New Sea Monsters?

  • These are just a bunch of sea monsters I think would be cool to see in the game. Chances are none of these will be added, but it'd be cool nonetheless.



    From Medieval folklore, Aspidochelone is a gigantic turtle (or sometimes whale). It's so large that it's often mistaken for a rocky, mountainous island. I think this would be cool to just have floating around with rare treasure on its back.



    From Finnish folklore, Iku-Turso is a giant malevolent walrus (though the name now means 'octopus' in Finnish). He once set a bunch of hay on fire and from the ashes a tree grew so tall it cut the moon from the sky and blocked the sun.


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    From Norse mythology, Jörmungandr is an enormous sea serpent and is one of Loki's many children. As if being that big wasn't enough, his bites are also venomous.



    From Greek mythology, believed to live under a rock across from another sea monster, Scylla. Charybdis would swallow huge amounts of water, creating whirlpools that could pull ships under.



    From Greek mythology, believed to live in a larger rock across from Charybdis. Once a beautiful nymph, she was transformed into a horrible monster. Tentacles, a cat tail, a belt of living dog heads around her waist and several long, hydra like heads extending past her own deformed head.

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  • @subaqueousReach would love to see these and a lot more dangers of the deep in the game! Would be a great way to add more hazards to sailing!

  • @thewolfman321

    For sure!

    And not just sailing. Iku-Turso could be an island specific event where he attacks close to the shore while your crew is on the island away from your ship.

  • @subaqueousreach Hell yeah!

    And Aspidochelone could itself be an island with rare loot that only stays above the surface for a limited time and moves around the map!

  • @thewolfman321

    Honestly, with enough beasties like this they could rotate them so every week there's a different threat to look out for in the depths.

    With their plans on weekly updates this would definitely spice things up.

    (not saying they would add a new monster every week, just that they could time weekly updates with the big monster rotation when they had more of them)

  • Very cool!

    I would like the shiny crab from Moana also. ; )

    Turtle is very cool idea! Crew would be treasure hunting on a island and it starts moving and a turtle head pops up looking at you.(would be amazing)

  • I like the idea of Sirens.
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    Maybe if you get to close, you go into a trance and have to fight your way out? But really any new monster they add, there needs to be a reward for beating it.

  • @barnacle-blake

    Love me some...



    Crook's Hollow is covered with depictions of giant crabs. It would only make sense to have them in the game.

  • @daguse0 said:

    But really any new monster they add, there needs to be a reward for beating it.

    Agreed. While the Kraken fight is interesting, it's a little underwhelming. More so since there's no reward for winning the fight.

  • Jeeez if Charybdis was coming at me, I reckon I'd just blow my kegs.

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