TDMer Treatment

  • I feel that TDMers get treated poorly within the community because some people think we aren't "playing the game correctly" I have been playing this game for 3 years I have accumulated around 2.4k hours from playing I have played adventure for most of those hours then I did the grind to legendary sea dog and after that and all the naval wins I felt like I didn't have anything to do so I found out about TDMs and it has been fun ever since but I notice the amount of hate we recieve from a lot of the community because they have been spawncamped maybe or lost to a TDMer or who knows but think about this has there ever been a time you have played a game different from everyone else and they have been mad at you think about how we feel next time you smack talk someone for being a TDMer if you see people going to a fort in arena just let them be and take the win I don't see why people complain about that. Also please reply on your thoughts on the matter I am interested in other peoples views

  • 18
  • TDMers are cribge and toxic and shpuld all be banned 😡

  • Perfect example for the reason of the thread i guess

    TDMers are cribge and toxic and shpuld all be banned 😡

    I don't mind TDM, have done it sometimes and had fun. It's great practice and a good change of pace in place of regular arena.

  • Maybe i've been out of the loop too long, what is a TDM?

  • @blackbeard-lufy
    Short for Team Death Match as far as I know,
    crews sail to an island, usually fort unless unavailable during the arena round, and fight using firearms.

  • @blackbeard-lufy said in TDMer Treatment:

    Maybe i've been out of the loop too long, what is a TDM?

    Team death match.

    Frankly. You are playing arena and making your own mode, which to some they don’t wanna do and play arena with set rules given. When you don’t follow the crowd, the tdm players poke fun and harass them.

    Just wait. If and when they make a tdm mode instead of making your own. Very simple.

  • @solo-galleon
    Meh those n00bish tears of their, mean nothing. They are jealous that is all. They lucky, if it was not for the hit-reg, and random server bugs it would have have been much worse. At least with server bugs they randomly have a chance. Custom servers will make it better. There will be a place to train non-stop and Unleash Mini TDM clan on unprepared masses. Maybe Rare can make ship-set you only get after 2000 Arena kills and 1000 Adventure kills, like T with EoR and Flintlock on sails.
    Something like regular Sea Dog Sails

  • Sounds like making your own fun and playing how you'd like. What's wrong with that?

  • @blackbeard-lufy
    Some people think that Arena has built in rules that everyone have to follow. I was bored today earlier and went through the lobby and only found the regular pirate code on the wall and the npcs giving their own advice, which funnily enough included these:

    Ah, the Arena. A place where fortunes are forged!
    Yes, there are spoils of victory, but for me the greatest prize is competing.

    Stopping your rivals scoring can be an effective strategy. Hide your chests behind trees to prevent another crew getting them and throw theirs into the sea if you get aboard. ANY tactics are fine by me if it means winning!

  • @solo-galleon i like how everyone on these posts are either TDMers with 2k+ hours or ppl in the comments trying to figure out what a TDM is

  • [mod edit]

  • Unbievable how biased some are.
    You are bullying people who play naval arena and sink your ship?
    You make new rules say get the chest and the win for free just sat down 20 Minutes leave ist alone and wait?
    You train PvP skills to then stomp on new Players in Adventure call them names and insult them as PVE lords, Yesterday i got insulted as a f...ot.
    I need to tolerate it or laugh it off?
    You say we're the lines are and what i should be able to tolerate and what not or is this something we together as a society / community define what is ok and what is not?
    So lets close the eyes and ignore the hate, yes? Let them do and be what they are cyberbullies , toxic trashtalkers...?!

    The times i have PvP with a normal crew in Adventure Mode are great, its always fun until you meet that sweaty tryhard PvP spawncampers unable to control their tongue throwing their pitiful education at you.
    No i dont say you are one of them, but you accept them and dont fight toxicity , you tolerate what is not tolerable.

    People that tolerate toxicity are part of the problem the are toxic too!

    What about getting your fellow players in line with the standard rules of beeing respectfull while playing?

    Not your business right , its Rare or MS yes?!

    Pro Tip , its not its our all business to fight it.
    And If you like to tdm in SoT Arena you should'nt tolerate toxicity, but fight it to make it an acceptable mode for everyone.
    Or dont you want support for it from the Community.

    Comolaining here while tolerating the toxicity earns no respect!

  • @solo-galleon

    Personally I have no issues with the TDM community, yet they should also understand; that those that are not yet fed up with the naval combat as you state might be entering the Arena to play the Arena.

    You act like this is adventure mode, an open world mode where you decide how you want to play... but it isn't it has specific game rules set out and you are refusing to participate in that mode and building your own version with house rules. Then when someone comes and interrupts your game by attacking your ships, you actually break the rules of teaming to all ransack the one that dares mess with your game and usually the TDM community isn't friendly to those that do that either... isn't that also just playing the game by the actual rules of that mode?

    You act like, imagine the time someone else played the game differently than you did.... but they weren't playing with those people at that time and if you are in the same lobby you are playing together. It isn't odd that people are frustrated when people do not want to play the game they signed up for just to play their own house rule version.

    If a large portion of the teams head off to the fort, than that means either you have 1 opponent or none at all.... Just leave you alone? Just take the win, why would you complain about that? Because maybe win/lose it doesn't really matter, we are playing a game and most people want to play it even if they lose instead of farming wins. Not everyone cares about being uncontested for 15 mins, going back and forth picking up a chest.... if we wanted to do that we would do the gold hoarders voyages without the huge beam just telling you where to dig. As a TDM member I would have assumed you would understand that winning the Arena is not the same as having a fun match/game?

    Like organize and build a TDM lobby, it isn't like Rare cares about people doing that so that those that want to play by the house rules come together, play as you wish differently with others that want to do the same or have custom servers when they are added where people create a TDM environment.

    I don't condone those that are verbally abusive against the TDM community, but I do think that those in the community need to realize they are ruining the Arena game mode for those that want to play Arena for what it is when they do it in an open public server. That people don't want it to be a 1v1 battle, but the full naval arena experience. I just tend to leave the lobby after the game and move on, but I get the frustrations that some have.

  • I’ll just take the free win(s). I don’t mind them, they don’t bother me, and I’m able to dig up as many chests as I want without anyone bothering me. They chose to play Arena that way, and I choose to win.

  • When I did TDM with some people, we were usually 3 sloops in a lobby, were open about what we were going to do and gave an open invitation to join in. It was up to them if they wanted to change lobbies, go dig a chest, fight between the other crews or come fight us, but whenever they did we fought back of course, no reason to expect otherwise right? Never once called anyone names or even say they were bad at the game. Pretty much just said we would prefer if we could keep to our own fight and once more asked if they wanted to join. Results vary a lot so sometimes we got more people in and sometimes we were spawnkilling a solo player who just flat out didn't seem to want to do anything else than try to fight us one by one on his deck with his sword while others continued with the TDM.

  • @nathan-7eighths Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • As an Xbox player who frequently, frantically waves his sword and blunder buss about in hope in the heat of battle, I love it when TDMers are fighting it out with eachother in the arena.
    I've learnt, boy did I learn!! to just stay the hell out of your way in the arena and just go about gathering points elsewhere to get the win I need.
    You all carry on. 👍 I need all the help I can get.

  • @cotu42 If they'd make any progress with custom servers this would be a non-issue. Haven't heard any update on those in a minute.

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