Megalodon Spawn Rates

  • Hey Guys, so I talked with Support and they can’t seem to say how to increase Megalodon encounter rates.

    I was on a brig with a lot of loot for 3+ hours and only found 2 Megs after sailing at least 30 miles. Anyone have any tips/tricks to find these fellas more often?

    I’m wondering if the problem is that spawn rates are lower on a brig, than a sloop or galleon? Any thoughts anyone?

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  • All you can do is stick to the deep waters (darker blue areas, most visible from the crow's nest) and pray to the whale lord!

    Best of luck on your shark hunts!

  • I find at least 10+ Megs a day. I usually sail a sloop. Maybe your theory is true about the spawn rates on different ships. They also despawn if you are too close to an island so steer away from islands and raise your sails, especially for q shrouded ghost.

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