We need a rainbow flag! :D

  • Because we're in June :)

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  • @skulliah

    If we were in a world of complete torrance, no mindless bigotry.
    I would support this idea.
    Unfortunately, although a symbol to promote diversity in which I support, although I myself am not a member of this community.
    I fear that it would cause problems, not everyone is as open minded.

    It's a damn shame, in this day & age.

  • YES! Absolutely, this is a great idea. Please make it so!

  • @piratecraggy yeah I know but it's the same as IRL, not everyone accept that :) It is not a flag to say we belong to this community but it is more to send a message of tolerance and it is something important. I fully understand the fear that it could create some problems but I liked this idea and I wanted to share it even though I know the opinions will be mixed.

  • @piratecraggy sagte in We need a rainbow flag! :D:


    If we were in a world of complete torrance, no mindless bigotry.
    I would support this idea.
    Unfortunately, although a symbol to promote diversity in which I support, although I myself am not a member of this community.
    I fear that it would cause problems, not everyone is as open minded.

    It's a damn shame, in this day & age.

    Well, quite frankly, f**k the bigots - even more reason to put it in, especially after seeing some of the responses our community managers had to read after making this tweet;

  • @skulliah All existing flags have some link to ingame activities, so i don't know how this would fit in.
    Also as @PirateCraggy already stated, it can trigger some less tolerant players.

  • @sirliborius said in We need a rainbow flag! :D:

    @skulliah All existing flags have some link to ingame activities, so i don't know how this would fit in.
    Also as @PirateCraggy already stated, it can trigger some less tolerant players.

    How is a checkered flag linked to in game activities? Most of the other flags are quite generic, not necessarily "linked" to anything. A rainbow flag would be pretty generic, itself. In the 21st century, we all know a rainbow flag symbolizes LGBT pride. But in the 16th century, it could mean anything. I think it's a lovely idea, even if only for a limited time.

    As for "triggering" less tolerant players...let them be triggered. So what? That's got zilch to do with me or anyone else who chooses to fly a rainbow flag for any reason. It's all on them.

  • @genuine-heather A checkered flag shows that you are up for a race, it's something you can do. The colored flags showing the colours of the factions.
    I don't mind if someone would run this flag, but if there was a meaning for it within the game, it would just fit the game way better.

    And about the possibility of triggered players: i wouldn't like to feed the trolls.

  • @genuine-heather Yeah I don't mind if it's there only during this month, would be awesome to sail with it!

    Trolls will be everywhere anyway, let them come, my cutlass is ready!

  • @a-trusty-mango could be a flag or a sail or an eye patch, I don't mind! but would be great to have something :)

  • I can see the new threads starting if this was added. "I put the rainbow flag up and everyone attacks me!"

  • @a-trusty-mango this flag would make it worse I think.

  • Does anyone actually attack or not based on flags?

    I don't care what flag someone is flying and by the time I'm close enough to see it's too late anyway.

  • Were going to need a rainbow dress and a rainbow beard to go with the flag, for the crossdressers and genderbenders.

  • @sirliborius said in We need a rainbow flag! :D:

    @skulliah All existing flags have some link to ingame activities, so i don't know how this would fit in.
    Also as @PirateCraggy already stated, it can trigger some less tolerant players.

    Let them be triggered, then ban them.

  • @barnabas-seadog said in We need a rainbow flag! :D:

    Were going to need a rainbow dress and a rainbow beard to go with the flag, for the crossdressers and genderbenders.

    yes please!!

  • @themuckypaw said in We need a rainbow flag! :D:

    Does anyone actually attack or not based on flags?

    What do you mean "flags"?

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  • Don't see the need personally, nothing against the rainbow flag as a symbol but not sure what place it has in the game? Maybe they should also add a black and white horizontal striped flag for heterosexual appreciation? Though this also seems unrequired.

    If anything they should add country flags in for people to symbolise where they are from i.e US, UK, AUS, Germany, Canada etc etc.

  • The game doesn’t need to take a meta stance like this.

  • It's probably best Rare NOT do this due to the type of attacks it could bring, and the need to be fair to all group at the same time.

    If you implement a Rainbow Flag then you would need the following

    Christian Flag
    Muslim Flag
    Hindu Flag
    Jewish Flag

    and so on and so on and so on.

    It's not that I'm against it, it just would have to be fair to EVERYONE to be able to represent themselves. Also, knowing how toxic some of these players are in the game, these things just give them more fuel for their toxicity.

  • While I don't discourage the idea of pride in anyway, nor condemn the people who are a part of it, a rainbow flag in a pirate game? Seems a little odd. I don't think Sea of Thieves is the place to be displaying pride anyway, not that you should hide it, just this is a game not a parade or display booth. If you want to show your pride with a Sea of Thieves twist then just buy their limited time merch, which has the Sea of Thieves logo in rainbow colors.

  • @skulliah I like this idea.

    To take it a step further, maybe Rare might consider special flag or sail designs that are given to individuals who donate to a charity or cause for good supported by Rare Ltd. Bungie do this really well with in game emblems that are unlocked with a code on the bungie website. Destiny fans have drummed up a lot of money for good causes around the World and can show off their emblem in game.

    Good for SoT, Good for Rare, Good for Charities, Good enough for Cyndi Lauper? Maybe.

  • As a response to all the people worried about people trolling because of it, since when did we not do things out of fear of bigotry and discrimination?

    People shouldn't feel the need to hide parts of themselves due to a backlash over other peoples in abilities to accept differences in each other.

    I would also like to state for the record i don't personally think it is needed in the game unless flags will be added for people of all variety of creeds and walks of life.

  • @sirliborius said in We need a rainbow flag! :D:

    @skulliah All existing flags have some link to ingame activities, so i don't know how this would fit in.
    Also as @PirateCraggy already stated, it can trigger some less tolerant players.

    Aren't we all just chasing that gold at the end of the rainbow?

  • @pumpkinkangaroo sagte in We need a rainbow flag! :D:

    @sirliborius said in We need a rainbow flag! :D:

    @skulliah All existing flags have some link to ingame activities, so i don't know how this would fit in.
    Also as @PirateCraggy already stated, it can trigger some less tolerant players.

    Aren't we all just chasing that gold at the end of the rainbow?

    That could become an upcoming event!

  • @skulliah I certainly wouldn't mind a rainbow flag. However, this could backfire hugely. Some, if not quite a few, knuckle dragging mouth breathers would then make it a directive to attack anything with a rainbow, essentially actively hunting what they would be considered LGBT players, creating another aggressive setting for these folks to have to deal with. A tough question, with not so easy answers.

  • @lefaux2 they implemented topmast flags. You go into the crows nest to find a small box. Theres a skull and bones and a few others.

  • We don't need flags to show off individual sexuality.

  • My only problem with this is that I couldn’t care less what anyone’s sexuality is, people don’t need this flag in SoT because, if you truly are a person who believes in equality, you don’t care about who someone’s likes

  • @a-trusty-mango said in We need a rainbow flag! :D:

    @skulliah No rainbow flag. Too lame.

    Rainbow Sails though....

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  • @mmountain Ban someone for not having your opinion or veiws? really...

  • If the flag was tied to an event then it would make sense. Like someone else said, we dont need flags about sexual orientation, or just because of pride. I can see all the forum posts now of ppl complaining they got sunk because of the flag.....

  • @piratecraggy said in We need a rainbow flag! :D:


    If we were in a world of complete torrance, no mindless bigotry.
    I would support this idea.
    Unfortunately, although a symbol to promote diversity in which I support, although I myself am not a member of this community.
    I fear that it would cause problems, not everyone is as open minded.

    It's a damn shame, in this day & age.

    Most people are just sick of being slapped in the face with this stuff. The fact is the view of people that would get upset by this is coming from a place entirely of bigotry is bigotry and intolerance itself.

    @nwo-azcrack said in We need a rainbow flag! :D:

    If the flag was tied to an event then it would make sense. Like someone else said, we dont need flags about sexual orientation, or just because of pride. I can see all the forum posts now of ppl complaining they got sunk because of the flag.....

    x100, this is no place for pushing sexual orientation... in a children's game.

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