Weapon Variation
With the hope for/anticipation of other weapon types to eventually make it into the game, after all we can see several versions of harpoons on the outposts and an ax on the wall of the Smith's shop, there are a number of weapons that would be thematically appropriate as well as opportunities for those more "Rare"-inspired unusual weapons for frivolity and fun. Below represents a few different ways that weapon variation can be expanded upon within the game.
Weapon Variation within Classes
The hope is that weapons will come in a wide variety of styles and designs, such that yours is "unique" enough to be noticeable to other players, and that can generate stories or desire to find your own. Your weapons, like your character and ship, are an extension of who you are. These are some examples from other games that would be great to see Sea of Thieves versions of:
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In addition to this, the ability to have color variants or skins for each weapon (and not have to collect a gold, silver, rusted version, or red, green, blue, of each for example) that can be selected from the menu would be greatly appreciated and add to the uniqueness. This would be very important as some players may like the design of one item, but not like the finish (for example, I don't like gold as a color, but don't want to be either forced to have a gold weapon or forgo a weapon with a really cool design because it only comes in gold). This is something that Destiny 2 has been really good with for their weapon customization.
Additional Weapon Classes/Types
Muskatoon Rifle - (UPDATE - CONFIRMED) - used for longer range gunplay (single shot, long accurate trajectory with greater fall off after far distance, high damage, but with only 3 shots and a longer reload than the Blunderbuss)
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Harpoon - long range melee weapon that has two forms of basic attack (RT to thrust, LT to sweep across), and a charged attack (hold RT to do an overhead downward smash)
Axe - short range, heavy melee weapon, used to break objects (doors/wooden barricades)
Knife - short range, light melee weapon, used for quick attacks
"Other" - these would be the more "fun" objects in the world that could be used as weapons (think bucket of vomit). We've all heard stories of the Sea of Thieves prototype having a fish that you could slap people with, that we'd love to see make it in to the game. Other ideas are a broom/mop, clubs, planks, paint brushes, empty bottles, or other brick-a-brack that players could come across.
In addition to the weapon classes listed above, perhaps having different types of iron shell grenades or other throwable objects like potion bottles (as seen in the Enchantments shop) of "X" substance that can also do area-of-effect damage or cause status effects.
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These effects could range from such as explosive, fire, toxic/poison, flash bang, or other "fun" types (bottled whirlwind or glue perhaps) would allow for area-of-effect damage, damage-over-time effects, or status effects and stuns depending on use. They would be thrown over an arching trajectory and such could be lobbed over walls or other environment objects, and used in various scenarios.
To prevent players from abusing them, they could be limited to only carrying two at any time (mixed between types) and for grenades specifically, they could also be on a fuse that like guns, you need to hold LT to light the fuse and then RT to throw, but if you wait too long they can go off in your hand.
Black Powder Kegs - (UPDATE - CONFIRMED)
These are more on an interactive object in the world, but for how they are most likely to be used I am including them under weapons.
The black powder kegs could exist in the world as a barrel that could be picked up and moved around much like a chest by pressing "X", but while carrying it you could press LT to light a fuse, and RT to tip on it's side and push/throw. After say 10 seconds it would then explode doing significant area-of-effect damage. Powder kegs could be used to blow up rocks blocking a cave passage, groups of enemies or bosses, or tossed over the side/back of a ship to attack pursuing ships or even the Kraken.
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Ammo Types
With the primary guns utilizing projectiles, it would be awesome if we eventually could see different types of ammo be implemented for the different guns, adding new mechanics and ways to play. For example:
- Pellet Shot (current ammo type) = wide spread, lots of projectiles that do minimal damage individually but high damage collectively, with medium fall off over distance, can only carry 5 rounds
- Heavy Shot = large single ball, similar to but smaller than a cannon ball (think shotgun slug shot) that has a short trajectory range with quick fall off, but does high impact damage (could potentially damage a ship/structures), can only carry 3 rounds
- "Status Effect" Shot = potential for various ammo types that fall within similar parameters of short range, low trajectory, minimal to no damage, can only carry 3 at a time
-- Smoke = fires a burst of smoke to create a cloud screen, reducing visibility, dissipates after 5 seconds
-- Tar Shot = fires a large glob of tar that can stun/hold player/enemy in place for 3 seconds, or can also be shot on the ground as a trap and if stepped on also stuns the player/enemy for 3 seconds, disappears after 5 seconds (similar to vomit decal)
- Standard Shot (current ammo type) = single round with long trajectory and short fall off over distance, medium damage, can carry 5 rounds
- Flare Shot = single round that has a colored smoke trail that eventually bursts into a small puff of cloud, long trajectory with quick fall off, can only carry 3 rounds
- Ricochet Shot = single round that bounces off of surfaces up to 3 times, medium trajectory then decent fall off, medium to low damage that is reduced with every bounce, can only carry 3
Open to additional suggestions, but please make sure to consider how they balance across the following: number/type of projectiles/spread, trajectory distance and fall off, damage, and effect.
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