LatchedGlue – Pirates in Portrait – Sailor’s Bounty
LatchedGlue is famous for her stunning portraits, ideal for decorating a captain’s cabin. She knows how to capture someone’s swashbuckling side!
The portraits here are labelled to be delivered to @HealPleaseHeal, T.Skunk and @Evulm0nkey.
Simon's Son – Through the Eyes of a Child – Smuggler’s bay
This crumpled doodle was drawn by a pirate’s five-year-old son, mapping his favourite island. No doubt he will grow up to be a fine cartographer.
Four Fancy Pirates – Dressed to Impress – Ancient Spire Outpost
This painting captured four of the fanciest pirates ever to sail the Sea of Thieves. They loved dressing up at gatherings of likeminded sailors.
The George Kraken – Still Life – Golden Sands Outpost
Umbra heard rumours of a pirate called @Clumsy George, who fought off a kraken with only a broom!
At least, that’s the story he told everyone, He told it so often, they named the tavern after him!
Freya Catherine – A Musical Family
A violin belonging to Freya Catherine, a pirate with a musical gift who taught her children to play Becalmed.
Umbra’s notes say that so many pirates cried, that they had to start bailing all the tears!
These are the Legends of the Sea and their accomplishments. They are grouped in together in "The Artistic Souls". I have tried to link these legend's Sea of Thieves profile / Twitter and their accomplishment as the best I can.
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