't stop you getting the full reward depending on how this idea was implemented. Please try discussing the IDEA and concept which has been presented, not so much quantities. Even among people who agree there is much debate about quantities and how much progression is awarded early etc... at the end of the day it would be up to Rare to decide that for themselves, but there is nothing wrong with the idea itself, and it would have no negative impact on the game.

  • @angrycoconut16

    I am all for people having varied opinions, but if you think that the arguments in this thread are fallacious, then you are the delusional one.
    Providing additional rewards for other tasks completed in the game is going to have no negative effect on the game. What it will do is provide a more positive atmosphere however. Anyone who can't see that is arguing for the sake of arguing.

    This right here leads me to believe that you don’t understand what a fallacy is, because, ironically enough, it, too, is a fallacy. If the point of this paragraph is to argue that, because you believe that this suggestion will have no negative impact and will provide a positive atmosphere, the reasoning in the argument for why the game needs this suggestion can’t be fallacious - that is a fallacy. ‘Statements supporting this suggestion can’t be flawed, because I believe the result will be positive.’ Not only that, you are arguing that, because you believe your version of the suggestion can work, arguments in support of a different version of this suggestion can't be logically flawed - another fallacy.

    Dismissing what you believe to be merely marketing lingo and then to rely solely on marketing lingo and saying, “I rest my case,” is a fallacy.

    Just a few examples of fallacies.

    Lets be real, you are the one who needs to defend your opposition to this idea not the other way around. The reason being as I have stated if this idea was implemented properly it would have NO negative impact on PvP or the game itself.

    Another fallacy. Because I believe this will have no negative impact, the only people who need to defend their arguments in this debate are the people who are on the opposite side of the position from me.

    Thus, why are you opposing it?

    Because you are asking that the devs reward one legitimate way of progressing in the game over the other legitimate way of progressing in the game. Why? Because you believe the other legitimate way of progressing doesn’t get you progress as fast anyway, so... screw it? You also engage in a fallacy by arguing that PvP players only fight for fun and not really for the loot - something you can’t possibly prove. Could PvP be profitable? Yes... would it be hard? Yes. But this suggestion claims that the most quest rewards should only come from the PvE element. While some may not be trying to progress via PvP, it is possible to do (with a good crew and good strategies), so you want to make that challenge less rewarding in terms of progression than PvE. That is, ipso facto, a negative impact on the PvP element of the game.

    Also, there is no need for this change. Those in support of it are twisting themselves into logical pretzels trying to argue that this change should be implemented because the game is designed or should be as a casual, fun, silly, goofing around, light, pirate adventure. But, all the evidence regarding the design of the game says otherwise.

    They engage in a fallacy by claiming they are being reset to zero and that the devs don’t want that - when that, clearly isn’t happening. No, they are upset because they lose sometimes when they don’t have a lot of time to play the game... not all the time, but sometimes and they feel they should win in some way shape or form every time because it would make them feel better. No.

    That isn’t arguing for the sake of arguing, that is shining a light on the problems with this suggestion and the reason it is being suggested.

    Quantities can be debated but for examples sake, lets say you can gain anywhere between 25-50% progression for completing your other tasks.

    25-50% of what? A percentage is a piece of a pie. All quest rewards for a voyage are currently bound to physical items and, you claim that 100% gold and 100% reputation are given on turn in... so, from what pie are you taking 25-50%? Or are you simply suggesting an additional 25-50% PvE bonus to the voyage?

    How can you or anyone else be against this? It only has positive impacts:

    Just because something can be viewed by some as positive, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s needed... or will have no negative impacts. Some may feel that finding teddy bears randomly on the islands would create a “positive” atmosphere... they claim to need a teddy bear. And who can argue that teddy bears are a negative? They would have zero impact on PvP or PvE and they would make a number of us feel good while in-game... so, why shouldn’t they be implemented? The result can be viewed as positive - because... teddy bears, so it must, therefore, be something needed. See how fallacies work now?

  • @entspeak said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    Because you are asking that the devs reward one legitimate way of progressing in the game over the other legitimate way of progressing in the game. Why? Because you believe the other legitimate way of progressing doesn’t get you progress as fast anyway, so... screw it? You also engage in a fallacy by arguing that PvP players only fight for fun and not really for the loot - something you can’t possibly prove. Could PvP be profitable? Yes... would it be hard? Yes. But this suggestion claims that the most quest rewards should only come from the PvE element. While some may not be trying to progress via PvP, it is possible to do (with a good crew and good strategies), so you want to make that challenge less rewarding than PvE. That is, ipso facto, a negative impact on the PvP element of the game.

    As I have said many times, the game already rewards PvE over PvP, so yes, essentially screw it. The purpose of this suggestion is not to solve multiple problems, but ONE. Like you said yourself, it is hard for it to be profitable, but not impossible. This thread is not here to worry about making PvP profitable... if you are concerned about that, make a new thread.

    The only thing which is relevant from a PvP perspective is how this idea would impact PvP players and their rewards. This suggestion is not going to impact PvP rewards, they will be rewarded for what they accomplish. Have they solved the riddle, killed the boss, located and dug up the treasure? No, so they do NOT receive the bonus progression. Have they stolen your loot? Yes? Fine, they can have the 100% loot and 100% gold, all they will be doing is handing in, they still make a nice sum, without profiting off of other peoples time and work.

    And yes, it is safe to assume that PvP players do it largely out of fun, even if not totally. It is a less efficient way to obtain progression, and like you said yourself it is more difficult to make it profitable. So what else must they be getting for it? Either fun, or perhaps they enjoy the challenge? I am of course describing someone who hunts for PvP not someone who is an opportunist PvE player who has noticed a chance to attack a player.

    Plus, obviously the game is PvPvE, this suggestion would tie in fine. Players complete PvE? They get their progression, oh look, an enemy ship, lets sink them... oh and they had loot! We get 100% of their loot progression BUT those victims have their 25% or whatever bonus, so they still obtained some progression. You still obtained 100% for the loot you obtained if you can hand it in, that's fine, there is no reason you need to get everything a PvE player gets when you are not the one conducting the steps (riddle etc) to obtain it in the first place.

    Also, there is no need for this change. Those in support of it are twisting themselves into logical pretzels trying to argue that this change should be implemented because the game is designed or should be as a casual, fun, silly, goofing around, light, pirate adventure. But, all the evidence regarding the design of the game says otherwise.

    They engage in a fallacy by claiming they are being reset to zero and that the devs don’t want that - when that, clearly isn’t happening. No, they are upset because they lose sometimes when they don’t have a lot of time to play the game... not all the time, but sometimes and they feel they should win in some way shape or form every time because it would make them feel better. No.

    They are reset to 0, yes. Not their whole account, not their current faction rating, but that gaming session, they are set to 0 if they lose their loot, yes. We are not saying we should WIN it all, we are saying we want to be rewarded for the time we put into the game. This is not unreasonable. I want PvP players to be rewarded for successfully sinking me and stealing my loot but at the same time if I have spent a significant amount of time completing some tasks, why should I need to walk away with nothing? The game can still hold true to it's principle of defending loot in the form of physical objects WHILE relieving this feeling of loss and negativity. Of course players will still experience it a bit, that's fine, but being set completely to 0? A bit extreme.

    25-50% of what? A percentage is a piece of a pie. All quest rewards for a voyage are currently bound to physical items and, you claim that 100% gold and 100% reputation are given on turn in... so, from what pie are you taking 25-50%? Or are you simply suggesting an additional 25-50% PvE bonus to the voyage?

    25-50% on TOP of the current loot value. Lets say the value is 100 for simplicity. Players who hand in at an outpost receive 100 gold, 100 progression. Whoever completed the riddle, obtained the treasure etc, completed all those PvE tasks, would be awarded 25-50 progression.

    Just because something can be viewed by some as positive, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s needed... or will have no negative impacts. Some may feel that finding teddy bears randomly on the islands would create a “positive” atmosphere... they claim to need a teddy bear. And who can argue that teddy bears are a negative? They would have zero impact on PvP or PvE and they would make a number of us feel good while in-game... so, why shouldn’t they be implemented? The result can be viewed as positive - because... teddy bears, so it must, therefore, be something needed. See how fallacies work now?

    Fine, so provide me with a negative impact. The PvP impact depends on implementation. As I have said, I don't agree with 100% progression on voyage complete as that WOULD remove all progression from loot, which is unfair for PvPers. However, if it was a bonus, PvPers would still receive what they earned, they have not completed the riddle, they did not kill the skeleton, so they do not get progression for that. What they DID do was successfully kill pirates/sink ships and stole their loot. They will get that reward.

  • @angrycoconut16 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @lotrmith No, default is caution. Definition of hostile: showing opposition or dislike. If you do that from the off that is your choice, but I can tell you the majority of people have a feeling of caution first, not instant hostility.

    Server ruleset, not player mindset. Try not to twist the argument, please.

  • @i-am-lost-77 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @sledgezapper64 ah yea that can really suck. Well that’s the point of this thread: to reduce the damage of disconnects and that “waste of time” feeling after a bad session. But for your specific situation private crew would’ve really been the only way to prevent it.

    I agree with the thread, but im not hear to reduce loss, I'm here because I want to be encouraged to play more. There's a dissonance to not getting anything for what you do. They make a fanfare but nothing happens. A mysterious stranger says, get to level 5 and then just says get to 10 and then 15 and so on, and no rewards, not even an extra map. Why is the game so damn stingy? I want to go out and discover things and not come away empty handed, or essentially empty handed with castaways. I also think that the reward increase would encourage both PvP and pve, as people would have much more reason to do the longer quests for less chests, thus making them be out at islands more often, vulnerable. I think 'reducing loss' is a bad reason to do it, if there weren't the other benefits. I also think that anyone arguing against this idea should also be arguing against PvP factions, because that would just be the other side of the coin, and skewing rewards to PvP. You could PvP and get PvP factions rewards plus whatever you steal?? Broken!! Noone would have any reason to be friendly!! I'm being hyperbolic, but it's true. I'm for more rewards all around!

  • @lotrmith What on earth are you taking about? You are talking rubbish and i'm not twisting any argument. Most players are NOT automatically hostile, look up the definition of the word please.

  • @graiis said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @i-am-lost-77 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @sledgezapper64 ah yea that can really suck. Well that’s the point of this thread: to reduce the damage of disconnects and that “waste of time” feeling after a bad session. But for your specific situation private crew would’ve really been the only way to prevent it.

    I agree with the thread, but im not hear to reduce loss, I'm here because I want to be encouraged to play more. There's a dissonance to not getting anything for what you do. They make a fanfare but nothing happens. A mysterious stranger says, get to level 5 and then just says get to 10 and then 15 and so on, and no rewards, not even an extra map. Why is the game so damn stingy? I want to go out and discover things and not come away empty handed, or essentially empty handed with castaways. I also think that the reward increase would encourage both PvP and pve, as people would have much more reason to do the longer quests for less chests, thus making them be out at islands more often, vulnerable. I think 'reducing loss' is a bad reason to do it, if there weren't the other benefits. I also think that anyone arguing against this idea should also be arguing against PvP factions, because that would just be the other side of the coin, and skewing rewards to PvP. You could PvP and get PvP factions rewards plus whatever you steal?? Broken!! Noone would have any reason to be friendly!! I'm being hyperbolic, but it's true. I'm for more rewards all around!

    Interesting points. That is true, it will have other impacts. I think you might be right about people being prepared to take bigger risks, perhaps to get an extra chest, or to explore the island for longer, meaning a heavier loot for anyone who does successfully defeat them. Obviously this is only speculative though but it wouldn't surprise me.

    Fair point for PvP faction too (although off topic). I mean I would argue that people are already unfriendly most of the time anyway as they are cautious of another players intent. I would also argue that PvP is very rare as many players are very scared about losing their loot and thus their progression... I think both a PvP faction and this suggestion would work well hand-in-hand to provide more incentive for PvP, but anyway the PvP faction idea isn't for this thread :)

  • @angrycoconut16 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @lotrmith said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @i-am-lost-77 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    SoT is designed as a casual adventure game, designed to make your own adventure playing how you want.

    I want to kill your toon, sink your ship, and take your loot for its full value.

    I sure am glad the game is designed, as intended, to allow that.

    Are you kidding me? That's the most illogical statement I think I've come across in this thread. You are worried about not getting the 'full value' of your loot, yet you are using PvP means to do it? PvP by definition of how this game works is a far less efficient way to get loot than voyaging. And if you do happen to sink someone while on a voyage, this idea wouldn't stop you getting the full reward depending on how this idea was implemented. Please try discussing the IDEA and concept which has been presented, not so much quantities. Even among people who agree there is much debate about quantities and how much progression is awarded early etc

    Any decrease in reward for thieving verse questing shifts the balance against crew vs crew interactions which the game is carefully designed to promote. You already claim PvP is inefficient which is true under many circumstances. Making it even less efficient by any margin disrupts the already precarious position of crew vs crew interactions.

    You also say PvP is inefficient then immediately mention the very circumstance in which it is actually peak efficiency.

    You don't debate much, do you?

  • @entspeak Why are you so condescending to posters in this thread? Do you honestly believe you are smarter or better? It's a video game. We ALL enjoy it, and we all have aspects of it we don't enjoy. Thus, feedback is given. I read back through several of your posts...especially where you constantly whine about "personal attacks". The way you present your arguments in here are inflammatory and intentionally written to illicit a negative reaction. It is fairly obvious you [Mod edited] on attempting to upset others. Any reason you can't just have a constructive conversation with people...

    Before you say it, I stand by what I have said before. Yup, I have called you a couple things. You want to come down h*****n me , go ahead. These other guys are simply trying to talk. You have got to be the biggest [Mod edited] I have ever seen in my year on these forums. The examples you use have nearly no relevancy, your arguments are circular, and your pseudo intellectualism is grating and laughable. Dude, this is just a game, calm down and join the conversation. BTW...the report button is under the little ship wheel. I may be gone for a bit after you report, see ya' when I get back!

    In the mean time, how about opening your mind a bit and just having a conversation with these guys. I look at the first interactions they have with you. "They" are respectable and easy going. Your first replies are always passive aggressive nonsense, obviously written to evoke a reaction. Quit being a [Mod edited].

    Everyone else reading this, this guy is just here because he has nothing better to do. Quit feeding the troll. Talk to people that actually want to make a conversation, regardless of what their stance is on the ideas presented. Maybe both parties will learn something, maybe something compromised and good comes from it. That's how feedback becomes reality. This dude has not once presented a valid reason why rewards for "the experience" is a bad thing. Quit buying into his [Mod edited].

  • @entspeak said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @muertoamigo420 And got to 30 in GH and crashed and burned trying to solo a skull fort... lol. I knew there was a reason I hadn’t tried that before. All around a good evening.

    But, yes... if folks want to make a suggestion like this, they need to be able to defend their reasoning for it. So far, it’s been pretty much based on fallacies and personal attacks.

    I've made exclusively good arguments based on realistic deductions and facts and experience with the game, nothing based on what I interpret a quote from a dev means or what I think the 'core' of the game is or the pedantics of rep vs xp. No one has been able to address those points, I've been quoted once for some small sentence that didn't have anything to do with why I think it's better for everyone for there to be more rewards.

  • @angrycoconut16 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @lotrmith What on earth are you taking about? You are talking rubbish and i'm not twisting any argument. Most players are NOT automatically hostile, look up the definition of the word please.

    Again, not players. Server rules. The rules of the game set it so that opposing crews can attack eachother at any time, at any place. There are no rules in place to prevent (no physical or ruleset barriers) or even discourage (no coded penalties for hostility, even griefing is by definition not possible against opposing crews).

    There are no 'neutral' or 'cautious' ruleset servers, or any other word you want to use. There is no place or no time where a hostile player is punished for attacking a peaceful player.

    There are no 'friendly' ruleser servers where PvP is outright impossible at any time, place, or circumstance.

    If you can't understand that then there's no point debating.

  • @entspeak Uh what?

    We have to defend the reasoning? This thread is NOTHING but defending the reasoning for this change. How can you make this comment with a straight face? Its page after page of defending it.

    This is pretty simple.

    Just because YOU enjoy getting ZERO progress from a session, doesn't mean OTHER do.

    My cousin quit playing over this very thing. We played 2-3 hours, had a streak of bad luck with galleons (even hopped server twice). We lost probably 80% of our progress. I didn't mind is as much... well actually I did.

    Ive pretty much quit logging in. Its just not worth the hassle atm. I think I have logged 3 hours total the last week and a half.

    A good bit of the reason is that the grind is just too =/. They need to adjust it some. Im 39/41/37 and its just too much. The real grind hasn't even started yet.

    The other part of it is the system is very unforgiving for losing in PvP. Ive legitimately logged off after losing a couple fights in a row. I didn't log out because of PvP. I love the PvP aspects of the game (I think there needs to be a faction and subsequent rewards for sinking / killing players). I logged out because I lost my progress.

    I promise ya, there are a lot more in my camp than your camp. These changes coupled with lowering the grind a bit would go a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way in regards of player retention.

  • @lotrmith said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    Any decrease in reward for thieving verse questing shifts the balance against crew vs crew interactions which the game is carefully designed to promote. You already claim PvP is inefficient which is true under many circumstances. Making it even less efficient by any margin disrupts the already precarious position of crew vs crew interactions.

    You also say PvP is inefficient then immediately mention the very circumstance in which it is actually peak efficiency.

    You don't debate much, do you?

    The game is NOT designed to promote crew-crew interactions though. How is it? If people have their loot currently many are terrified of losing it as that is literally their progression, their gold, their treasure for the time they have spent. Therefore they try to avoid PvP like the plague. How does that promote crew-crew interaction?

    1. This would NOT decrease thieving rewards with how I'm suggesting it, look at my recent posts.
    2. As I have said, this game does not provide incentive for crew-crew interactions as it currently stands. Making a PvP players reward less, depends on how this idea is implemented, and is not a valid argument for disagreeing with this idea as like I have said many times, it depends on implementation and quantity. It would be easy to implement this without reducing PvP rewards.

    At the end of the day, the game is supposed to be PvPvE, PvE players should be encouraged to do some healthy PvP (at the moment most are terrified because of the risk of losing their cargo), PvP players can just focus on PvP, but it is less efficient, and they should not be encouraged to focus purely on PvP any more than a PvE player is encouraged to run from PvP all the time, or have their own server. Therefore to be honest I don't think it is a concern of this thread whether PvP becomes less efficient... Rare want players to experience all aspects of the game.. for it to be truly PvPvE. The suggestion in this thread could easily be a first step to help encourage and achieve that.

    By PvP I mean people who are hunting for PvP, and use that as their sole means of gaining. If someone does it on a voyage, then that would be more efficient, agreed, and PvPvE. I thought that distinction was obvious. Now please, stop with the personal insults and act like an adult on the forum.

  • @angrycoconut16 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    I would argue that people are already unfriendly most of the time anyway

    So players aren't mostly hostile, they're just mostly unfriendly.

    Do you ever listen to yourself talk?

  • Interesting points. That is true, it will have other impacts. I think you might be right about people being prepared to take bigger risks, perhaps to get an extra chest, or to explore the island for longer, meaning a heavier loot for anyone who does successfully defeat them. Obviously this is only speculative though but it wouldn't surprise me.

    Fair point for PvP faction too (although off topic). I mean I would argue that people are already unfriendly most of the time anyway as they are cautious of another players intent. I would also argue that PvP is very rare as many players are very scared about losing their loot and thus their progression... I think both a PvP faction and this suggestion would work well hand-in-hand to provide more incentive for PvP, but anyway the PvP faction idea isn't for this thread :)
    I know it's a bit off topic, but it also does seem to be one of the concerns of the detractors of this idea, they don't want a larger disparity of loot between PvP and pve, maybe because there already is a large one, idk.

  • @angrycoconut16 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @lotrmith said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    Any decrease in reward for thieving verse questing shifts the balance against crew vs crew interactions which the game is carefully designed to promote. You already claim PvP is inefficient which is true under many circumstances. Making it even less efficient by any margin disrupts the already precarious position of crew vs crew interactions.

    You also say PvP is inefficient then immediately mention the very circumstance in which it is actually peak efficiency.

    You don't debate much, do you?

    The game is NOT designed to promote crew-crew interactions though. How is it?

    Direct from the devs, servers are populated based on ship to ship distances. They want you to encounter an opposing crew every 30 minutes or so. Outposts are scattered and are not safe zones: Players are rewarded for sinking other ships that have not turned in their loot, which is not truly theirs until it has been turned in.

  • @lotrmith said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    So players aren't mostly hostile, they're just mostly unfriendly.

    Do you ever listen to yourself talk?

    Perhaps a poor choice of wording on my half. I meant unfriendly as in untrusting. Not hostile as in aggressive/negative intent towards any players met. Anyway why are you still hung up on this point? Can you please remind me how this is relevant to the topic of this thread?

  • @angrycoconut16 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @lotrmith said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    So players aren't mostly hostile, they're just mostly unfriendly.

    Do you ever listen to yourself talk?

    Perhaps a poor choice of wording on my half. I meant unfriendly as in untrusting. Not hostile as in aggressive/negative intent towards any players met. Anyway why are you still hung up on this point? Can you please remind me how this is relevant to the topic of this thread?

    Because you keep falling back on your twisted argument about player intent over server rules, even to the point of contradicting yourself.

  • @lotrmith said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    Because you keep falling back on your twisted argument about player intent over server rules, even to the point of contradicting yourself.

    What do you mean when you say 'server rules'? Can you please give me an example of what you are implying I'm doing?

  • @angrycoconut16 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @lotrmith said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    Because you keep falling back on your twisted argument about player intent over server rules, even to the point of contradicting yourself.

    What do you mean when you say 'server rules'? Can you please give me an example of what you are implying I'm doing?

    What you're doing now is trolling.

  • @lotrmith Are you kidding me? I think you're the only troll here, I'm refusing to reply to you further unless you say something constructive. There are literally no rules in the game, it's an open world where people can do whatever the heck they want. I have no clue what you are referring to when you use the term 'rules'...

  • @angrycoconut16 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @lotrmith Are you kidding me? I think you're the only troll here, I'm refusing to reply to you further unless you say something constructive. There are literally no rules in the game, it's an open world where people can do whatever the heck they want. I have no clue what you are referring to when you use the term 'rules'...

    Constructive would be you actually reading the arguments that are direct replies to you, with answers to your questions that shouldn't need repeating, visible even on this very page.

    For reference since you can't be bothered to scroll up:

    "Again, not players. Server rules. The rules of the game set it so that opposing crews can attack eachother at any time, at any place. There are no rules in place to prevent (no physical or ruleset barriers) or even discourage (no coded penalties for hostility, even griefing is by definition not possible against opposing crews).

    There are no 'neutral' or 'cautious' ruleset servers, or any other word you want to use. There is no place or no time where a hostile player is punished for attacking a peaceful player.

    There are no 'friendly' ruleser servers where PvP is outright impossible at any time, place, or circumstance."

  • @lotrmith Building upon your point, the game has more tools for conflict between crews than tools for cooperation, even if you can do either, can't treat this as neutrality, it is often your crew vs the server.

  • @lotrmith Right. I've read it, again what is your point? The game actively discourages PvP - when a player has loot they are not going to want to fight are they? I mean some gutsy people may choose to, but a lot of the time people would much rather cut their losses and turn in at an outpost. I am not suggesting punishment for a 'hostile' player... I honestly don't know where you are coming from. I'm not trolling but how does what you have said relate to what this thread is discussing? If anything this idea has the potential to ENCOURAGE PvP..

  • @angrycoconut16 "The game actively discourages PvP"

    proceeds to describe a player decision, instead of the game making some sort of active attempt to deter pvp.

    @lotrmith is right, you really are trolling.

  • @lars-von-laser I played with a rare developer yesterday and mentioned this exact thing which he agreed with and said he would pass it up. I also mentioned the loot bug where if left in water too long you sometimes cant pick it up. He said he would send that up too.

  • @urihamrayne .... If the game encourages a player to run away because they want to protect what is theirs, then yes, the game is discouraging PvP. It is built in such a way that it makes people WANT to make a decision such as running or disengaging from a fight, it is discouragement. Ok, it is indirect discouragement, but it is still discouraging people from participating in PvP.... I am not trolling lol, how hard is that to understand?


  • @angrycoconut16 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @urihamrayne .... If the game encourages a player to run away because they want to protect what is theirs, then yes, the game is discouraging PvP. It is built in such a way that it makes people WANT to make a decision such as running or disengaging from a fight, it is discouragement. Ok, it is indirect discouragement, but it is still discouraging people from participating in PvP.... I am not trolling lol, how hard is that to understand?


    If it took you two hours to get four chests and two skulls then I at least understand where you're coming from, because if I were that bad at the game then every PvP encounter would be a total loss.

    Fortunately not every player is that bad.

  • It occurs to me that if we got rep for completing a voyage, it would only solidify the current mindset that you need to grind to reach Pirate Legend status, instead of being able to chose what you do per session, and everything you do helping you on your journey.

  • If i could get just rp from diggiging up or killing captains the server would lag from the amount of treasure aboard my ship wouldnt even need to outpost just fire 1-3 people in the general direction to refill on voyages

  • @lotrmith said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    If it took you two hours to get four chests and two skulls then I at least understand where you're coming from, because if I were that bad at the game then every PvP encounter would be a total loss.

    Fortunately not every player is that bad.

    Seriously? That is your answer? I plucked a figure out of the air, whatever the time, it's significant. Not everyone has all their life to spend on a game. And yes, not everyone who plays this will be good. This change will make the game more accessible to EVERYONE, both hardcore players, or good players, and casuals/kids (quite a few people play this with their families too). The game was marketed towards casuals and kids 12+ too. If that is seriously your answer then lets stop this pointless discussion now, you're clearly not mature enough.

  • @blam320 If you want PL then why wouldn't you do voyages? You CAN do other things along side, shipwrecks, PvP, etc but voyaging is the most efficient way... this idea won't change that so it's irrelevant..

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