What does that mean?
Server shutting down in 15min...?
@kangle4 said in Server shutting down in 15min...?:
Servers down at prime time in Australia, thanks Rare.
we get the raw end on price AND maintenance. Those poms really are jealous of our beaches :(
@tog-fuzznuts said in Server shutting down in 15min...?:
@kangle4 said in Server shutting down in 15min...?:
Servers down at prime time in Australia, thanks Rare.
we get the raw end on price AND maintenance. Those poms really are jealous of our beaches :(
Like you said doing it on a Thursday ok we can get over it but than again three days later on a Saturday night, complete disregard for customers in Australia.
@kangle4 said in Server shutting down in 15min...?:
Servers down at prime time in Australia, thanks Rare.
@r0ck3tlaunch3r said in Server shutting down in 15min...?:
Ridiculous!!!! Just started playing and they shut down the servers. Good job Rare! Australia always gets screwed.
You got the game first! 13 hours before UK! You've also had it almost a day longer than the Americans.
@kangle4 said in Server shutting down in 15min...?:
And more on Saturday night at prime time in Australia, what a joke.
It’s either take it down for Australia and New Zealand at prime time, or the whole of Europe and some Americans. It was gonna be annoying for one region regardless. Just be happy you got it earlier.
it means that the server is shutting down in 15 mins.@quadratfuss said in Server shutting down in 15min...?:
What does that mean?
@lucas1910 said in Server shutting down in 15min...?:
@kangle4 said in Server shutting down in 15min...?:
And more on Saturday night at prime time in Australia, what a joke.
It’s either take it down for Australia and New Zealand at prime time, or the whole of Europe and some Americans. It was gonna be annoying for one region regardless. Just be happy you got it earlier.
Yeah but it's not our fault that our timezone is ahead of others, that's just the way the world works, but surely Rare could have changed these times up a bit.
It's the first server reset.
What's to say others wont be later for you guys as and when they move forward. It's 10:10am here in the UK as i write this, so folk who have taken a week off of work to play will miss a good couple of hours out of their day as well.@quadratfuss said in Server shutting down in 15min...?:
What does that mean?
As in most things in life my young friend, paying close attention to the wording of a statement usually brings rewards.
Imagine you have a a nice little house in the country, surrounded by a lovely white picket fence. One day, you decide to open the gate and a horde of rats pile in and start destroying your plants. You try and fight them, killing them one by one, but as the gate is still open more of the pesky blighters come on in.
Suddenly you have an idea. Close the gate. No more pesky blighters. With the gate closed you can rebuild your garden, making it a lot better, maybe adding a water feature, and definitely sticking in a lot of rat traps before reopening the gate a while later.
The rats, seeing the improvedness of the garden, it's a real word, trust me, no need to look it up, come flooding back but this time you can control them a hell of a lot better.Ok?
It's funny that some developers (Rare included) are informing about these maintenance's only in Twitter? Do you believe that some people don't have Twitter account?!! :D (e.g. there are kids playing this game that won't even be able to have one) and one like me who aren't checking it constantly. I really consider them to include that information in game e.g. in screen when you log in. It's quite common practice nowadays :)
@sshteeve said in Server shutting down in 15min...?:
It's the first server reset.
What's to say others wont be later for you guys as and when they move forward. It's 10:10am here in the UK as i write this, so folk who have taken a week off of work to play will miss a good couple of hours out of their day as well.Other things you can be doing whilst the server is down...
- Housework.
- Watch "Cops do the funniest things" on ITV2.
- Look out the window and remember that dreamy window cleaner you saw last week.
- There is no number 4.
- Organise you record collection in non alphabetical order.
- Have a spot of brunch.
- Popmaster!
You missed number 8 for me:
Sit at work, in a class of Year 13 kids waiting for them to hand in their courework...:)
@sshteeve said in Server shutting down in 15min...?:
You missed number 8 for me:
Sit at work, in a class of Year 13 kids waiting for them to hand in their courework...:)
I have a Wife to do that sort of thing for me mate. Although she is probably hunting you down as we speak...done your planning?
@gunjah104 not just on Twitter...