
  • I was walking out of Athena's Fortune when my game crashed on a loading screen. I start the game back up and there's a black screen that never loads and says that the game did not shut down correctly, and tries to scan for file integrity. Then tells me to go to https//

    What's going on? Anyone else getting this? I'm making a Support Ticket, but what's up with this whole thing?

  • 10
  • It is known

    But ive not seen the game crash in middle of a session.

  • @klutchxking518 yeah mine froze while in an open crew.
    I was unable to reopen the game. Had to reset it then it opened then loaded in ok.

  • @klutchxking518 Had a hard crash, PC reset and when I logged back in (eventually) I got the same message.

  • I crashed with this twice in an Arena match... was able to rejoin and crashed again.

  • @klutchxking518 have you been able to find a fix for this issue? Ive uninstalled and reinstalled twice and I still get the "game did not shut down correctly" error

  • @silentscream604 Well, it asked me to do a file integrity scan, and every time i said yes it would freeze. Saying no worked for me.

  • Uninstall Sonic Radar 3 and Sonic Studio 3. This fixed the issue for me, as stupid as it sounds.

  • ever time I try to get into the game it gives me error codepo5

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