Please add Xbox One Text Chat Support (via Chat Pad and USB Keyboard)

  • First, I love the text chat by pressing the "T" key on the keyboard of the PC version to type in any text to chat. It allows people to actually communicate and roleplay with other pirates if you or they don't have a microphone, can't speak for whatever reason (be it medical or otherwise) or can't have sound enabled for one reason or another at various times (and let's face it, the Pirate chat wheel - while wonderful and better than nothing - is way too limited - there is no way to tell people to vote for the voyage, maneuver, required action, explaining how things work to your random crew member, etc. which would all be essential as well plus many every day situations). It's a wonderful feature, well done, Rare!

    On my Xbox One X, however, I have tried using my Xbox One Chat Pad to use text chat, to no avail, as it doesn't appear to be supported. It would be great if either the left or right D-Pad (it would also be nice to add this functionality for the controller on the PC, by the way) which currently don't have a button bind would activate the Text Chat and those with the Xbox One Chat Pad or a USB keyboard (on a side note, it would be nice to have full optional USB keyboard and mouse support on Xbox One as well!) connected to the Xbox One could use text chat just like PC players can. The implementation shouldn't be a problem, since the functionality is already there for the PC version and since the game is UWP it should be easily portable.
    It would also make it impossible for "platform-bigots" to know you're a PC player so the PC haters won't brig you for being a PC player or Xbox haters won't brig you for not being a PC player, both of which sadly happens way too often.

    On a side note, it would be nice if we could get a keybind/controller bind to display/scroll through the chat log as well in case you missed a line.

    @Rare-Employee , please add support for text chat on Xbox One. It would improve the quality of life on the Xbox One immensely! Thank you very much!

    PS.: Adding a push to talk keybind/controller bind on the Xbox One and a quick shortcut keybind for the speaking trumpet (on Xbox One and PC) would go a long way as well.

    PPS.: It would also be nice if you could add a communication Tutorial every player has to go through so they can learn about the communication methods in this game. Many players have no idea that there is a pirate wheel or how it works (with situations and items in hand modifying the options, etc.), that there is Text Chat or voice chat and how to use it/set it up, etc..

    PPPS.: Since there is now finally a Feedback + Support Forum where this topic belongs to, this is a repost of a thread from the alpha/beta in the Discussion forum which is now closed and you can find for reference by clicking here.

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  • Totally agree with op here, i mostly use my mic on xbox but some nights im gaming well into the early hours and dont want to wake the missus....being able to use my chat pad to communicate would solve this

  • Cannot find the source but I do recall Rare saying this feature will be added in a future update.

  • @ler the last I heard about it coming to Xbox was a post five months before the game launched. Rare haven’t said anything about it since. Still waiting and begging :(

  • @hudson-rl said in Please add Xbox One Text Chat Support (via Chat Pad and USB Keyboard):

    @ler the last I heard about it coming to Xbox was a post five months before the game launched. Rare haven’t said anything about it since. Still waiting and begging :(

    That's a long time indeed. Could a @Rare-Employee perhaps be so kind and let us know what the status on Text Chat/Chatpad support for the Xbox One version is?

  • @cave-waverider I’ve reached out to so many developers looking for an answer to whether or not it’s coming. Including to the guy who mentioned that they planned to bring the feature over to Xbox. Nothing but complete silence. Just like when asked about most things unfortunately.

  • @cave-waverider totally agree. This should have been incorporated at launch being PC and Xbox joint play. For one to have options the other doesn't in this format is counter productive.

  • @shanesaw-part2 100%. I’ve been hoping that Rare would have added it in with one of the weekly patches since launch. There’s one tomorrow so fingers crossed.

    It puts us Xbox users at a disadvantage in my opinion and there’s an easy way to remedy that... @Rare-Employee

  • Yes this is something we need on the Xbox. Very strange that it's not implemented allready.

  • Anyone heard a status update on making this a reality for Xbox players? Would love to be able to communicate with specific text messages or responses. Soon-to-be megaphone will help, but having ability to text to other pirates still a great idea for all to be able to use.

  • I completely agree with this, text chat on Xbox would be a great addition. I found this week while playing the Hungering Deep having the ability to specifically ask other crews for help would probably make it a lot easier!

  • I second this motion.

    Gears of War 4 supports it, and it saved my hide on Horde mode several times. In Gears you just press "U" and then type away.

    I do have bad news though, because when looking for a button to use it, I noticed the numbers on the chat pad were hotkeyed to most of your items. And I've noticed, that this has been taken out.

    The #8 was your spyglass, for example. But I think the support is going the wrong way here, I've tweeted them as well and got nothing.

  • I completely agree with this. I've had a number of instances where this would have been super helpful. While we're asking for things I would love to see text support added for xbox, and the ability to view the recent chat logs in case I've missed something, or the ability to resize how big that text is or how long messages are displayed.

  • Totalmente de acuerdo que implementen esta funcionalidad.

    Espero ya no se tarden tanto y pronto la implementen. :)

  • I would love this option! Especially for the nights that my son decides he won't speak in voice and only uses chat wheel controls.

    This feature is probably my number 1 non-content related item.

  • what xbox users need is the push to talk option like we got on pc ! kinda tired of hearing the game 3 times when playing with xbox users with mic. Had one time when some 12 year old started yelling on his friend and since they dont have or dont use push to talk he creted infinite loop of his yelling

  • Would be a great addition, annoying when PC players are text chatting and we can't on Xbox

  • If you research 5 min you would know that, what you ask for will come in the next patch.

  • @fearthebeardig so its been two months and a big update has been released. Still no sign of a type option

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