Why is Reaper's Bones Impossibly difficult to level up?

  • So I've been playing for about three months now, having joined the game just after the scaling for Reapers reputation was nerfed. I just can't understand how the development team could possibly consider the grind for reapers reputation to be in line with the rest of the game.

    Take these guys for example:

    These two chaps were able to take all three trading companies from zero to fifty and make pirate legend in 24 hours- aka, they were able to get each faction done in 8 hours. You won't see ANYONE do that with Reapers. Not in 8 hours, not in 80. You won't see it because the rep-reward for all loot sans-reapers chests and emissary flags becomes almost zero once you hit level 30 or so, with the chest being worth roughly the same as a grade-2 emissary flag. At level 45 (where I'm at now). a grade five flag will get you roughly 10% of a level. That means, to get to level 75, assuming the rep-reward would stay the same (which it doesn't, its only gonna get smaller), I'm gonna need to get THREE HUNDRED grade five flags.

    Thats absurd. Why the hell is reaching max level as reaper impossible for anyone other than the grindiest of players? Give us the chance to represent our Emissary just like everyone else does- all reaper cosmetics should be unlockable by 50, or the rep rewards need to be seriously reworked.

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  • I have heard from others that the grind is more harsh with Reapers. I think a good move would be to make stolen loot worth more XP in that faction than discovered/PVE loot. It would encourage more reapers to PVP than continually PVE world events such as Flameheart which would be more in line with the factions purpose.

  • @diligentauto1

    The point of the Reaper's Bones is to encourage being a pirate. Robbing, pillaging, and stealing loot from other players is what gives you the most emissary rep. GH, MA, HC, OOS, and AF are all made in a way that you can grind it with relative ease. Reaper's bones was made with the idea that selling stolen loot will level you up faster.

    Thats absurd. Why the hell is reaching max level as reaper impossible for anyone other than the grindiest of players? Give us the chance to represent our Emissary just like everyone else does- all reaper cosmetics should be unlockable by 50, or the rep rewards need to be seriously reworked.

    If you are worried that you won't be able to get level 50+ in reaper's bones, start stealing loot. You can easily get grade 5 by sinking someone's ship if they had a bit of loot on them. It takes a long time to PvE your way to grade 5 RB, but it's meant to be like that. RB is the only trading company where you can't PvE your way to the top very quickly, and it heavily incentives killing other pirates and stealing their treasure. If you want Reaper's Bones reputation quickly, start sinking ships and stealing loot.

  • @kaijoi Unfortunately this is incorrect. Currently stolen loot nets you the same as found loot.

  • @satanicnemesis

    Yes, for gold and reputation it nets you the same amount. But stealing loot gives you more reputation when you have an emissary equipped than when you PvE the loot.

  • @kaijoi Yes, it gets you to Grade V quickly but this doesn't speed up the levelling progress which is OP's main issue. I believe it should be worth more XP towards the level itself when turned in loot is soul bound to another crew.

  • A significant amount of the players are all grinding the new vaults right now almost every server has them

    Hunt the vaults. Significant amounts of easy to obtain loot especially the ones opened with a gold key.

    You can solo hunt gold hoarders pretty easily and they tend to carry a lot of loot more than most other factions that are doing typical voyage stuff. You really don't need to hunt events and the big boy stuff like FOTD to level easily.

    Also a lot of times they take off with the main chest which is fine because they are forced to leave the rest of the vault loot somewhere around the door that closes. They have touched all this loot so it's all counted as stolen and will rapidly level you and depending on the key quality it can be some decent stuff for selling with a leveled emissary

  • @satanicnemesis

    I agree.

  • @satanicnemesis said in Why is Reaper's Bones Impossibly difficult to level up?:

    @kaijoi Yes, it gets you to Grade V quickly but this doesn't speed up the levelling progress which is OP's main issue. I believe it should be worth more XP towards the level itself when turned in loot is soul bound to another crew.

    Exactly. You don't level any faster. Trust me, all I do is PvP and that is in large part why its so difficult to level up. Taking down an enemy ship is a long, involved experience and despite what you see on streams you don't usually get nearly as much loot out of it as you would from grinding PVE.

    In my ideal world, you would get reputation whenever your sink ships period, and I would massively up the reputation gain for emissary flags. I'd also much prefer if we could grab a flag or something from any ship- it shouldn't require an emissary flag.

  • Not impossible. That mean nobody should be able to do it, yet many have.

  • Don't try to rush anything, Reapers included.

    Do not rush to the top of the mountain, as the only thing you will see up there is the path you took to get there. Make that path memorable, so you have something to show for when you get there.

    Once you hit Reapers 75, every single piece of loot you turn into Reapers will make you wish you weren't 75, so you could gain something out of it.

    Go slow. Trust me, I have learned the hard way.

  • Focus on emissary flags, stolen athena items, and reaper's chests (both types) You could also sell any doubloon items for bonus doubloons.

    Rare nerf'd both stolen and found loot to the ground by making faction rep gain 1/4 of what it originally was. This was partially needed because of people farming to get Reaper 75 extremely quickly. However, I believe stolen loot rep should of remained where it was.

    If you also are being revenge-hounded too much and are running low on supplies, get those items in that I mentioned first, lower your Reaper 5 flag for the rep gain there, and then sail the rest of the loot (garbage for Reaper's) into the red. It's what Rare wants apparently.

  • @diligentauto1 sagte in Why is Reaper's Bones Impossibly difficult to level up?:

    So I've been playing for about three months now, having joined the game just after the scaling for Reapers reputation was nerfed. I just can't understand how the development team could possibly consider the grind for reapers reputation to be in line with the rest of the game.

    Take these guys for example:

    These two chaps were able to take all three trading companies from zero to fifty and make pirate legend in 24 hours- aka, they were able to get each faction done in 8 hours. You won't see ANYONE do that with Reapers. Not in 8 hours, not in 80. You won't see it because the rep-reward for all loot sans-reapers chests and emissary flags becomes almost zero once you hit level 30 or so, with the chest being worth roughly the same as a grade-2 emissary flag. At level 45 (where I'm at now). a grade five flag will get you roughly 10% of a level. That means, to get to level 75, assuming the rep-reward would stay the same (which it doesn't, its only gonna get smaller), I'm gonna need to get THREE HUNDRED grade five flags.

    Thats absurd. Why the hell is reaching max level as reaper impossible for anyone other than the grindiest of players? Give us the chance to represent our Emissary just like everyone else does- all reaper cosmetics should be unlockable by 50, or the rep rewards need to be seriously reworked.

    whats the problem with this?

    the level says nothing, the level gives you nothing but cosmetics.
    and will you complain, when you have grinded it and ask for more "content" to grind?
    Progression in this game is so irrelevant idk why people are so obsessed with it.

  • If it makes you feel any better;

    I spent 3 1/2 soloing an Ashen Lord only to have all the treasure from it piled into a single spot, pulled my ship around the island. During which, a skeleton ship and a megalodon appeared. When I finally got out of that, parked my ship to load up the treasure, a hostile player crew came up, killed me, sank my ship and when I spawned, I was on the other side of the map from where the island was. Almost makes me want to uninstall the game all together. Everyone is hostile. There's no communication between players and stating that you're solo and friendly means absolutely nothing. So grinding alone is far more difficult.

  • @satanicnemesis after Reapers and emmisary got introduced they got nerfed.

    The nerf was stated as follows:

    • rebalanced reputation given for non-stolen loot
    • rebalanced reputation given for less special loot (reapers chest is worth WAY more for instance then a captains chest rep wise)
    • didnt touch gold values

    Which means gold wise we still get the same for stolen and non-stolen loot, but reputation wise in the back there sure as heck is a difference and stolen loot nets you quite a bit more rep then non-stolen loot especially for higher tier items (athena chests, reapers chests/bounties etc)

    @DiligentAuto1 Reapers is a PVP focused faction, you can pve to 75 but it will take you alot longer.

    But if you think that is a grind wait until you have to get to 20 athena... now thats a grind

  • @callmebackdraft said in Why is Reaper's Bones Impossibly difficult to level up?:

    But if you think that is a grind wait until you have to get to 20 athena... now thats a grind

    Don't even pretend like it was. It probably is now, haven't had a reason to test if the grade 5 voyage loop is broken since I hit 20 months ago, but looping athena emissary voyages, even up to a couple months ago, made it super easy. 10-20 was infinitely easier for me as a solo than 1-10 back before the emissary system.

  • the developers have no clue how to balance their game in all aspects,i sunk 500 skeliship solo did 10 fotd solo ,and when i read about the lords no i dont wanna do this cause it takes to long .when i do a goldhoarder voyage solo and every 2 minutes skellis spawn with pistols and kegs its just annoying its super easy but also pretty annoying.....and the ancient vault is it so hard giving a solo player 6 minutes instead of 3? did it two times and everytime when i got the ancient chest the vault closes.and its so enjoyable check on my device for summer of sot while playing sot..

  • @kommodoreyenser yes it was easier when the Grade V voyage loop was a thing, they nerfed that to all hell.

    I and another crewmember hit 20 on the last day the loop was a thing, however now the way they nerfed you get so little rep and grade its actually a grind and a half

  • OP, unless they change the rep for stolen loot back to original, your best bet currently is hopping until you find a server with at least two emissary ships on it.

    MY tactic as of this update: With the vaults being fresh content, gold hoarders are especially popular right now. Raise the Reaper emissary flag and sail around to each vault island in a circle path and try to catch one at that point. Grab their flag and chest of ancient fortune and forget the rest as it is just a distraction and waste of time rep-wise. Grab any Reaper's chest that is in the path to and from doing this. Sell at Reaper's hideout and rinse/repeat with more hopping.

  • @diligentauto1

    No, the reason why Reapers is so difficult to level up is because it levels up with ANYTHING being turned in. Which I don't get why you are so hung up on this.

    The other faction is loot specific. Trinkets and chests to GH, Skull to OoS, and Merchant stuff to Merchant.

    What can you turn in at Reapers?? EVERYTHING.


    Reapers is good where its at, it doesn't need to level up super fast since like I mentioned above, you turn in EVERYTHING at one location. Thats the balance. GH, OoS, Merchants, Athena, it all goes towards one rep.

    If players want it to level up faster then they would need to add in specialized loot like the rest of the factions.

    SIDE NOTE If anything the OP's link proves that leveling in this game is super easy and stupid. If there was ever proof that Pirate Legend means absolutely nothing and that players are just whiny babies about rep then there is the LITERAL proof. 24 hours with massive amounts of loot and they only got attacked what was it, twice??


  • Frankly make Reapers even HARDER to level up.

    I'm tired of seeing bad players flying Reaper cosmetics. That should belong only to good players.

  • @satanicnemesis said in Why is Reaper's Bones Impossibly difficult to level up?:

    @kaijoi Unfortunately this is incorrect. Currently stolen loot nets you the same as found loot.

    Yes, they nerfed it to brutally (stolen loot dosen't give more XP/Cash either, sure it gives better grade rep but that's it)....i was almost done with reapers at the time when that happend but it's hell to grind it up now.
    They decreased the XP but the cash stayed the same, cuz lord knows we need more of that garbage.

  • They have ships sunk stats now.

    Reputations and everything else is essentially meaningless. The only metric that matters other than the first....fun....is time spent to sinking ships ratio.

  • @subzombie92 This isn't your average "Don't shoot and you're suddenly friends with an enemy" game. If you consider quitting after something I consider a common happenstance, then maybe you should quit. This will not be the last time that happens to you, and rightfully so.

    The game is centered around shifty encounters than can go horrible at any moment. You can adapt, or you can complain.

    Pirate game... sorry.

  • Players were able to reach lvl 75 in Reapers in 24 hours after the Emissary update. I personally did it the next day (a guy got to sleep right?). But yes, it was broken and way to rewarding. So they nerfed it to the ground. And the thing is, you can turn in everything (almost) to the Reapers, hence why it's more of a grind compared to, lets say Order of Souls which only accepts skulls, see my point?

    Just enjoy the grind. You don't want to be stuck in a situation where money or loot doesn't matter anymore, it's dark down that rabbit hole. I don't encourage you to join us. Appreciate the grind for loot and gold while it lasts. Especially when Rare gave us nothing for reaching max level in all factions, I repeat; nothing!.

  • @klutchxking518 Yet the developers even make a point right in spawn when you load in on a bunch of "pirate code" notes that basically boil down to a point of "don't be a complete a**hat to players doing their own thing." A fair warning would be nice once in awhile. Especially after, again, several hours of a solo raid. Where is the comparison of a solo player against a whole crew or several crews working together? It's like a group of kickboxers beating on a cripple in a wheelchair and pushing him down a hill he just wheeled himself to the top of.

  • @fakegam3rtom said in Why is Reaper's Bones Impossibly difficult to level up?:
    Where is the comparison of a solo player against a whole crew or several crews working together?

    Umm, I have sank plenty of brigs and galleons solo...several in fact at the world events, especially forts. Some I have even had to wipe their crew twice before they sank... Don't get it twisted, I sink to them at times too but you gotta risk it if you want their stuff.

    There are MANY others out there that have done the same. Just because they are more in number does not make them better and almost impossible to be more organized than a solo player. I can almost guarantee 90% of brigs and galleons are less organized then a duo sloop hence why I have sank way more galleons on a duo sloop than I have sloops on a galleon.

    To address the multiple ships at a time, this is a bad idea for any ship size. You want to manage the battle so you are only dealing with one ship at a time. Even two sloops as a galleon can be deadly.

  • @diligentauto1 said in Why is Reaper's Bones Impossibly difficult to level up?:

    I'm level 65 in Reapers right now and I haven't been playing as much lately due to other life things.

    If you are sinking Emissary ships as your main form of progression, then it's pretty balanced. Of course doing PvE will not level you up much, it's the PvP trading company so that makes sense.

    My qualm is that they need to do more to encourage emissary play so that there are more Emissaries to try and sink, and less server hopping for servers with Emissaries.

  • @fakegam3rtom No. You're simply wrong. The Pirate Code is a set of guidelines to tell people to not be openly judgemental, toxic, and to respect other players, even if you are in combat.

    Nowhere does it say you must give other players a "get outta jail free card" in combat. That is part of the game., like I said. It's not something you can change, but you can avoid it if you're clever.

  • @fakegam3rtom said in Why is Reaper's Bones Impossibly difficult to level up?:

    If it makes you feel any better;

    I spent 3 1/2 soloing an Ashen Lord only to have all the treasure from it piled into a single spot, pulled my ship around the island. During which, a skeleton ship and a megalodon appeared. When I finally got out of that, parked my ship to load up the treasure, a hostile player crew came up, killed me, sank my ship and when I spawned, I was on the other side of the map from where the island was. Almost makes me want to uninstall the game all together. Everyone is hostile. There's no communication between players and stating that you're solo and friendly means absolutely nothing. So grinding alone is far more difficult.

    What do you mean parked the ship to load up the treasure?

    Parking was first mistake. You can see ships a mile away (literally).

    Any ship in open waters should be immediately visible within 10-15 minutes of distance.

    That's a lot of reaction time.

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