Instead of Reskins...

  • Instead of Reskins...

    Add more models but once you by the items, when you go equip it you can change the color schome of the cosmetic between other pre-made color schemes


    Add more models but once you by them, you can change the color of different parts the cosmetics.

    This will add variety, as no pirate and their ship will be the same!

    Looking forward to your thoughts on this!


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  • @drewbob7 I can’t really see anyone disapproving of that idea - although I don’t personally think it’s needed, as the number of mix-and-match outfit options is already staggering. But whether we’ll ever get it is a different matter, especially as all the most expensive clothes items are palette-swaps. I guess there’s a chance they could do gold refunds if it ever happens? They’re setting a refund precedent now...

  • @Moomintroll I know, but this is in response to the removing reskins change on the 22nd of May that is going into effect. Just something that came to mind when I read about that.

  • I like those ideas! I also thought about that while I was browsing the clothing the other day.

  • @moomintroll said in Instead of Reskins...:

    @drewbob7 I can’t really see anyone disapproving of that idea

    RARE would. They can't seem to put more than a toe in the water when it comes to cosmetics.

  • @Mulched-Greg-GP Yeah, The only problem I can think of is how it will work on Xbox, but that's not a big problem and can be easily fixed

  • @Gloog And that's why I suggested it, to add more cosmetic variation. And I wouldn't say Rare would disapprove, but I do agree they haven't done the best with cosmetics.

  • @gloog Yep - and we still don’t really understand why that is. Kind of frustrating, but hey-ho.

  • I think this is a great idea but i don't think it's at the top of rares to do list, i've played the game for quite some time and i have yet to see another crew look exactly like mine yeah other ships might have one thing in common but how often do you see 2 ships look exactly the same?

  • @DrewBob7 @Moomintroll
    We understand why; If they commit too deep to allowing player control of cosmetics they won't be able to get that control back. So, we're stuck with some gross haphazard approach.

  • @gloog Yeah, guess that makes sense...

  • @Gloog Why would they want control over cosmetics?

  • @drewbob7 marketing, premium store, better control of player demands; just overall more control of their game the 'easier' to manage.

    We've got evidence they do because they pulled the beta cosmetics. So, I suppose the better question is why wouldnt they want control over cosmetics?

  • @drewbob7 They should drop cosmetic updates entirely until they implement some form of meaningful progression.

  • @RookyClock42 but cosmetics are a form of progresssion

  • @rookyclock42 Cosmetics are horizontal progression and the lack of vertical progression is a premise of their concept. Whether it's meaningful or not is just opinion.

  • @Crimsonraziel Exactly!

  • @Gloog While I do see your point, why are you against this, this would add want you want, more cosmetic variety!

  • @drewbob7 said in Instead of Reskins...:

    @Gloog While I do see your point, why are you against this, this would add want you want, more cosmetic variety!

    I'm not! It was kinda more of an excuse to yell at RARE for mishandling cosmetics 😂 because I think they are purposely avoiding good ideas like these.

    They don't want us to have power over something they can spoon feed us over time, and dangle infront of us like candy.

  • @drewbob7

    cosmetics = progression?

    u guys for real?

  • @byf8ththrugrace yes because you have to earn them, and progress through voyages to get the money to buy them!

  • @gloog okay, I still don't see the entire reason, but thats okay because I get what you are trying to say

  • I was tempted just now to write a long dissertation of what progression actually is and how every game since the existence of video games uses the term progression... and offers progression mechanics to enhance the game.
    ... and then how cosmetics are used in other games and never referred to as a progression mechanic.

    it will likely fall on deaf ears however, so I will pass.

    When I meet a pirate out on the seas I have no idea if he has purchased 8 different sail types, or 1....AND of the 1 sail I can see, it only tells me that 1 of the potential 4 crew members even unlocked it.... Unless, after the far to common "talk first shoot later" PVP mentality, in which instead of fighting - he insists I follow him to an outpost- I will then politely sit on the dock in waiting anticipation as I watch him and the rest of his crew cycle through the countless different skins they have each grinded 300 hours+ to get, and then I will meaningfully admit that they have indeed spent far more time in the game then I have. But have progressed nowhere.

    In fact to prove the point I will present the following arguement:
    If Rare dropped all cosmetic purchase requirements and offered a Detailed customization center. (colors, decals, etc. etc..) so from the very beginning - all pirates/ships could be unique and had diverse options to make themselves whatever they want. This game would probably have more players right now than it does. as lots of people who have left, became bored. And many many players don't have 25+ hours to grind for a single type of sail, that probably isn't even exactly what they want anyways.

    which concludes that if all forms of the current "progression" system were removed and made accessible to everyone that the game would have more players. And what game becomes more successful when all progression is removed?

  • @ByF8thThruGrace The only problem with your suggestion is people will abuse it and put explicit images. That's why I suggested this instead

  • @byf8ththrugrace sagte in Instead of Reskins...:

    which concludes that if all forms of the current "progression" system were removed and made accessible to everyone that the game would have more players.

    A Claim. And one that doesn't make much sense. Throwing all cosmetics in peoples face right from the start does not make them play the game longer. If anything it would get them bored even faster.

  • @crimsonraziel I agree but, there should some variety at the start, like choosing the color, like what I suggested

  • @crimsonraziel said in Instead of Reskins...:

    @byf8ththrugrace sagte in Instead of Reskins...:

    which concludes that if all forms of the current "progression" system were removed and made accessible to everyone that the game would have more players.

    A Claim. And one that doesn't make much sense. Throwing all cosmetics in peoples face right from the start does not make them play the game longer. If anything it would get them bored even faster.

    Yes, a claim - hence the "I will present the following argument" statement

    you can disagree with it, but it makes sense to me. Loads of people have left this game, for varying reasons (mainly content and lack of "Actual Progression" mechanics. but also, many left due to the severe lack of customization options currently available and the ridiculous in game prices required to obtain the limited ones we do have. The game assumes a concept that limited, singularly applied cosmetics are a type of progression, which is rejected by vast majority of causal gamers as not true.
    People would respond much better to a sandbox game (which it is) that openly admitted cosmetics is not legitimate progression, and thus offered a huge array of cosmetics available to all, with possible rare cosmetics offered through RNG etc.. etc.. want proof? look at every other game available; if you want to go further look at the leave rate of games. I can't think of to many other strictly multiplayer games that has an average player loyalty rating measured in days and weeks instead of months.
    Games survive and thrive off of casual gamers- (people who don't have time to spend 25+ hours obtaining 1 single non-customizable sail which in fact does nothing other than show your priority in gold spending since even the cosmetics we do have are not linear). I personally would enjoy this game much more, even with the lack of content, if there were thousands of customization options, including new ones added each week or given out randomly combined with a social area for showing off; This game would inherently derive a lot more appeal.

    in conclusion, it is reasonable to assume that most of the people who still play the game, would still be playing because they obviously enjoy the game despite its many shortfalls at the moment, Thus the customization options would have only shown to keep a higher % of players who left frustrated with the game.

  • @byf8ththrugrace True, and that's what I was suggesting in a sense. I like to think cosmetics as progression, but that's my opinion. I do agree with what your saying, and Rare hasn't done the best job, but you might want to make a thread about this.

  • @KattTruewalker I know you are a deckhand, and I noticed you upvoted on this thread, what are your thoughts and/or opinions on this?

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