Feels like rare wants people to stop play this game..

  • I dunno, all my friends stopped playing this game by now and to be honest I can see why, the endless grinding of the same voyages over and over, the lack of loot you get out of sinking other ships I'm sitting on 200.000 gold and I don't know what to do with it I have friends that got 600.000 gold its totally useless the things you can buy with it are mediocre looking. The servers are also not crowded anymore it takes a long time to see some other players and they are usually docked at the outposts. I really liked the pvp aspect of the game, since pve is totally a waste of time 90% of all randoms you join with have no mic, they don't know what to do and are just slowing you down in the process of having fun. Recently it feels like skull forts are not spawning that often anymore which was the best way to get into a nice good old fashion pvp fight. There is nothing more to thief in the seas, the seas only steal your time. I don't know how other think about this, but that's just my point of view.

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  • If you play this game with a grind mentality, you will get burnt out. If you play for pvp only, you will get burnt out with constant searching for others.

    Forts spawn every 3 hours. I timed this several times. I still have a blast with this game since I don't play it to grind like crazy. Enjoy all aspects of it. Mix it up. Just have fun. Going with a known crew makes all the difference. Going with rando is def not good in my opinion.

    May will hopefully bring more. Time will tell.

  • The " lack of loot" you're receiving is because players don't want to carry large loads of loot For fear of losing it. And in fairness, if you're not in a large, experienced crew or expert at soloing that is quite likely to happen. Players just randomly sinking everything on site and kill, kill,kill..... die s**m! Is going to be the death of sot. (I hope something is done to rectify this problem).

  • @reluctantdragon

    Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal

    Check out this thread

  • I constantly feel like I’m having the complete opposite experience as other people and I’m not sure why. I’m still loving this game 200+ hours in. Maybe it’s because I play with friends? I’ve added 40 people from the game to my friends list, so my galleons are always full of people with mics, communicating and playing together. On the days we’re down a member, a new random joins and we quickly make friends. We do various missions depending on what the crew wants and never take the game too seriously.

    The game is what you make it, but if you’re looking for a cookie every time you turn in a quest, maybe this isn’t the game for you.

  • @xgodkevin
    You're absolutely right, on all fronts. Although I have come acros a few randoms that I genuinely enjoyed sailing with, and would set sail with again given the opportunity. At the same time I've run into those out there who's only goal in life seems to be to hop into your crew and ruin your voyage at all cost.
    Unfortunately there's nothing that can be done about the bloodthirsty ones, at least from the dev's perspective. All we can do is keep our guard up and hope they aren't immortals (what my friends and I have started calling the hackers).

  • @m4dklownd1seas3 The devs should be doing something about griefers by now. They knew at the alpha/ beta stage this was going to be a problem and cause people to leave. The load screen even recognises the problem.

  • @reluctantdragon
    As it sits our only real option in game is they've added a note on the Ferry of the Damned that gives you the option to skuttle your boat from there. You lose your booty of course which bites, but all things considered that would probably happen anyway. The only other option is to report them to xbox live, but if they're on pc I'm not sure that'd do any good. I'm unsure how the TOS and such work in the matter of crossplay.
    My friend I believe you've just inspired a spectacular idea. I wonder if there's a way they could implement some kind of justice system, a way to report the griefers in game and have a bounty put on them. The more trouble they cause (based on how often they are reported), the higher the bounty. Perhaps for the sake of immersion a magistrate could be placed somewhere on the outpost islands, or at least a couple of them. Sandy Shores and Sanctuary specifically jump to mind since they seem more the type of island where such a person might reside.

  • @clumsy-george sagte in Feels like rare wants people to stop play this game..:

    Hello Mr Onetoe-Juba. Rare doesn't want you to stop playing, on the contrary. If you should watch some You Tube videos called Inn Sights , Short Hauls and the longer Tavern Talks then you would see that Rare wants that you just have loads of fun with this game...
    You mentioned the word " grinding" , yep that is the perfect word and way to kill your game experience. You have to stop focussing on the Level 50. It is a fever that has caught and killed or burned many pirates ...Sea of Thieves has much more to offer then to hoard like a minehorse...You have to look at the Horizon, it is there that adventure awaits...In shipwrecks, messages in bottles,in exploring uncharted islands , in meeting unknown pirates in battle or helping them out in solving a riddle they can't bring home...There is a lot of moments of joy to be get but you have to dare to step into the "forest" rather than staying on the flat threaded paths...i can see you love and adore PVP, nothing wrong with that, you like stealing stuff, nothing wrong with that.You sit on 200.000 gold , and have no clue what to do with it? Well, a little trick of an old man...Sneak up to a galleon, rob it , get chased but outsail them, sell the stolen loot at the Outpost and use those 200.000 gold. Buy some new sails and hullpaint and your chasers will pass you by since they are looking for a wooden galleon with plain white sails while your's just has black sails with white trident , a nice figurehead and green paint or something...i bet you'll be all laughing that you have placed the pursuer on the wrong (peg)leg...Randoms do have often no microphone on, oh , believe me , they can hear you but some or better said many or so used to get a verbal bucket of trash over their being when they open their mouth ,so that they rather keep it shut...
    i have been a silent person for many ,many years , i carry and ackward voice and a huge accent in English ,French and German language.In any other game i turn into a red cloth for many verbal bulls but in here ,i try to keep talking to the silent ones , without one hard word...Oh, sure it takes time, sometimes an hour or even more ,but by not shouting at them, calling them dirty names, helping out where i can , explaining the new people how to sail ,shoot , find treasure and so on, i have been capable of breaking down a granite wall brick by brick untill i hear a shy or unsure "hello". And that, my pirate friend, is one of the rewards that not one gamereviewer will tell in his often rather devastating review of SOT. The fact that a foreigner ,who is very shy by nature ,is able to break a mental wall from a different person is more worth for me then the whole treasure i can reap over a nighttime of 8 hours of gaming... When that happens i can go to sleep as a very happy old man, knowing that my clumsy attempts have regained another persons' trust into reopening communications with the "unknown"...
    This game is about becoming happy during that game , but for me ,sharing my happiness ,by use of silly jokes , accent riddled English , and therefor being able to open up a closed person, is the way i love this game so hard...

    It is one of those many Magic layers that is hidden in this game , but so easy to find if you open yer Heart for it...And i can hear you ask :" Why do you keep takling for an hour or more to a silent person, d*****s?", well, sir , Once i was a silent one, a fortress surrounded by a Granite Wall where no person could go through anymore.i was hardened by the verbal trash ,thrown upon me , much bitter than the most sour lemon, my Heart was a wasteland of dead, emotionless and soulless i wondered around in games , not willing to accept any Friendinvite because of a massive distrust against the new...But loneliness is the most vile and silent killer, and the day that somebody on this very forum stuck her hand in my mental prison and kept it there untill i grabbed it and saw the Light again, well that gift i want to share and spread as well... That is one of the many things that let's me play SOT over and over again...
    You have no thought on what kind of great feeling that gives...If i would reap 200.000 gold everyday , i would give that to you if you could lead me to a silent person to try and reopen that person's will to talk...

    Damn, i love this game....

    tldr: rarebot + make your own content.

  • @onetoe-juba try not to burn yourself out. I don't play very often as I don't want to ruin my fun by grinding. Take a break and come back to it. The game is beautiful and has such fantastic potential. Perhaps reduce your play time, or stop until next month when the content updates begin? :)

  • @m4dklownd1seas3 I like the thought of multiple reports of griefers actions actually being acted on . Sadly this hasn't happened so far. This is the biggest problem on sot at the moment but still hasn't been addressed.

  • @reluctantdragon
    I started a thread here with everything I put here and then some. These guys seem pretty on top of things for the most part, hopefully it gets their attention.

  • @xgodkevin completely agree. To expand on this no game should be about grinding. Grinding requires effort and effort is not relaxing. Id rather put that time into something constructive like my job were I get real money. SoT can be relaxing but it can also be exciting especially when the stakes are high. I do agree with the OP however that this game does need more to it than just progressing through three companies. For a start its nothing at all pirate like and secondly and not very dynamic or engaging. This I feel is the games weakest point and I hope Rare knows this and is willing to expand on this and make it more interesting.

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