This is going to be a thread going into the Cutlass, and what it is good for. Plus what should change or be added. Just to spice things up first.
About the Cutlass:
First thing first is how do people use the cutlass? Well, other than launching yourself off ships for a good launch, they are usually sidearms, in the case your gun doesn't do the job it was meant to. Which, all of us can agree that is mainly why we carry a sword around in the first place. How good is the sword? Well, other than the skills one would need to be able to use this and be better at it than another with a gun, it is decent. 5 hits total would kill most skeletons and all players. I think one charge attack is around 3-4 hits worth. It blocks all other sword attacks but useless against a gun at range or a charged attack. Keep in mind pressing space while blocking and moving creates a small dash meant to dodge.
Should things with the sword change?
Deffinetly. Let's take a peek at this video of actual historical saber fighting. Technically the cutlass is in the Saber category, so the fighting should be similar.
Now what do we see from this video? First thing is that both of these fine swordsmen actually deflect each other with their swings, and at times they whiff out parries to open their opponents to attack. Also we get notes that hits to certain areas do damage in their own way. A good slash to the arm could disable someone for a small bit, and the more damaging blows are to the wrist, chest, and head areas.
Now, what needs to be changed?
Well, I got a few handy things that could improve the sword fighting technique, based on the video we can see. And a few things for the gun as well which will draw negative comments here.
Attacks at the same time either block or drastically decrease damage.
This keeps things rather spicy and long. Too many times two people attack at the same time and it's based on luck rather than skill with that. So, why not give them more time to study their opponent for the best approach? -
Adding a Parry.
This could be a quick addition to the game. Let's say you two are attacking at the same time, or blocking the opponent's attack. One could click the block button, then a quick tap to the attack button (Unlike Block + Hold attack for running lunge) which adds a quick animation of you parrying the opponent with the spine or side of the blade like in 0:06 In the video. (I know, pretty early in the vid.)Which opens the opponent for a second for a free swing. This SHOULD be an addition, which gives players a better grasp and a good playstyle with the sword. Along with better fighting mechanics. -
Speeding up the swings
Now, I know this is going to be unpopular but I think it is necessary. Now like the speed of the skeleton captains in Sea of Thieves trailers, but more like... 10-15% speed increase. Not a big difference but still notable enough to make others want to main the sword. -
Different Types of sword or bladed weapon.
Like the gun, swords and other melee weapons at the time would and should be added. For example, what if I would rather have a colichemarde, which has faster thrusting, and great range, with the downside of not being able to stagger?
Because, well, ALL of these were in the Pirate Era, and could easily be added to the game.
Now for the one thing no one wants... gun nerfs. Just to make them equals to the sword.
Nerfing the Gun Reload.
I can tell this one especially will be unpopular. But, let's take a look IRL at how fast you can reload a flintlock pistol, a mucket, and a blunderbuss. The flintlock pistol and the Musket requires 15 seconds at least to reload, at least for pros. I don't think the blunderbuss would be as quick though, but I could be wrong. If anyone has better information on this please let me know. Anyways, I think adding another second to the reload time, like adding a powder charge would greatly balance between the sword and the gun. -
Guns under Water.
Now for probably what's going to be the most UNPOPULAR nerf. Realism. Most guns of the era can't shoot under water. But this is a game, so... actually no, I am still going to suggest one of two nerfs. Either having ONE shot under water, having to come up to reload where it is dry. Or, accuracy/damage greatly declines due to water currents and friction. Hmmm, now to think of it, the Crossbow was used by early pirates/Privateers like Francis Drake, and could fire under water. (And imagine a pirate with like 20 of these coming out like a pin cushion)
And... that is all I think I am able to add to this thread for now.
So a few questions to ask you.
- Would you want better sword fighting in the game?
- You want more bladed weapons?
- How do you feel about the gun nerfs I suggested?
- Would you use crossbows if added to the game?