The Log of Sir Arthur Pendragon - Captain of the Blackwhche

  • The Log of Sir Arthur Pendragon
    Captain of the Blackwhche

    Entry #1:

    The Blackwyche is mine! Bequeathed to me by her former captain, whose soul I saved from its eternal torment. A fine reward, if I am any judge.

    I shall sail her out from Dragon Skull Ilse and set a course for the Sea of Thieves. Grand adventures await me there, I have no doubt, and I wish to meet them head=on.

    Entry #17:

    Of all those I have encountered on my travels, few understand me better than the Order of Souls. They command my respect, and I have learned many of their arcane secrets.

    Today Olivia surprised me with a gift - a Sword of Souls, she called it. The touch of its blade can free any spirit from the bones that bid it. It seems I am to be the Order’s champion, of a sort.

    Entry #23:

    My new sword makes dealing with chattering cadavers mere child’s play! Already I desire a greater challenge. That is why I am sailing in pursuit of the creature known as Graymarrow, a fearsome Skeleton Lord.

    Rumour has it he too has an interest in the Order’s secrets. He shall experience them first-hand as my blade splits his spirit from what remains of his cursed body.


    Eternity, An infinity of moments cursed in canvas – or so it felt. Was I trapped for days? Years? I have no way to tell.

    It was the price I paid for my hubris.

    To be captured by Graymarrow, forced to explain the binding ritual only to then become its next victim… The shame I feel is indescribable, as is being trapped in this phantom-like state.

    I must atone. I will atone! The kindly stranger who freed me spoke of others whose spirits, like mine, have been trapped…

    …imprisoned in their own decaying remnants. My lantern would guide me to them if I still had substance enough to carry it.

    While I consider my options, I shall make not of all the stranger told me. I must not fail those poor wretches as I failed myself!

    First Lost Soul

    ~ The Ashen Dragon

    ~ A ship of skeletons? Who?

    ~ Captain’s soul still trapped

    ~ Martha Jane

    ~ Heading East from Shipwreck Bay

    ~ Can use my lantern to search

    ~ Went down with ship

    ~ Must find skull

    ~ There are two others…

    The Dying Memories of Captain Martha Jane…*

    Randal Stone has left us for dead, that coward! He was afraid of the Ship of Flames. As I breathe my last, I know now where he fled! He will be hiding where Fetcher Farley breathed his last, the place where we first found treasure together. I hope that every time he looks upon its shores he remembers me….

    The Ashen Dragon should be visible from this island.

    The Dying Memories of Captain Randal Stone…

    I was tracking where the Ashen Dragon was heading before I was ambushed! As the cold takes over me I have so many unanswered questions… what prisoner was aboard?! What was their name? Why were they taken? I tried to rescue them! And yet as the light fades from my eyes I fear whoever was aboard may be lost forever!

    We can pick up the Ashen Dragon trail from here!

    This is the text in the quest book you get for The Seabound Soul Tall Tale. You can find this Tall Tale on Shipwreck Bay in the captains quarters on the Blackwhyche.

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