AMD GPU game crash fix! 21.04.2018

  • Hello Pirates,

    some of you with an AMD GPU run into game crashes like me.
    Since yesterday im trying alot of different things to fix it on my own, because AMD and Rare doing nothing in this matter (very disapointed).

    So here is a fix that worked for me, its a screenshot of my AMD Driver version 18.3.4 . Its in german but i think you will understand what you have to do, if not just ask ill try to help you out.

    Basicaly you force the AMD driver to overwrite the Game settings, and deactivate shader cache, i would love to get your feedback so i can send this to AMD aswell.
    I hope it will help you.

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  • I did what you propose (overwriting exactly like you) and i'll tell you with few hours playing if it works or not.

    Thank you though ;)

  • Okay, i still crash =(

  • Will give it shot over the next few days and let you know how I go.

    Using a R9 280.

  • It still crashes. All 10 Minutes and it doesn't matter where i am.

    Threadripper 1920x
    MSI X399 Gaming Pro Carbon
    64GB DDR4
    Asus Strix Vega 64 Gaming OC
    Radeon 18.4.1 Driver

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