Watching it now, see how things are being handled with this one.
So basically.. timed weekly's go part of the session once the first run of them is done between monthly updates and you put the micro on the backburner. I highly suggest you up your comms with your main player base and not stay silent and what we play now as it stands is a phase 3 $60 beta.
We all know that Forsaken Shores will have mermaid npc's to fight.. this has been leaked a while back. I really do hope you fix the current issues with the next update in regards to render distance issues and improve what is currently in the game in regards to the kraken and what ever new sea creature you add in The Hungering Deep (and I am calling it now its going to be the Megolodon).
As for Cursed Sails, the name alone is a dead giveaway that you will be adding skeletal crews on ships around the map especially the fact that you can dig into the rep for OoS where it tells you to fight X amount of them for the commendation which will be via this 3rd ship type you are planing.
More predictions edit:
- The planned kraken hull will be in the update coming up for the weekly and might be a variant for the megolodon as the raid rewards.
- There will be another skin themed around the current legendary pirate ghost outfit for the cursed sails update.
The other locked OoS commendation that is labeled as Forts will be renamed to Thrones in line with the updates content. These have been fixed and are working in their original state
May content release will be on the 9th, first maintenance of the month will be to prepare the servers for the launch of the first update the following maintenance window. now releasing end of May.
- The area of the map where all the updates will be:
Edit: a good chunk has been confirmed by a user via this post pay close attention to what is there.
Also for those that did not catch it this is what the name of the Island is an easter egg to:
-LogansDadToo was first to catch it I just added the music for effect.