The Shrouded Ghost...

  • The Ghost tis a myth I tell you! After years of searching I have found nothin. No sign of the ghost in any form! And that got me thinkin... what if it doesn't exist? What if thus is all a hoax to get people to keep playing the game? In my search for more evidence I came across a man who was fascinated by the lore of these seas. His name was Captain Falcore. He created a video which explained all of the lies and misconceptions of the shrouded ghost. He lists many more reasons than I can... this parchment is rather strange. But if his video and my incoherent ramblings aren't enough to show you that the ghost is a myth, then i don't know what can.

  • 13
    story & lore
  • @TheOneOcelotz
    This is the same Falcore who does Sailor Cannon drops most days on his Twitch channel lol... He can be quite droll and just likes messing with people, it's a standing joke with him..

  • @theoneocelotz

  • Was going to mention i'm sure @bugaboo-bill said he turned her to sushi once!!

  • @wagstr @TheOneOcelotz
    others suggested i look like as if i've ate her - well burp XD

  • @bugaboo-bill
    Anyone who wears the shrouded ghost commendation is an agent of rare hired ti spread the lies of the ghost.

  • @theoneocelotz

    Then be aware, i maybe can make you having luck 😂

    Serious, on a full moon when a cat had it's fish and the monkeys are dancing to the howling dogs there is a big chance to find me with nothing 😂😂😂

  • Funny right how only content creators got the title "Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost"

  • @nahtheguy sagte in The Shrouded Ghost...:

    Funny right how only content creators got the title "Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost"

    I'm no creator!

  • @bugaboo-bill
    Sounds like something a creator would say!

  • @theoneocelotz you believe what you believe - i can tell you i'm also very casually playing, but since Alpha ;)
    I for sure played a lot, have sailed something around 9 Million meters, but in comparison to some hardcore gamers this is not much.
    I found it with a Mate on a Detour, delivering cargo durcing an Athena run, so many refuse to do, because tiresome and "not worthy".
    I tell you something: This detour was worth it a lot ;)

    believe what you want, it's out there, i and my mate have the title for almost a year now and we have another piratess in our crew who found it while sailing with strangers :)

  • @bugaboo-bill
    Sounds like you and your friends are all agents of Rare!

  • I saw it once in a storm when I had a bunch loot and some time limited stuff so I took the safe route and kept sailing cause at the time megs were still dangerous to sloopers and I kick.myself to this day lol

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