Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #26: Content Plans

  • If launch was the beginning, what else is coming soon to Sea of Thieves? What new challenges can you expect to face? Get up to speed on content plans from now through to summer (and beyond!) with Design Director Mike and Executive Producer Joe.

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  • Watching it now, see how things are being handled with this one.

    So basically.. timed weekly's go part of the session once the first run of them is done between monthly updates and you put the micro on the backburner. I highly suggest you up your comms with your main player base and not stay silent and what we play now as it stands is a phase 3 $60 beta.

    We all know that Forsaken Shores will have mermaid npc's to fight.. this has been leaked a while back. I really do hope you fix the current issues with the next update in regards to render distance issues and improve what is currently in the game in regards to the kraken and what ever new sea creature you add in The Hungering Deep (and I am calling it now its going to be the Megolodon).

    As for Cursed Sails, the name alone is a dead giveaway that you will be adding skeletal crews on ships around the map especially the fact that you can dig into the rep for OoS where it tells you to fight X amount of them for the commendation which will be via this 3rd ship type you are planing.

    More predictions edit:

    • The planned kraken hull will be in the update coming up for the weekly and might be a variant for the megolodon as the raid rewards.
    • There will be another skin themed around the current legendary pirate ghost outfit for the cursed sails update.
    • The other locked OoS commendation that is labeled as Forts will be renamed to Thrones in line with the updates content. These have been fixed and are working in their original state
    • May content release will be on the 9th, first maintenance of the month will be to prepare the servers for the launch of the first update the following maintenance window. now releasing end of May.
    • The area of the map where all the updates will be:


    Edit: a good chunk has been confirmed by a user via this post pay close attention to what is there.

    Also for those that did not catch it this is what the name of the Island is an easter egg to:

    -LogansDadToo was first to catch it I just added the music for effect.

  • Very vague so far lol.

  • @musicmee
    Treasure Trove Cove on The Hungering Deep map ;)
    Banjo rules!!

  • I like it, just have to make it to next month. 😢

    • New AIs (Ships??)
    • New Ship Types
    • Cursed Sails
    • Hungering Deep
    • Cursed Cannonballs
    • Forsaken Shores
    • Skellie Thrones
    • Weekly Events

    4/5 big updates this year alone!?!?

    A few things there?!?!

  • New Shiptype Hype!

  • @musicmee Thanks matey!

    Goodness, a lot of exciting stuff in there!

  • Thanks for posting this, Musicmee. Been refreshing all day!

  • @xcalypt0x extremely vague. but then again I didn't expect any different given their vids/tweets/replies to us over the last month or so.

  • I dont wanna get hyped or excited and only be disappointed when this stuff is released
    EDIT: finished watching it... I didnt hear anything about progression passed legend, but they mentioned "on your journey to legend" a lot. Didnt hear anything about cosmetics (possibly mentioned in weekly events, but not enough detail to say). They mentioned treasure hunts, which sounded like a revamped gold hoarder voyage (not a new rep in itself). Sounds like bunch of ideas they kinda just threw in without actually having any progress put into them yet

  • @ii-axelforce-ii exactly. it appears to be just more food for the fanboi's/diehard white knights that defend this alpha state game.

  • Sounds great, in a vague sort of way. Can't wait to see what type of skeletons we get to fight in the Hungering Deep! On a more serious note, the brief mention of cursed cannonballs sounds interesting!

  • @musicmee loving the ideas of the cursed cannonballs and the Skelton thrones and later on a new area to explore.

  • @musicmee said in Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #26: Content Plans:

    • Cursed Cannonballs

    Oh, cannonballs... I misheard him as "cursed cannibals" lol. Mind you that would also be interesting.

  • Yay! Huge plans and hugely exciting stuff. I'll admit, Sea of Thieves has had a rough beginning, but I never fully lost my faith in the devs. One could say it's a parallel to that line during the first cutscene in the game: "Hidden route under fearsome sky, a fortune calls to those that try." If Sea of Thieves managed to persevere through the storm that was launch, then the worst is behind us and ahead of us lies a bright future.

  • @jeff-x-hd said in Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #26: Content Plans:

    @musicmee said in Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #26: Content Plans:

    • Cursed Cannonballs

    Oh, cannonballs... I misheard him as "cursed canibals" lol. Mind you that would also be interesting.

    Oh s**t, did he say cannibals? That Birmingham English, not exactly the King's English is it?

  • Gotta watch it soon... Comments I've been reading seem like they revealed Abit. I hope so. The game is starting to drag, which I hate!

  • It feels like they put more effort into making the video than actually coming up with content to put into the game.

  • Other than a few complaints about technical problems, I've been greatly enjoying my time in Sea of Thieves. The upcoming content looks really exciting. I can't wait.

  • Just curious but is the weekly events only gunna be starting after may or will they be starting earlier?

  • @jeff-x-hd Hehehehehe! Now that would be a nice idea....

    @lizalaroo Yup! Me too! I love the idea of rewarding exploration... I hope they just show you/describe you a location to find.

  • I mean it all sounds pretty good but it’s just words at the end of the day. A lot of it was vague like they aren’t too sure themselves.

    I went in expecting to see the whiteboard so I wasn’t expecting seeing any of the new content. It was a good video but until I actually see something then I’m not getting my hopes up.

  • @hudson-rl Alll comes down to May then matey... hope they pull it off so you guys get what you want.

  • Joe Neate looked like he was dragged into the room by his ear.

    The content "revealed" has potential to be really exciting and add a lot to the game. Although they were extremely vague through out. I wish they could have provided more specific examples instead of referring to everything as "new mechanics"

  • @lol-dark-wolf weekly events will start after the major event (which will be the 1st event) hungering deep. After that, they will do smaller weekly events.

    Starting sometime in May. Hope that cleared things up.

  • @musicmee said in Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #26: Content Plans:

    • New AIs (Ships??)
    • New Ship Types
    • Cursed Sails
    • Hungering Deep
    • Cursed Cannonballs
    • Forsaken Shores
    • Skellie Thrones
    • Weekly Events

    4/5 big updates this year alone!?!?

    A few things there?!?!

    Thank you for posting this. I thought the guy said Cursed Cannibals and then they went off on collecting resources and I was like "W*F do cannibals have to do with resources?!?!?" LOL

  • This is so nice for me to see. I was beginning to feel the grind and question why I was in the sea at all. Now I have that mystery and wonder with a tid bit of info to reopen my imagination. So much is possible and coming our way. Half a year from now there should be so much new things going on. I can wait if I have a carrot in front of me. These carrotless few weeks have been getting difficult. I'm sure they will shape up the future more the closer we get. And more exlcusive loot cosmetics! New ship type! New location! New enemies! Bring it all on!

  • @revanjstone Was feeling the same way. I feel a touch more motivated now, but a little guarded, and a little skeptical. I hope they surprise me.

  • Alright I finished the video but I was also working while watching so I'll definitely have to give it a few more watches when I get home. My biggest takeaways:

    • Hungering Deep: New AI "threat" and new item (they didn't say what the item is)
    • Cursed Sails: New ship type (well done Rare), new AI threat
    • Forsaken Shores: New part of the world to explore, new AI threat.

    Three new fights. I love this. Participated in many threads regarding world "bosses" like the kraken. Hopefully they also buff the Kraken in there because he's too easy right now. The more world encounters the more the game will feel alive IMO.

    New ship type, hope it's @ShootHere4EXP's Brigantine or Man-o-war. Again, this should help the world feel alive.

    Map expansion!!! Hope it's a new sea (which would give us 4 total) but it will probably be a new island or two.

  • Personally, I'm glad they were pretty vague about it. They assuaged any concerns I had about them not adding content at a good rate. The quality of the content will always be in question until it is released, but that's not unique to SoT.

    They seemed very aware that the world just feels sort of empty right now, and that is what really highlights the shallow voyage system. If the world felt alive, the overly simple/grindy voyages wouldn't really be an issue, since they are more of a means to get you out there exploring rather than the main event.

  • Where's my pet monkey! xD

  • Hungering Deep sounds like its going to be a big monster, something like Charbydis, a real ship sinker.

    Cursed Sails seems like some AI pirate ships to fight which is going to be a great addition, and given that its a later time in release hints that Rare have chosen to listen to the communties wish of an external threat we can beat together.

    Forsaken Shore being a new area and themed monster AI also sounds great, as most players will have memorised alot of the map by then.

    New mechanics always welcome as the base game is solid but extra mechanics will enrich it in alot of ways.

    Weekly events with special rewards good choice for keeping players engaged and looking for new things to do while doing faction quests.

    Overall a promising plan and i look forward to seeing these things added to the games.

  • This all looks amazing, wasn't expecting new content this soon!

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