Sea of Thieves Costume Party Game

  • Hey all, FoxyWithTheMoxy here with another game, this time a cosmetic theme.

    In this game, I want you to get creative a post a screenshot of a cosmetic set you use or have ideas for.

    How it works is that you must do the following:

    1. Costume must have a name
    2. Screenshot of the costume (in-game, and any position/location/emote can be done so long as it shows the costume)
    3. Story related to the costume
    4. List of the cosmetics being worn

    Below is an example based on my own outfit.

    The Crimson Flame

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    "Rumours have it that a pirate clad in red viciously killed their enemies, some say the red covered the blood. One survivor stated that their eyes glowed orange, like the devil was staring into your soul..."


    • Clothing: Wild Rose Hat, Sovereign Shirt, Wild Rose Gloves, Sea Dog Jacket, Wild Rose Belt, Wild Rose Trousers, Wild Rose Boots.
    • Vanity: Legendary Eyepatch, Legendary Hook, Legendary Pegleg, Jewellery Tattoo Set, Forsaken Ashes Scars, Brave Facepaint, The Ashen Curse.

    (Jewellery is spelt Jewelry in the game, despite that being the American spelling whereas the former is the British one).

    You can have multiple sets of costumes, don't need to do just one (I only did one for the example).

    Anyways, lets see your costumes!

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  • @foxywiththemoxy I'll do one! Here we go... Side note, I really like yours.

    The uniform of the Medusa's Wrath (Captain Version)

    Word on the waves speak of a small band of pirates who are as unpredictable as the wind and waves, sometimes offering help, others causing mayhem. They work for no single trading company, rather, do as they please and what suits their mood. Their flagship, the Medusa's Wrath, has won many a battle, yet at the same time, has been caught running away from fights aswell. Be wary if you see her livery apon the waves, as you may never know the intentions of the manaical man at the wheel...

    This is the Captain's Version of my friend group crew's uniform, worn by... you guessed it, yours truly. In the back is my beautiful Medusa's Wrath, the ship you'll see me aboard usually. If it's not her, consider it a stolen ship!


    • Clothing: Bone Crusher Hat*, Scrapper's Vest*, Bone Crusher Gloves, Majestic Sovereign Jacket*, Bone Crusher Belt, Sovereign Trousers*, Bone Crusher Boots.
    • Vanity: Day One Patch*, No Hook*, No Pegleg*, Umbra's Chronicle Tattoo Set*, Bone Crusher Scars*, Black Eye Facepaint*, No Curse*.

    That's the usual getup for me. However, any items with a "*" are things that have different options and variants to swap out. I'll list some variants and stuff that different crewmembers use. We all improvised and used some of our favorite stuff to make this uniform, and we all love how it looks. I think we've been using it/a version of it for a year or so now. It's really grown onto me. The ship is one of my favorite custom layouts I've come up with.

    The hat options are either Bone Crusher, Sovereign, Majestic Sovereign, or Dirty Rotten Bilge Rat, or none.

    The shirt options are either Scrapper's Vest, Ruffian Seadog, Stonewall Imperial Sovereign, or none.

    The jacket options are either Majestic Sovereign or none.

    The pants options are either Sovereign, Majestic Sovereign, Ruffian Seadog, Ferryman, or Hunter.

    The vanity is really up to the user.

    So? What do you think? Did I do good? Do I LOOK good? Hopefully more people come in and show off their costumes too!

  • The Emerald Scoundrel

    "This Irish rogue likes to go unnoticed, doesn't go looking for trouble but knows how to handle it when it comes his way. Unless in a crew, he'd sooner steal your rum than your Captain's Chest. He hides his status with his modest adornments but the clues are there for those willing to look"

    Cosmetics list: Dirty Rotten Bilge Rat Gloves, Bilge Rat Jacket, Fearless Bone Crusher Belt, Rotten Bilge Rat Trousers, Bilge Rat Beard, Bilge Rat Hair, Nature's Bounty Hair Dye, Scurvy Bilge Rat Eyepatch, Umbra's Chronicles Tattoo Set, Bone Crusher Scars, Curse of the Order.

  • @realstyli That looks really cool! Me likey!

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    Milligan "Moldy Millie" MacDermitt

    "A small crew of pirates once told the tale of when they found a stranded, unwashed pirate on the shores of Crook's Hollow. Whether marooned or washed ashore from a wreck, they couldn't say. Half mad from a mixture of exposure and from drinking a DIY version of grog made from bananas and rotten fish, the woman was pretty much incoherent. She spent much of her time having shouted arguments with a skull she carried around on her belt. With clothes and equipment cobbled together from scraps, she had obviously been there awhile. Stealing the crew's rowboat, they last saw her rowing off to the west and were frankly glad to be rid of her."

    Cosmetics: Rotten Bilge Rat Hat, Dirty Rotten Bilge Rat Gloves, Bilge Rat Belt, Bilge Rat Trousers, Castaway Bilge Rat Boots

    Vanity: Scurvy Bilge Rat Eyepatch, Ocean Crawler Hook, Wailing Barnacle Tattoo, Forsaken Ashes Scars, Bilge Rat Hair, Forsaken Ashes Hair Color, Curse of the Order

  • My usual costume is this... the Ship Owner.

    This chap is not a cut-throat buccaneer. He has others do that dirty work for him... and enjoys the profits his ships bring back for him.

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    Our model is wearing an Admiral shirt, with Executive Admiral trousers, belt and boots, all featuring matching gold buttons. He wears a dapper moustache, and his hair is in "Grand Admiral" style. As he never gets himself in harm's way, he has both his legs, both hands, and both eyes! The one hint of his seafaring connection is the Stars of a Thief tattoo set visible on the backs of his hands.

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