Only a true bold pirate can claim the Golden Bananas. And only a true bold pirate can solve the riddles I’ve placed below. Prove your mettle! Find the missing words in this passage & get one step closer to the booty. – Good luck. BB
For any who would claim the Golden Bananas, you must set sail from the First Outpost. Lest fear take hold, seek courage in a measure of Princely Grog. Do not Drop Anchor til ye be past the treacherous Wurlpool. Be mindful o’ the scurvy you have No Lemons Atoll, but Don’t Shudder take heart! Stocks a’plenty are found Beyond Slither Tail. Don’t stop on Loreleys Insel, but set your sail to catch a Westerly Wind & you’ll soon find infested waters. Best keep an eye from the ol’ crow’s nest for a Shark Fin or 2 – they’ll chew through an Old Deutsche Boat given the chance! When you’ve reached the shallows look lively! There be a narrow strait ‘tween a reef and Un Trio De Roches. A steady hand on the tiller & you’ll Glide Thru. One false move & your vessel will take its place among the Ghost Ships.
Your almost there. Have a drink of rum but not so much that you’re Seeing Double – for there’s one more challenge to come!
This is the text from "The Passage" it was a template where you would fill in the answers from the riddles, puzzles & clues released during the promotion ARG contest "The Quest for the Golden Bananas". It was an event took place during the launch of Sea of Thieves and lasted from March 19th, 2018 to March 21st, 2018. I have copied the text from The Passage and filled in the blanks with the answers. The answers are the words that are bold & italic.
- My Archive of Lore Related Text (Just like this one)