Skull fort key and server changes.

  • Ok. So.

    Tl;Dr if you have a fort key and are pushed to a new server because everyone ragequit it woild be nice if you could use it on the fort in the new instance.

    If you want more but don't care about the story, skip down the bottom.

    Longer story.

    So. Forts. So much fun. A friend and I have been slooping all weekend and thanks to his amazing skills (or perhaps despite my appalling skills) we've been able to grab some keys out from under people. We also got one uncontested fort which was lovely and set ourselves a new cleartime record.

    The most recent happened earlier tonight. A fort popped next to us, largely concealed by a storm. Despite having seen some galleons washing around, we agreed to roll up and see how we did. If we were contested we agreed to just bail and take advantage of clear seas to grind out more quests, rather than waste an hour or two trying to hold it.

    Off we go. Cleared three waves. I got the noname bug on cannonballs, so was only able to hold 2. He plays PC so I quit and he invited me back (why can't I do this on Xbox?). That led to a lazybeard loop, so I force quit the game and he invited me back again, whilst dealing with skeleons (the man is a genuine legend). Thankfully, the slot hasn't filled, so I made it back by wave 5.

    At wave 11 or so, the storm had passed and a galleon was on the horizon. I do lookout/cannon/sailing when we're 2 manning a fort, so I proposed that we push on and see what we can clear in the next couple of minutes, just in case the captain pops. A couple of waves later, the galleon is close. My friend heads back to the ship. No harm done. We've cleared the waves, but it's unlikely we'll win quickly so we bailed. No harm done. Little time wasted. We bug out, flashing lights and telling the incoming galleon we're leaving. They don't hear or don't trust us and open fire. No big deal. We have the planks to take the hits and we're not sticking around.

    Not a single shot hits. And then they crash. So we think maybe we can get an easy kill. 5 minutes max. Turns out their repair game is at least on point so despite many holes, they're holding up. That's fine. Galleons are very hard to sink quickly if a crew has even a modicum of communication.

    In the meantime, up rock 2 more galleons. So we're definitely bugging out. But we're both curious about how it'll play out. We sail out of range of the skeleton forts and are discussing tactics as we watch these galleons blow the bananas out of each other. One goes down fast, caught between the other two. The other two demonstrate real skill in manoeuvring and shooting; despite laying into each other hard, neither is getting the upper hand.

    They become so focused on each other, they start to drift away from the fort. We follow at a safe distance just admiring and learning until we realise there's noone clearing fort waves.


    My friend slips back in to look around. He sees one guy sitting in a tower, and strikes up conversation. He was apparently there to shoot at one of the galleons but has run out of cannonballs. He "doesn't want to die to the skeletons" - he's basically dead weight at this point. so we start a wave clear, convinced he'll report back and the galleons will come rushing over.

    But no. He sits there and watches as we clear that wave. Captain arrives. Still nothing. Kill the captain. Take the key. Bug out.

    This is pretty standard for us. If we get the key, we'll run into the wind and zigzag past islands, lowering sails and one of us leaping off at each until the pursuers see a mermaid. Most will anchor up, thinking we've dropped it off. Sometimes we do. Sometimes we don't. This time, we did at the third island - mermaids hideaway. I'm not sure why that's important, but it sticks in my mind. They're already lagging behind having stopped at the first island. Once the key is stashed, we run past a couple more islands and then break line of sight and scuttle so they won't see us go down, mermaid out, head to an outpost, change paint, pick up the key and carry on with quests.

    This takes about 15 minutes, so we know we have 2.45 until we need to get back. We go continue with our quests for a couple of hours. Then, sell loot and decide it's about time to get our fort treasures.

    As we get back on the boat, server changes. Damn it. Ok. You know what? It doesn't matter. Were a bit deflated but we have a great story.

    Then we notice a skull at a different fort. Can we use the key there we wonder? We should at least take a look...

    There's a galleon and sloop slugging it out as we approach. The sloop goes down to the galleon. Fine. We're still carrying the key but it's buried under a castaway. Nothing to lose. The galleon is parked up at the gate. They're anchored and so we come in at angle where they can't shoot us and unload about 100 cannonballs into them, peppering the anchor point and below the water line. One guy is spamming "I need help repairing" and because we keep hammering the anchor, they get knocked off and can't turn to face us (or maybe aren't even trying?). As we're down to our last three cannonballs they manage to get the anchor up and start moving. They run out of planks (we guess) because they can't get away fast enough.

    They run to the nearest outpost to resupply and we rush in to see if anyone is lurking. There's a few blue skellies there but we can't find any players. So we grab the key, expecting the skull to disappear and them to be alerted. Were planning to grab the chest and the skull and leave. But the skull stays. The blues have followed us in so we deal with them and luck is on our side. A gold sword wave spawns, and they obviously get stuck in the water. We decide to keep looting until the galleon is heading back. But because the skull is still up, they assume they have time and are still resupplying. We take everything except a seafarers which we leave at the entrance to the vault. They deserve something for all their hard work, after all.

    We fly off and sell out treasures. Yay!

    Anyway. Here's the point.
    Running with the key is (I presume) a pretty common tactic. It certainly is for me. Knowing that people will camp the fort, it's not unreasonable to want to wait an hour or two before returning. This is the first time I've had a server change while holding a key. Of course it will happen. And I realise this is an edge case, so it's very low priority, and the story alone was worth the effort. But it would be nice if, when the server changes, it puts loot into the fort which was cleared, so that if all the server hoppers leave and we're forced out, we don't have to go through that rigmarole again. It would have been even worse if there was no skull (we were discussing just leaving it in the tavern at one point, to really confuse people).

    Thanks for reading if you made it this far!

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  • TL:DR gives players advantages that creates an unfair/ game killing scenario

    because every game would be server hopping for forts then server hopping to open forts on a new server.. how would you feel if say you solo'd the fort and a gallie rolls up on you kills you when you have the key and when you make it back the ship disappeared infront of you? you would stop doing forts because it would be a waste of time.. now how about if you and your crew ran up on another gallie you fought hard and deserved that win.. and they stopped coming back.. you would have your reward.. but say 2 of your guys died right before capt'n died and you got that last swing... and just so happens 1 guy from previous gallie stayed and hid.. killed you as you picked up the key and server hopped.. you would have no chance to get it back.. or fight to get it back..

  • @badkahr said in Skull fort key and server changes.:

    TL:DR gives players advantages that creates an unfair/ game killing scenario

    because every game would be server hopping for forts then server hopping to open forts on a new server.. how would you feel if say you solo'd the fort and a gallie rolls up on you kills you when you have the key and when you make it back the ship disappeared infront of you? you would stop doing forts because it would be a waste of time.. now how about if you and your crew ran up on another gallie you fought hard and deserved that win.. and they stopped coming back.. you would have your reward.. but say 2 of your guys died right before capt'n died and you got that last swing... and just so happens 1 guy from previous gallie stayed and hid.. killed you as you picked up the key and server hopped.. you would have no chance to get it back.. or fight to get it back..

    What? You can do this right now if you want. I've personally done it. Get the key, quit.

    But that's not even slightly relevant and you're entirely missing the point. If they actively hopped servers (as opposed to being pushed to another because it was empty) they wouldn't have the key with them, the same way you don't start with any treasures or supplies you had in a previous game.

    Since it's possible I explained it extremely badly, then let me try again. I'm talking, specifically, about being passively pushed to another server as the result of it being empty. Not being able to quit and take the key to a new game. That's insane, and I can't believe you'd even think anyone would suggest it.

  • @lord-of-goats makes zero sense.. what exactly are you asking.. because the key is tied to that fort on that server.. hopping with the key would ruin the game and skullfort event.. also it would open an empty room.. are you asking for them to allow hopping with the key...

  • @badkahr

    I don't know how to explain it any better, but I guess I have to try?

    Just to clarify one point: the key isn't tied to the fort on that server. It will open any door on any server.

    Now, here's a situation:
    You and one other player are on a server. You beat a fort. You take the key, instead of immediately looting. Doesn't matter why. The other player leaves. Again, doesn't matter why. You are sent to a new server. You now have a useless key, because the fort you cleared is empty.

    I'm simply saying that if you have been pushed to another server - something over which you have zero control - it would be nice to be able to use the key that you legitimately earned and get the rewards.

    I'm also aware it's an edge case, which is why I said it's low priority, but I wanted to flag it, because it happened to me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    If that doesn't do it, I can't do any better.

  • @lord-of-goats never been pushed to another server so i wouldnt know.. did you leave an come back to the same fort.. the key will open any vault but only the key for the fort you fought at has loot.. is it a possibility that you opened wrong fort..

    ive had my entire party quit.. and hours later i ran into the same people i killed earlier..

  • @badkahr It's rare, but it happens. Hence edge case. I've had it maybe 3-5 times. You get white text on the screen like this when you change server:
    alt text

    It's possible you didn't even realise, because it's pretty seamless.

    Yes, we returned to the same fort. You can see what's in the vault without opening it. It was empty. Perhaps it would have spawned loot when it opened? But I doubt it.

    If you're at a live fort, the loot is in there. You can check it between waves.

  • dunno.. in this picture ur not holding a key.. so i have no idea if what you are saying is true.. ive only got that notification when im near the fort when it spawns.. ive been on the other side of the map when it spawns and not got the notification..

  • @badkahr said in Skull fort key and server changes.:

    dunno.. in this picture ur not holding a key.. so i have no idea if what you are saying is true.. ive only got that notification when im near the fort when it spawns.. ive been on the other side of the map when it spawns and not got the notification..

    Ok. Wow,

    A. not my picture. That picture shows the message you get when you change server. It pops up for a couple of seconds, and I never bothered to screen grab it, so I pasted one I found on the internet, using Google. It's a tool you can use to search the web. And also, entirely not the point. I'm showing you what a server change looks like. Not what a key looks like.

    B. Even if it were my picture, is it not possible that the key is, I don't know, downstairs in the hold where you normally put treasure, so that you can actually sail and stuff? Or do you hold every chest you dig up until you reach an outpost?

    C. Here's a picture of me holding the key (it's not me, again from the internet)

    alt text

    I don't understand how using this would have in any way helped make my point, so I'm bowing out of this, because it feels like you just don't grasp the situation at all.

  • no i understand what you are saying.. but i think you just went to the wrong fort... and no i put chests infront of the wheel.. ive never had chests or anything despawn.. so either you made a mistake or this is a .00001% chance it happens type situation with you being the only one its happened to..

  • @badkahr said in Skull fort key and server changes.:

    no i understand what you are saying.. but i think you just went to the wrong fort... and no i put chests infront of the wheel.. ive never had chests or anything despawn.. so either you made a mistake or this is a .00001% chance it happens type situation with you being the only one its happened to..

    You really don't understand.

    The entire instance has despawned. Server shutdown. Gone from memory. On the new instance we're sent to (without any control) the fort vault is empty because it hasn't been initialised. It knows nothing about our previous server. But we still have a key and whatever else was on our boat, including holes. The new instance doesn't have loot at the fort because it doesn't know anything about the previous instance.


    1. Get key at fort with stuff in vault.
    2. Hold key.
    3. Do voyages.
    4. Be the last people on the server.
    5. Be automatically transferred to a new server.
    6. Fort on new server is empty.
  • @lord-of-goats Would a new raid spawn in your new instance for you to use your key on?

    Assuming youre quick enough to get there, loot it without dying and confuse the next crew who come along wondering why the vault is empty but skeletons are still everywhere?

  • If a key is active in the world (even on the ground, imo), server merges should migrate the key and any locked loot in a skull fortress to the new world.

    There's some collision to sort out (what if that fortress is active on the new server, already?) but this really is a problem even if some people haven't run into it. I'd probably ragequit for the day if a server merge screwed me out of fortress loot.

  • @uvg-reign said in Skull fort key and server changes.:

    @lord-of-goats Would a new raid spawn in your new instance for you to use your key on?

    Assuming youre quick enough to get there, loot it without dying and confuse the next crew who come along wondering why the vault is empty but skeletons are still everywhere?

    That's what we did and it works to an extent. But!

    If the fort is already under siege, it's not possible without a fight. And if a fort has just been defeated, you might be waiting another three hours. This isn't a major issue, really. It's an edge case. But it's something I thought was worth flagging, because it seems like an oversight. And as more people key run, it's more likely to reoccur.

  • @sanssariph said in Skull fort key and server changes.:

    If a key is active in the world (even on the ground, imo), server merges should migrate the key and any locked loot in a skull fortress to the new world.

    There's some collision to sort out (what if that fortress is active on the new server, already?) but this really is a problem even if some people haven't run into it. I'd probably ragequit for the day if a server merge screwed me out of fortress loot.

    When you merge, presumably there are criteria in place to ensure you don't, for example, merge into another ship in or close to the same position. So adding more conditions to the merge (finding a server where that fort isn't active) wouldn't be a big deal.

    I'd like it also if it merged the key position as well. That would be awesome. As it is, we've stopped stashing it on islands because it's too risky, but that certainly removes some fun counter play.

    Personally I'm lucky in that I've got enough money to have bought all the things I want (and know that 30 minutes of merchant abuse can earn the same as a fort). But if that weren't the case, yeah. I probably would have lost my bananas.

  • probably shouldn't of waited so long.. before looting.. maybe there is a time limit and you went past it..

  • @badkahr every time you post, you're just making yourself look worse.

    Please feel free to carry on, but it's apparent to everyone except you that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

    By your own admission you didn't even know what a server merge was...

  • Good lord, was not expecting this to be looked at so quickly. Thanks Rare!

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