Achievement Descriptions; would you like them as riddles or as a detailed list?

  • Hi everyone!

    I'd like to gauge the communities thoughts on a potential way to write up the in-game achievement descriptions for Sea of Thieves. It occured to me that writing some of them as riddles might be a fun way to do it, but would you find that annoying?

    I've created a twitter poll for it, or feel free to comment and discuss in here!

    I don't want to write something you wouldn't like, so let me know your thoughts!

    Red Rage :)

  • 47
  • I think descriptions could be a mixture of both. Some may be a riddle if it pertains to seeking some loot or something similar. Some could be when reading it looks like a Pirate wrote it. These will be really fun to read. :)

  • @teddy-25 - Great idea! I think it would be cool if SOME achievements were written as riddles but maybe not all of them.

    Like for instance, if there were ones that you would normally keep as "Secret" achievements like other games do, you could instead make those ones into riddles instead of the bland description: "This achievment is secret. The more you play, the more likely you are to unlock it!" That other games have.

  • @teddy-25 @KHARITES Agreed! maybe some of the old-fashioned Secret Achievements could be the ones that are written as riddles?

  • @teddy-25 I'd like me pet parrot to bring me my achievements and drop the scroll on the sand in front of me to pick up and read :D

  • @TEDDY-25 as long as the riddles aren't TOO obscure/indecipherable!

    puzzle achievements for PGR4 come to mind....."Tonight Make Me Unstoppable" ? :D

  • if some of them come naturally sure, otherwise don't kill yourselves trying to turn every achievement into a riddle.

  • @teddy-25 I'm happy with just a list, cheevos are cheevos are cheevos.

  • I don't see why not use riddles, it's a great idea! After all, surely guides will be created to unlock them, so if someone doesn't want to complicate themselves, he or she would only have to search the Internet.

  • @TEDDY-25 You could make some of them riddles just like those lists that refer some achievements as being secret.

    And I hope they can be viewed ingame in a nice leather bound book you can open.

  • If you have an achievement for solving x amount of riddles, you should make that one a riddle. :) Besides that, I would prefer them in a list. Unless they are obvious.
    And unfortunately once a few people have got the achievements the word will get out and most people will just look it up online.

  • Fair mixture of both, with an emphasis on the riddles.

  • You could always have an in-game menu/collection of riddle maps where riddle based achievements could live and then have in the official Xbox Achievement slot something like:

    Achievement Name
    Riddle Achievement - Achieved by solving a riddle in game.

    Just like the secret achievements but this way you can have an in-game item/map to tell you how to unlock the achievement.

  • Riddles , Gaming today became easy , i mean , the devs always make the games easier these days(im not talking bout SoT) , so if you wanna be special and bring some hardcore gaming nostalgia , make this game as hard as it can get and the most challenging.
    after all , only a real pirate can solve riddles.

  • Teddy I'll be always grateful for leaking the parrots in the game, so I'll vote for your reward: more work!

  • Adding to the ingame achievement viewing; Do xbox one achievements still do the small pics like the 360? If so they could all be displayed on a scroll to reveal a map with perhaps a final easter egg

  • @teddy-25 To be fair, if people have too much difficulty solving riddles, they get solved pretty quickly online. For those wanting to solve it within game, like myself, I would do it legitimately and it gives something more to aim for. One-off riddles like for achievements are a good way for people to find something to do and not just go through the game as you would through a store with a shopping list.

  • @scoobywrx555 They are much bigger now I think...

    Ooooooh image based clues... so you could show a cropped image of an exclusive landmark on an island with a lantern say and that could be the instructions on how to trigger the achievement.

  • @musicmee they are a wide picture but still have a smaller one inset to the lower right?
    So whether both pics relate to that achievement or the smaller pic could be a part map. Then on an achievement page, all the smaller pics displayed together would appear as a complete something.

  • @scoobywrx555 Yeah you are right... the view I go to I never normally spot the smaller size image... which could be confusing for a player I suppose - if you need the small and full image together.

  • @musicmee yeah image based clues would be fun.

    Hope they do put them ingame, they have so much more meaning. I loved the way Fable Anniversary was done, putting stamps in a book.

  • how do you become an insider and play the alpha? I pre-ordered the game and cant play the alpha.

  • I would say a mix of both. The easy achievements should be listed in normal Engish. Achievements which are difficult should be written in riddles.

    @FreshLWaters You have to wait till the release on March 20, 2018. There are no (alpha or) beta sessions planned so far (not announced so far).

  • I think it'd be fun to have more customization to our ship other than visuals.

  • @teddy-25 A balance of riddles and standard descriptions would be great!

  • I'd say a mixture, it would be fun working out the riddle achievements, and at the end of the day, if some people can't work them out, they could always look them up. I'm sure people will do an achievement list completion video somewhere at some point.
    Riddle achievements seem more piratey.

  • Keep them all secret until you unlock one. Then we will need community effort to list them all. Which is always nice.

  • @teddy-25 Are achievements going to be for Xbox only, or will the Achievements also be for PC?

  • I agree a balance between riddles and regular achievements. I also like the idea of the "secret" achievements being the riddles, put our brains to work.

  • @teddy-25 A mixture of riddled achievements and regular ones, have the more difficult achievements be riddles that require some thinking to do, and have the easier ones be regularly worded.

    One thing that is imperative however, is that they all are pirate themed, for example instead of "Sink 10 ships with gun powder barrels" you can reword it as a pirate and say "Yarr, sink 10 vessels with yer barrels of powder" or something to that effect. If its worded like the first example it kills the pirate vibe.

  • @teddy-25 I'd like to see a mixture, maybe difficult achievements could be plain words, perhaps easier ones riddles so there's an extra bit of challenge and definitely some secret ones that you can come across by chance.

    I'm with @lizalaroo - either a parrot flies past and brings it or a monkey postman :D

  • @teddy-25 I think they should be riddles it would be so much more fun for achievement hunters such as myself to get figure out what the achievements text could possibly mean. Even just joke for a description when I stubble upon would be amazing!

  • @TEDDY-25
    It depends on the achievement! Although... with this game, I am far more lenient towards riddles than descriptions. I think a riddle, along with the picture of the achievement, would be sufficient enough to decipher what you need to do in order to get it.

    OR, what you could do (as others have probably suggested) is make them scale. That's definitely not the correct term...
    What I mean is that the more "basic" achievements are more descriptive and detailed in nature. Easy to figure out. But the more difficult achievements are riddles, ones that you have to solve in order to actually figure out what you need to to in order to get the achievement.

    I feel like this would actually make people feel like they've earned the achievement, because in order to get it they have to solve it first and then they still have to do it. Ofcourse there would be guides on the internet telling you what to do, but I know I (and many others) would love to try and figure out these difficult achievements.

    For example, my favourite achievement in-game was "Little Rocket Man" in Half Life 2 - Episode 2. As the achievement only tells you to send "the" garden gnome into space. But the game doesn't tell you where to find Mr Gnome, and unless you've played it before you wouldn't know that you would have to bring it with you through the entire game. Those kind of vague, yet descriptive, achievements could be a huge amount of fun in this game.

  • Riddles! It’s too easy if you just list them! If the riddle is easy you know what to do, if it’s hard you’ll have to find out! Very hardcore and fun, like the treasure riddles in game and really mysterious as the entire game world!

  • My vote is actually all for Riddles. Anyone who just wants achievements will probably Wiki them anyhow.

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