Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced

  • @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @sileny13 said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga Surprise! Boat isn’t 2ft tall so you have enough space to back up

    5ft in length*. 2ft tall what are you talking about? I'm in tears 😂

    This guy just wants to be right, even when common sense says he's wrong (or doesn't know either way from the lack of not firing the gun himself.) No need in debating with this genius.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @sileny13 said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga Surprise! Boat isn’t 2ft tall so you have enough space to back up

    5ft in length*. 2ft tall what are you talking about? I'm in tears 😂

    This guy just wants to be right, even when common sense says he's wrong (or doesn't know either way from the lack of not firing the gun himself.) No need in debating with this genius.

    Stupidest thing I've heard all day.

  • @kinggzanga man, it’s not my own language, but even I realize that you are totally moron

  • @kinggzanga Stupidest thing I've heard all day was you saying that stupidest wasn't a word.

  • @sileny13 said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga man, it’s not my own language, but even I realize that you are totally moron

    Here comes another. & what reasoning do you have for this?

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga Stupidest thing I've heard all day was you saying that stupidest wasn't a word.

    You really are the biggest moron I've ever come across.

  • @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @sileny13 said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga man, it’s not my own language, but even I realize that you are totally moron

    Here comes another. & what reasoning do you have for this?

    The lack of firing the gun yourself is the only reason we need for knowing you're uneducated on the topic.

  • sir, there is no reason you need to be rude with each other. Please calm down

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @sileny13 said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga man, it’s not my own language, but even I realize that you are totally moron

    Here comes another. & what reasoning do you have for this?

    The lack of firing the gun yourself is the only reason we need for knowing you're uneducated on the topic.

    You don't have to shoot it to find out the damage model when you get shot 5 times and die 5 times. You already know the damage model of the gun, how are you so braindead.

  • @kinggzanga you’re complaining about you don’t understand. Go to Overwatch and cry about Whidowmaker is op

  • @kinggzanga Get shot 5 times die 5 times tells us nothing about any of the situations. Describe in detail where they were or (Mod Edit).

  • whoa time out you two... hug it out

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga Get shot 5 times die 5 times tells us nothing about any of the situations. Describe in detail where they were or s**u.

    Hahahaha wow.

  • Nah, I like debating with people who think they are right when they are obviously uneducated. This guy is one of the funnest to debate with. It's so easy to get him riled up.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Nah, I like debating with people who think they are right when they are obviously uneducated. This guy is one of the funnest to debate with. It's so easy to get him riled up.


  • @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Nah, I like debating with people who think they are right when they are obviously uneducated. This guy is one of the funnest to debate with. It's so easy to get him riled up.


    Great comeback bud. You're so clever.

  • Rare has said they want different weapons to have different uses.

    The cutlass uses no ammo, has no reload and is short range (besides the dash/thrust attack).

    Pistol has a nice mix of range and damage, and a knockback effect too.

    Blunderbus is extreme close range and basically worthless if they are more than an arms reach away from you.

    Scoped rifle has great range, flat trajectory but is very slow to aim with in close quarters.

    So overall each weapon has their use.

    If someone is coming at you with a blunderbus my advice is to simply pull out your pistol and shoot them to try and knock them back... optionally use side-strafe and use cover, like the masts, rocks, the wheel for raising the anchor etc.

    The blunderbus really needs all the shots to hit in order to kill you so if any of the pellets are stopped from hitting a mast or other forms of cover you stand a good chance to go forward and hack them to pieces before they can reload it.

    Personally I prefer the pistol as my go-to gun.

    Another thing to note is that we seem to be able to carry every weapon at the same time, even though keybinds only let us bind Weapon 1 and Weapon 2.

    Maybe this is a bug in the beta though.

    I would prefer it if we could only carry one gun in addition to the saber so you would have to choose what to carry... pistol OR rifle OR blunderbus, rather than carrying all 3 + saber at same time.

    That way players would have to make a tactical choice on what to use depending on what they are doing.

    Are you about to board a ship? Grab the blunderbus!
    Are you covering your friends from shark attack? Grab the rifle!
    Are you not entirely sure what to expect? Grab the pistol!

    Carrying all at the same time feels a bit like cheating to me... but hey, that's my opinion ;)

  • @ghroznak said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Rare has said they want different weapons to have different uses.

    The cutlass uses no ammo, has no reload and is short range (besides the dash/thrust attack).

    Pistol has a nice mix of range and damage, and a knockback effect too.

    Blunderbus is extreme close range and basically worthless if they are more than an arms reach away from you.

    Scoped rifle has great range, flat trajectory but is very slow to aim with in close quarters.

    So overall each weapon has their use.

    If someone is coming at you with a blunderbus my advice is to simply pull out your pistol and shoot them to try and knock them back... optionally use side-strafe and use cover, like the masts, rocks, the wheel for raising the anchor etc.

    The blunderbus really needs all the shots to hit in order to kill you so if any of the pellets are stopped from hitting a mast or other forms of cover you stand a good chance to go forward and hack them to pieces before they can reload it.

    Personally I prefer the pistol as my go-to gun.

    Another thing to note is that we seem to be able to carry every weapon at the same time, even though keybinds only let us bind Weapon 1 and Weapon 2.

    Maybe this is a bug in the beta though.

    I would prefer it if we could only carry one gun in addition to the saber so you would have to choose what to carry... pistol OR rifle OR blunderbus, rather than carrying all 3 + saber at same time.

    That way players would have to make a tactical choice on what to use depending on what they are doing.

    Are you about to board a ship? Grab the blunderbus!
    Are you covering your friends from shark attack? Grab the rifle!
    Are you not entirely sure what to expect? Grab the pistol!

    Carrying all at the same time feels a bit like cheating to me... but hey, that's my opinion ;)

    Thank you, an educated and well thought reply. I understand that every gun has a purpose and a different functionality, I agree that it should be like that. I just feel that the blunderbuss is ever so slightly more powerful than the rest, in my opinion ofcourse. It may not be and it might just be, but with the amount of upvotes and interest in this topic, I'm not the only one who feels the same.

  • I have been using the blunderbuss a lot too lately, just because it is overpowered. Enemies are climbing your ladder? Just wait on top and one shot them with the blunder, it feels so dirty that I must agree with you. Maybe it should drop 3/4 of your health but not full.

  • @niqsun said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    I have been using the blunderbuss a lot too lately, just because it is overpowered. Enemies are climbing your ladder? Just wait on top and one shot them with the blunder, it feels so dirty that I must agree with you. Maybe it should drop 3/4 of your health but not full.

    Thank you, exactly what I'm saying. It feels way too easy and cheap in comparison to other weapons. I'm not saying nerf it into oblivion, I'm just saying it needs slightly less damage output than it currently has. I haven't heard of many people one shotting opponents with a pistol, apparently you can with a cutlass however I haven't seen it and according to another user on this forum you can with a headshot from a rifle, again I haven't seen but that would take luck or skill and the blunderbuss requires neither. The chances of getting a one shot kill with anything other than a blunderbuss are very low. It is unbalanced and I struggle to understand how players feel differently.

  • @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Bored with this. Good luck.

    Another close minded alpha player hits the dust. "No safezones it ruins PvP", "we want 8 man ships", "we want bigger servers with more people on a hard rendering, 30-fps, open world game", "one shot blunderbuss because that's what would happen in real life". I fear for the developers with players like these roaming the forums.

    Oh so superior aren't you.

  • @hotel-actual said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Bored with this. Good luck.

    Another close minded alpha player hits the dust. "No safezones it ruins PvP", "we want 8 man ships", "we want bigger servers with more people on a hard rendering, 30-fps, open world game", "one shot blunderbuss because that's what would happen in real life". I fear for the developers with players like these roaming the forums.

    Oh so superior aren't you.

    Attempting to be productive and helpful isn't hard my dude, try it some day.

  • @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @cable0312 said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Your not a very nice person, you know that?
    Here I am offering free hugs and you insult me.

    Shame you can offer nothing to the progression of this game. You roam these forums telling anyone who has a different opinion than you, to "cry". I hope you come last in this years sack race, kid.


  • I think melee combat is in need of complete rework - not blunderbuss. Although I agree to some degree that this changes ship fights into corner camping with buss in hand.

  • @niqsun Oh, so you see an enemy climbing your ladder and you stand right above his completely exposed head and don't expect to be able to just one shot the guy with the shotgun to the face? How is that op again? Remember you guys are talking to the original poster who has yet to buy a blunderbuss but still calls it op. The range is the clear factor on what makes the bb completely not op. I guarantee if you come at me with a bb, I will melt you with the pistol before you get into range. And yes, you should be able to one shot anybody coming up your ladder due to the height advantage.

  • @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @ghroznak said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Rare has said they want different weapons to have different uses.

    The cutlass uses no ammo, has no reload and is short range (besides the dash/thrust attack).

    Pistol has a nice mix of range and damage, and a knockback effect too.

    Blunderbus is extreme close range and basically worthless if they are more than an arms reach away from you.

    Scoped rifle has great range, flat trajectory but is very slow to aim with in close quarters.

    So overall each weapon has their use.

    If someone is coming at you with a blunderbus my advice is to simply pull out your pistol and shoot them to try and knock them back... optionally use side-strafe and use cover, like the masts, rocks, the wheel for raising the anchor etc.

    The blunderbus really needs all the shots to hit in order to kill you so if any of the pellets are stopped from hitting a mast or other forms of cover you stand a good chance to go forward and hack them to pieces before they can reload it.

    Personally I prefer the pistol as my go-to gun.

    Another thing to note is that we seem to be able to carry every weapon at the same time, even though keybinds only let us bind Weapon 1 and Weapon 2.

    Maybe this is a bug in the beta though.

    I would prefer it if we could only carry one gun in addition to the saber so you would have to choose what to carry... pistol OR rifle OR blunderbus, rather than carrying all 3 + saber at same time.

    That way players would have to make a tactical choice on what to use depending on what they are doing.

    Are you about to board a ship? Grab the blunderbus!
    Are you covering your friends from shark attack? Grab the rifle!
    Are you not entirely sure what to expect? Grab the pistol!

    Carrying all at the same time feels a bit like cheating to me... but hey, that's my opinion ;)

    Thank you, an educated and well thought reply. I understand that every gun has a purpose and a different functionality, I agree that it should be like that. I just feel that the blunderbuss is ever so slightly more powerful than the rest, in my opinion ofcourse. It may not be and it might just be, but with the amount of upvotes and interest in this topic, I'm not the only one who feels the same.

    This guy said all of the same (Mod Edit) I said before when you got all irate. You still haven't tried the gun out have you? Did you buy one yet? That's the only question I want answered.

  • Of course you didn't... you've judged how powerful something is only by dying to it and not testing it yourself to see why it isn't. Keep on being ignorant then.

  • @kinggzanga Just pay attention to your surroundings while chasing ships. It's not that hard to miss when someone tries to get on your deck.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @ghroznak said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Rare has said they want different weapons to have different uses.

    The cutlass uses no ammo, has no reload and is short range (besides the dash/thrust attack).

    Pistol has a nice mix of range and damage, and a knockback effect too.

    Blunderbus is extreme close range and basically worthless if they are more than an arms reach away from you.

    Scoped rifle has great range, flat trajectory but is very slow to aim with in close quarters.

    So overall each weapon has their use.

    If someone is coming at you with a blunderbus my advice is to simply pull out your pistol and shoot them to try and knock them back... optionally use side-strafe and use cover, like the masts, rocks, the wheel for raising the anchor etc.

    The blunderbus really needs all the shots to hit in order to kill you so if any of the pellets are stopped from hitting a mast or other forms of cover you stand a good chance to go forward and hack them to pieces before they can reload it.

    Personally I prefer the pistol as my go-to gun.

    Another thing to note is that we seem to be able to carry every weapon at the same time, even though keybinds only let us bind Weapon 1 and Weapon 2.

    Maybe this is a bug in the beta though.

    I would prefer it if we could only carry one gun in addition to the saber so you would have to choose what to carry... pistol OR rifle OR blunderbus, rather than carrying all 3 + saber at same time.

    That way players would have to make a tactical choice on what to use depending on what they are doing.

    Are you about to board a ship? Grab the blunderbus!
    Are you covering your friends from shark attack? Grab the rifle!
    Are you not entirely sure what to expect? Grab the pistol!

    Carrying all at the same time feels a bit like cheating to me... but hey, that's my opinion ;)

    Thank you, an educated and well thought reply. I understand that every gun has a purpose and a different functionality, I agree that it should be like that. I just feel that the blunderbuss is ever so slightly more powerful than the rest, in my opinion ofcourse. It may not be and it might just be, but with the amount of upvotes and interest in this topic, I'm not the only one who feels the same.

    This guy said all of the same (Mod Edit) I said before when you got all irate. You still haven't tried the gun out have you? Did you buy one yet? That's the only question I want answered.

    After saying he wasn't coming back three times, he's back. Bye.

  • After continuing to comment on how op this gun is, this guy still hasn't shot it. So funny dude, you're just hilarious.

  • @kinggzanga @Dwead-P-Woberts

    I can see this conversation is getting a bit heated, and I just wanted to remind you all of the Pirate Code.

    alt text

    We don't always have to agree all the time about everything, but we should treat each other with respect, and if we find things escalating, just walk away. If you think someone has crossed a line, then please flag that comment or post for moderation and it will be reviewed.

  • @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    After continuing to comment on how op this gun is, this guy still hasn't shot it. So funny dude, you're just hilarious.

    After explaining several times my issue with the weapon is its damage output, this guy still hasn't got it. So repetitive bro, you're just bicurious.
    What does my sexuality have to do with this? Yeah, can't argue with the genius original poster who has clearly not even tested the gun yet. Can't argue with the sound logic of someone so well informed. You be you.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    After continuing to comment on how op this gun is, this guy still hasn't shot it. So funny dude, you're just hilarious.

    After explaining several times my issue with the weapon is its damage output, this guy still hasn't got it. So repetitive bro, you're just bicurious.
    What does my sexuality have to do with this? Yeah, can't argue with the genius original poster who has clearly not even tested the gun yet. Can't argue with the sound logic of someone so well informed. You be you.

    Bicurious isn't a sexuality, just a heads up. You still don't understand that it's about the damage? Haha, wow.

  • @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    After continuing to comment on how op this gun is, this guy still hasn't shot it. So funny dude, you're just hilarious.

    After explaining several times my issue with the weapon is its damage output, this guy still hasn't got it. So repetitive bro, you're just bicurious.
    What does my sexuality have to do with this? Yeah, can't argue with the genius original poster who has clearly not even tested the gun yet. Can't argue with the sound logic of someone so well informed. You be you.

    Bicurious isn't a sexuality, just a heads up. You still don't understand that it's about the damage? Haha, wow.

    adjective: bicurious
    (of a heterosexual person) interested in having a sexual experience with a person of the same sex.
    "gay, bisexual, and bi-curious straight guys advertising on this unique confidential service"

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