Ancient Coins Bug??

  • I've tried doing the search for this and I haven't found much on it.....even though I could have sworn I've seen posts being made about it on the forums......

    I purchased some coins to get the animals since I finally saved up enough to buy it. However its been over 4 hours and still no coins.

    Yes I already put in a ticket but still no response. 2 hours after purchase which has now been a few hours. Strange though, the very few times I've put in a ticket always responded to within 2 hours at the most......hmmm....

    Question - Can any direct me to any other threads they might have posted so I can read on what happen with your cases, or other players cases??

    Question 2 - Anyone know if this was an actual issue going around??

    Thanks ahead of time everyone.

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  • @xultanis-dragon I've bought two lots of coins, they showed up right away for me, so if they're delayed for you that doesn't sound like it's worked properly.

    I've read that people have had issues when their MS account isn't the same email as their xbox live. Although that's the case for me and I didn't have issues.

    First thing to do is check the account logged in on the MS store is the same as your xbox live one.

    After that I dunno, but support should hopefully have some ideas.

  • @Xultanis-Dragon I've seen some redditposts pop up about this last night. Seems closing and restarting the game worked for most of them when the coins didn't instantly show up. Might try that if you haven't yet.

  • I just bought some, and I didn't get my coins. I am playing via game pass on pc and whenever I try to buy coins, I get an error saying " store inventory is unavailable" so I bought it from the microsoft store instead. And yes my xbox live email is the same as my microsoft store email. I have also restarted the games and no coins. This is getting frustrating.

  • @manictoast34 Same here I also put in a ticket and no responce. So...I feel you as well in you're frustration.

  • same thing for me been 4 hrs no help anywhere. xbox says everything is fine just wait but. idk. last time i had this issue was cuase of the email problem. but thats not the case now. everything was fine till recent.

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