So the pre-order price is a little bit too much for me and I don't plan on buying the game if the price is too high. So that brings me too the main question of this topic. What do you think how much will the game cost?
How much will Sea of Thieves cost?
@arasog The pre-order price is the price of the full game. However, I suggest pre-ordering so you can try the beta, and you can cancel if you don't like it as you won't be charged until closer to release. :D
@whenkoalasattak @ArasOG At least when you order through the Microsoft store or use Amazons Hard Disc version (NOT the download code)
@arasog That's the answer. The pre-order price is the price of the full game. $59.99 preorder, $59.99 on March 20th. Although, it may cost your soul since you'll get addicted. ;)
@arasog you are thibking pre,order goodies brings game cost up no rare just decided,to gift us goodies if you pre order , but the game is 59.99 and well worth it
@franciscoroquex same, was so hyped about this game until I discover the price, it's really expensive
@srmaikelbaro said in How much will Sea of Thieves cost?:
@franciscoroquex same, was so hyped about this game until I discover the price, it's really expensive
It's the same price as any other newly released game on a console, what lead you to believe it would be any different?
@wo0dox wait is sharing games free? I only tried once and I believe I got charged, therefore I never tried again. Maybe I didn’t get charged and was just confused idk
@dark-shadow9056 Game sharing is free, you can share games on your xbox with anyone else on your home xbox 1, you can also share with one close friend or family member by setting their xbox as your home (or just adding them somehow- look it up for proper way) and letting them download any or all of your games for free. You can change it up 5 times a year. When you game share, you essentially account share so you have to trust the person. I only intend to use it on my own Xbox so nothing tricky abound. This only works with digital downloads/content.
@arasog Right now, as it stands at $60 U.S, I won't be buying it. The content they've shown is not nearly worth my time. I see maybe 30-40 hours of gameplay here with what they've shown, before I become bored out of my mind and go back to playing something else. If they'd simply show what content they were actually offering us I might reconsider depending on what it is, but early signs point to nothing but a fetch-quest and reputation grind. If I wanted that I'd go play something else with a much lower price tag. I've only heard rumblings of some end-game content, and more in-depth ship progression, but I haven't seen any of it yet.
Do not make your choice based off an Alpha. Rare has been known to be extremely secretive about their games in the past. I too struggle with the ideas if the game is going to be worth the 60 bucks, but I always remind myself that it is just classic secret Rare, and an Alpha build as well.
@psych0-knightro I've talked to Joe about this, and in my mind it just doesn't make sense. If you are wanting to gain maximum funding from your pre-order sales, wouldn't you want to sell as many of those pre-order sales as possible? And wouldn't giving a full list of features improve those sales? Maybe not, maybe my 10 years of business management means nothing when it comes to game design, that is seriously possible. Either way, I have advised all my friends to wait and see what Rare announces as they near closer to full release, only then will we be 100% sure if its something we want to invest in or not.
As it stands now, me and my crew are defiantly skeptical. We're not even sure if we could all play together (6 of us) even if we were interested. Which is just sad to not know this late in development.
@ethnine said in How much will Sea of Thieves cost?:
@arasog Right now, as it stands at $60 U.S, I won't be buying it. The content they've shown is not nearly worth my time. I see maybe 30-40 hours of gameplay here
If you only played for 30 hours, at $60 that's $2 per hour. $1.5 per hour if you get 40 hours out of it.
I know I'll be putting more hours than that into the released game going by the Alpha. I'd have put way more into the Alpha if the scheduled regular sessions had been more suiting to my schedule earlier on and not only made more accommodating towards the end...
@oldmansutii I do not mean this as an offense, but honestly you didn't find the reputation/quest grind a bit long-in-the-tooth after 50+ times? Maybe we simply did the quests too many times in a row, either way the rewards weren't worth the time spent, and the grind was intense. I actually haven't seen a game with this much of a grind in a long time. Also, we normally do not purchase games unless it has at least 100 hours + worth of content. And it was about the 30th trip to dig up treasure that most of us yawned and said "I can't take this anymore!"
@ethnine I'm old, hence the name, and I've played through some true grindfest-titles in my time. Even though the core of each of the quests was the same, that can be said for every single game: Go to location X, perform action, receive reward / go collect reward.
I'm confident there'll be more variety in the final release than we've seen so far, but if not I'll still get my monies worth. Even if it's only 30 hours, which for me would be €2.33 per hour, it's still worth it. A trip to the cinema is significantly more expensive, and a night out even more so.
@oldmansutii said in How much will Sea of Thieves cost?:
I'm confident there'll be more variety in the final release than we've seen so far, but if not I'll still get my monies worth.
And I believe that is the difference. Since we were all burned by another title with just as much ambition, our willingness to trust that what we've not seen will be in the game at release is extremely skeptical. And for us, we find entertainment value extremely differing between a cinematic experience and a video game experience. Ours is more of shared world experience when it comes to gaming. We all work together to build, craft, grow, learn, explore and earn rewards. Where as a cinema experience is more of a personal adventure. So far SoT only has a little of what keeps me and my crew interested. But we are trying to remember that this is just Alpha, and hopefully things will change. If not though, then so be it.
@xshoura why is everything more expensive in Europe? open us amazon vs UK amazon, DE amazon almost everything is more expensive.
Seeing that you are from Germany, I would start off at a different place, why is half of Youtube blocked.
Easy workaround, change your store location and you can buy it 60usd - easy as that.
@lucky-monkee yeah, Youtube is a known Problem. It is called 'GEMA' and we all love it -.-
Maybe I will try to switch my Location at the shop. Could be worth it. Cause 70€ are really pretty much.It's not necessarily just about the progression for some people. For me I know I'll end up playing this game for 50 hours at least just because of the fun and interesting interactions you can have with other people either cannoning down a boat or just messing around drinking grog with friends which is why I ended up pre-ordering. Heck, I spent about 200 hours on Ark just RPing with people. Maybe I'm just easy to please, but to me it's worth the buy.
@ethnine said in How much will Sea of Thieves cost?:
@arasog Right now, as it stands at $60 U.S, I won't be buying it. The content they've shown is not nearly worth my time. I see maybe 30-40 hours of gameplay here with what they've shown, before I become bored out of my mind and go back to playing something else. If they'd simply show what content they were actually offering us I might reconsider depending on what it is, but early signs point to nothing but a fetch-quest and reputation grind. If I wanted that I'd go play something else with a much lower price tag. I've only heard rumblings of some end-game content, and more in-depth ship progression, but I haven't seen any of it yet.
"The alpha (barebones as it is) has shown me nothing!!"
Total shocker. But thats fine. Seeya around pal.
We know pricing and discussion around content, value for money, taxes, customs charges, and longevity are subjects which are being debated and will continue to be debated on the forums, with very contrasting viewpoints being expressed.
One of the great things about this Community is it's ability to discuss potentially contentious topics in a way which values all input, however much we might disagree with it.
@souleaterst1ch I've not seen any signs that the beta will be any different, or the fully released game for that matter. If you happen to have factual proof that the amount of content added with the fully released game will match the games price tag when compared to other games in the same genera I would be more than willing to listen.
As my post outlined, as it stands, the game is far from worth its cost. If Rare does reveal something amazing with loads of in-depth rich content, then my opinion will change. Until then I feel like its ill-advised to spend money on what is currently tangible.
@ethnine you know The game has been under strict NDA only to be lifted in a few weeks here. And you want them to [mod removed] tell you about every nook and cranny?
Id like to go into detail and point out the steady progress they've made even since I started but that would he breaking the rules now wouldn't it?
Nobody's asking you to stick around. Its your choice and your opinion, strictly.
if your from uk like me its £49.99
here is the link to the Microsoft store itself with details