This is an old thread I did about adding unique skeleton bosses and cursed skulls that have an element of punishment for wielding them like cursed chests. I'm reintroducing this thread in light of the Forsaken Shores update seeing as it's going to introduce skeleton lords into the game.
Skeleton Boss of Possession:
The skeleton boss of possession would radiate purple magic and float. It would toss magic orbs that do as much damage as a pistol and sometimes summon a skeleton. It's trademark move would be to occasionally possess you or one of your crew mates, momentarily turning you against them (for like 5 seconds).
The skull they drop would be like the villainous skull, but has a purple glow. The punishment element would be that they talk louder, loud enough so that nearby pirates/crews could hear them and it would also occasionally (if not rarely) possess you when you hold it (just lose control of mobility for about 5 seconds).
Fire/Lightning Skeleton Boss:
Another magic skull/boss would be a fire/lightning skull. The boss would radiate red for fire or blue for lightning and float as well. These bosses would be more aggressive compared to the possession skeleton that uses more passive attacks like summoning skeletons. Instead, these guys would attack more often. The fire skeleton would throw fireballs that have a relatively small blast radius. The lightning skeleton would throw a lightning bolt that would paralyze you for a second or two and could potentially do an extra bit of damage if a after shock occurs.
The skulls they'd drop would be similar to each other. They'd be like the villainous skull with a red glow for fire or blue glow for lightning with their appropriate element surging around the skull. They'd mumble like a normal villainous skull, but occasionally they'd yell loudly accompanied by a burst of magic that damages you (about half the damage of a pistol shot).
That's just my idea, let me know if you have other thoughts for cursed/magic skulls or even cursed chests. Should there be cursed/magic merchant items as well?