Please add More Ships to this Great Game [Idea]

  • This Game would be so much better if there would be more Different Ship Models.
    I mean this Cosmetic Customisation is really nice but it doesn't change the fact that everything looks the same and feels the same.

    It wouldn't affect PVP either because every Ship has Pro's and Con's.
    So there could be a Ship that has no Storage Area so it's really agile and doesnt have a Big Hitzone but sinks pretty Fast, or a long narrow Ship that is pretty fast but not very agile and has Cannons bellow the Deck. So PVP would be more Fun and diversified.

    I'm just Hoping that they have that in Mind, because this could be the Game of the Year. :/

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  • 4
  • of course this is one of the most important thing in this game

  • As in ships like a Cutter, Clipper, Brigantine, Ketch, Carrack, Frigate, Galley, or Ship-Of-The-Line?

    Or Ships that have different Stats? Not like armor, but things like Speed, Maneuverability? Say like giving up all guns for a faster ship?

    I am definitly excited about what could be coming!

1 out of 4