Hungering Deep Confirmed - May 29th

  • I just had a thought. Remember the ship in the uncharted island that suddenly had a name and people thought it was a tease? "The Killer Whale." Is that too much of a coincidence? Don't think so.

    • two peg legs
    • new instrument (drum)
    • new sea monsters or whales
    • Summoning monsters by sacrificing something

    I want to know the story of the parrot who stole his eye lol.

  • @prodigy-burns not exactly confirms giant shark could be leviathan

  • @assassinsking98 was just thinking the same thing re: The Killer Whale.

  • On the animation it does actually look like (just maybe) the tail fin could be lateral like a whale vs. straight up and down like a shark... speculation though as is most of the comments. We will find out on the 29th that's for sure.

  • I want a dolphin. Swim my items to the boat Flipper!! Aaaaaand a monkey. To take my items to the dolphin. And then ride it. Thanks

  • Anyone know if there will be more stuff to buy in game with the hungering deep launch?

  • @brodycanuck at this point, I think the lowest expectations we can set will result in the least amount of disappointment

  • @prodigy-burns said in Hungering Deep Confirmed - May 29th:

    I think the trailer confirms:

    • New Drum Instrument
    • Giant Shark
    • Harpoons
    • Fishing
    • A mechanic to summon said Giant Shark by cooperating with another crew.

    I agree with everything you said (And having to play music with another crew to summon the shark would be awesome), except for the part where you said it "confirms".

    All wild speculations at this point!

  • @mad-jack-ketch
    Okay, May 29th it is.
    As if most of us didn't already guess that when news of "The Hungering Deep" broke the other week.

    Any takers on betting which year it will be?

  • Ok and have they confirmed that on May 3oth they will have to roll it back because it screws up the game.

  • @mad-jack-ketch You know what i just realized. The guy telling the story is in the picture hanging in the captains quarters of the killer whale was he the captain of that ship is that why hes stranded on this island? Was his ship destroyed by the sea monster?? image url

  • @prodigy-burns a dit dans Hungering Deep Confirmed - May 29th :

    I think the trailer confirms:

    • New Drum Instrument
    • Giant Shark
    • Harpoons
    • Fishing
    • A mechanic to summon said Giant Shark by cooperating with another crew.

    Don't get your hopes too high. I mean I hope you're right, but the trailer confirms nothing except a new sea creature, wich corresponds to a megalodon (the giant shark), and it's the only subject in the trailer. The hint on how to encounter it and fight it are really elusive at best.

    Fishing and harpoon ? We can only see them in quick view of tribal paintings wich already exists in game (if you do riddles). It's possible that these are new weapons to hunt the megalodon, but there is no emphase on it in the trailer whatsoever. The summoning thing can also be a element of lore, wich won't be in the in-game mechanics at all.

    Rare choses to use story-telling and paintings to announce their next follow-up. While it's lorewise a nice thing, it opens for speculation, imagination, and hype, and that can easily lead to disappointment. In the trailer per say, there is very little solid elements. It's like saying we will be able to control weather because we have seen a sun a rain in a trailer.

    For me, what the trailer basically says is, "look, now you will sometimes have to somehow deal with a big giant shark". I would have prefered a Mermaid civilisation and improving the already existing Kraken, but not complaining. I just don't expect a lot more.

  • @williamherschel said in Hungering Deep Confirmed - May 29th:

    Really bad "trailer." At least it's confirmed for May...

    With your bad mood lately, I guess they couldn't have released anything to your liking.

  • @bloodfrenzy187

  • @doc-crooks said in Hungering Deep Confirmed - May 29th:

    On the animation it does actually look like (just maybe) the tail fin could be lateral like a whale vs. straight up and down like a shark... speculation though as is most of the comments. We will find out on the 29th that's for sure.

    Ugh I hate that it's literally on the very end of May, practically June...

  • Forum: "WE WANT CONTENT!!!"
    Rare: "Ok here's some new stuff, a new threat/raid (which is a friggin sweet giant shark or something) and a mechanic that requires cooperation to implement (for all the PvE crybabies) for starters as well as the recent features we've implemented and we still have 5 more confirmed content drops which most other developers wouldn't even touch that many in less than a year just to keep our fan base happy. Not to mention we promised May for the first one and we will deliver it in May!"

    You guys are monsters...

    We need to give this thread a banana so almondbeard will come for it too.

  • @sweltering-nick said in Hungering Deep Confirmed - May 29th:

    It doesn't matter what people envision them as, there is only one single correct version of a leviathan, any drawing or design that deviates from the original leviathan, is not considered an accurate representation of a leviathan.

    If i'm inspired by a wolf, and i make a drawing of a wolf-looking creature with fins and pufferfish spikes instead of fur... Is it still a wolf? Of course not, and i shouldn't have to tell you that, because it should be obvious to begin with. ._.

    Just jumping in, but it actually does matter how people envision mythical creatures. Nobody has seen them, that's why ther are mythical. Nobody knows how a leviathan looks, that's why there are so different takes on it's appearance.

    Unlike your wolf example, we know what a wolf looks like because we have seen them.

    You can't just say that a leviathan looks a certain way because nobody has seen it. It's a mythical creature for a reason.

  • @rumham636 I don't think it is a giant shark

  • @roughleech03117 I said giant shark or something.


  • @rumham636 I know that bro

  • @fishst1ck

    Yeah, I’ve been souring a bit on some of this stuff lately. I don’t want to reach the point where I’m posting negative stuff about everything. I still enjoy the game. I guess I just had an expectation that the trailer would feature gameplay. So I was a little let down by the fact that it was cinematic even though there is some cool stuff hinted throughout.

    The fact that this trailer also featured professional voice acting and expressive NPC animations also sort of remphasized for me some of the game’s current deficiencies.

    That said, you’re right. I’m excited for Hungering Deep nonetheless, and I apologize for being so consistently negative over the past week.

  • Not sure why everyone thinks it's a summon. He says "music to keep them safe" or similar.

    Also. Is it just me, or does the Twitter image look mechanical?

  • @williamherschel @FishSt1ck yeah the cinematic was a slight let down, but I would hope that this is simply a teaser, rather than "trailer" as described on YouTube and we will see some gameplay sooner, rather than later...

  • @mad-jack-ketch said in Hungering Deep Confirmed - May 29th:

    @skulliah Cannot confirm, but I got a feeling it was Shark Bait Cove, would make more sense!

    Well, well, well, would you look at that...

  • @sshteeve said in Hungering Deep Confirmed - May 29th:

    @williamherschel @FishSt1ck yeah the cinematic was a slight let down, but I would hope that this is simply a teaser, rather than "trailer" as described on YouTube and we will see some gameplay sooner, rather than later...

    Don't get me wrong, I like the trailer. It gave enough of a hint of the things to come all wrapped in a nice pirate tale. The animation was nice and fully voiced, they used a pirate whose picture is already in the game, so they actually create more of a character this way. They even used an existing ingame location. The way his story is drawn leaves enough for the imagination but it clearly shows hints of new content like the sea monster, spear and instruments.

    I hope Rare will do more of these animations, it almost seems like it's one of the ingame character models which is rendered a lot better. Shows potential for maybe adding these for certain ingame cutscenes or special events :)

  • @rumham636 The context is important, I think. The massive lack of content at the release was the first cold shower for a lot of players, followed soon after by the many bugs which were reported long before at the alpha and beta stages, and not corrected. Then, unfortunetaly for Rare, the latest patch was a fiasco, just to add some features wich seemed to be really minor comapred to the futur dlc.

    On top of that, we're talking about communication wich is elusive since the beginning. The developpers videos are a good idea, but again, a great deal of them can be summarize by "Hey we can't wait to add stuff so the world would be more immersive and you create your own story about being more pirate, stuff, is coming, stuff stuff"

    And, top of the top, even with major servers issues wich won't let you play the game, they communicate over some cosmetics that you have to eat some chips or buy some stuff to have. Wich is already pretty odd by itslef, but in this particular difficult moment was a ridiculously clumsy move from their team.

    I think the trust in Rare is, if not lost, is greatly reduced for some.

    This trailer is no exception. I like it, really, I think it's a good trailer, and I would have been hyped as hell if it was another game. But using again elusives messages and absolutely no in-game hints, considering the past of this game, makes me a little worried. So while I'm not one of the "angry", I'm definitively not excited.

    @Aarghmaargho That's not how it works with cultural references, especially ones that are really known like the Leviathan. Mythical creatures are of course not real but indeed often really well described. You will never see a Centaur and nobody ever have seen one, but you know this word describe a half-man half-horse creature. The Kraken has a lot of viariation, but it's still a giant octopus-thing.

    But hey, call it Leviathan or Megalodon or Steve if it works for you and your crew, in-game it will always be a giant shark thingy with (lots of) pointy teeth nontheless.

  • @youe-chester Totally get it man. By the way, while we wait to see what the new content is why don't you hold this banana?

  • @aarghmaargho

    "Just jumping in, but it actually does matter how people envision mythical creatures. Nobody has seen them, that's why ther are mythical."

    Their historical descriptions still do not change though...

    If a gorgon is described as a snake with a human female upper body and hair like a cluster of snakes... That's how they look like... Regardless of inspired depictions.

    "You can't just say that a leviathan looks a certain way because nobody has seen it. It's a mythical creature for a reason."

    A leviathan, as described in the texts where the myth originates, is described as a huge sea serpent... So, any depictions of the leviathan MUST be a serpent in some form, and it must also live in the sea, and it must be huge, those are the bare minimum requirements to label something a leviathan.

    If you draw a shark with arms... That is not the leviathan, regardless of your attempts to name your drawing "The leviathan". :P

  • Didn’t Rare say something like “...the item can be used to bring crews together...” or something?
    Harpoons Confirmed

    Also, Possibly a crew could vote people in the brigg to be sacrificed to the monster? What I would really like to see would be a “walk the plank” interaction for the person being sacrificed. These probably won’t be added into the game but it would be REALLY cool if the person would get swallowed by Leviathan/Megalodon jumping out of the depths of the ocean before the person walking the plank even hits the water. Like I said, would be cool, but most likely won’t be added.

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