simple SoT Wallpapers

  • I did some photoshop-playing around with one of the stencils provided by @khaleesibot here

    thought I'd share it. Maybe someone is interested

    and a smartphone version

  • 13
  • @kantyran Nice lighting/shadowing :) Looks great!

  • @kantyran Looks awesome!

  • @kantyran Could look good as a flag for a ship like: "The Swaying Kraken" or ship names with the word "kraken"!! :)

  • @asthenicmuffin2 definetely. Bit I didn't design it. It's a design from Rare I guess. I just added lights, shadows and moss

  • @kantyran That's already a great improvement :)

  • @kantyran Those are looking very cool indeed!

  • Glad y'all like it.
    Any wishes or suggestions what would look cool?

  • I love the art

  • It looks great! Maybe the smartphone one could be a bit larger to fill the screen! Just a thought

  • @n1ck3200 sure. If you can tell me how tall and wide you want it to be. In pixels if possible.

    I made the picture way bigger than necessary so people can decide how large they want the skullthing to be

  • @kantyran Ahhh I see now! It works and looks great! Thank you!

  • I really like the second version of the wp, it's neat!

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