Items Despawn Time

  • Last night we put a castaway chest and a gunpowder barrel in the water and watched it for 15 minutes. They never despawned. So we went over to Kraken Watchtower to get another gunpowder barrel. Came back to where we put the chest and barrel and they where still floating in the same spot. We swam out to get them and loaded them on our sloop. They stayed floating for at least 20 minutes.

  • 15
  • alt text

  • @realstyli said in Items Despawn Time:

    You fail at the internet.

  • @vanquish-vii said in Items Despawn Time:

    @realstyli said in Items Despawn Time:

    You fail at the internet.

    Not sure what you mean?

    EDIT: Okay, interesting... The gif displays correctly for me but when I check it in incognito, it's not there...

    Yeah, just use your imagination, it's Jesse from Breaking Bad doing "Yeah, science!"


  • @vanquish-vii said in Items Despawn Time:

    @realstyli said in Items Despawn Time:

    You fail at the internet.


  • @mattydove74 said in Items Despawn Time:

    @vanquish-vii said in Items Despawn Time:

    @realstyli said in Items Despawn Time:

    You fail at the internet.


    I wouldn't downvote them for this forum's image embedding being broken.

    I'm guessing (based on the couple of upvotes I got) thatthe gif appears for some but not others???


  • @realstyli said in Items Despawn Time:

    @mattydove74 said in Items Despawn Time:

    @vanquish-vii said in Items Despawn Time:

    @realstyli said in Items Despawn Time:

    You fail at the internet.


    I wouldn't downvote them for this forum's image embedding being broken.

    I'm guessing (based on the couple of upvotes I got) thatthe gif appears for some but not others???


    It's too late, I threw the gauntlet down and it cannot be taken back.

  • @mattydove74 said in Items Despawn Time:

    @realstyli said in Items Despawn Time:

    @mattydove74 said in Items Despawn Time:

    @vanquish-vii said in Items Despawn Time:

    @realstyli said in Items Despawn Time:

    You fail at the internet.


    I wouldn't downvote them for this forum's image embedding being broken.

    I'm guessing (based on the couple of upvotes I got) thatthe gif appears for some but not others???


    It's too late, I threw the gauntlet down and it cannot be taken back.

    grabs popcorn (I would put a gif but we all know that might not work)

  • @purplemajic Can confirm.

    Me and a buddy of mine once sank in the big empty expanse West of Old Salts Atoll, with a good chunk of loot aboard. I stayed in the water to watch it while he began sailing back.

    There was actually so much loot variety I did all kinds of science while he sailed back to me;

    We sunk above a shipwreck, so I placed a Chest of Sorrows and Captains Chest on the sunken ships crows nest, kind of embedding them there.

    The other loot, a few skulls, Merchants crates and such I let float, occasionally picking them up and dropping them again, trying to reset any "float timer", if that's a thing.

    Finally, 1 gunpowder keg I didn't touch at all. It stayed a bit below the surface, neither rising nor sinking, and in fact It didn't even begin to sink until my crewmate returned, maybe 15-20 minutes later, and even then I had time to swim down and grab it.

    Only thing left to test is what happens if you leave the area with the floaty loot in it completely, and no other players are present in the area.

  • @tundra-793

    Hmmm... you could test the object permanency by leaving an item on an island on one side of the map, sailing to the opposite side and sail back to see if it's still there?

    Maybe a chicken coup or something that is unlikely to be taken, but hidden in an obscure location, just in case.

  • @realstyli We have tried something like this in the past actually; We started gathering loot from a Skull Fort when a hostile Galleon closed in, I ordered my crew to sail off while I hid the remaining loot in some nearby shrubbery.

    We sailed from Keel Haul Fort down to Galleon's Grave, roughly, before the enemy Galleon turned back. We cashed in at Plunder Outpost before heading back North, and when we got back it was all right where I left it.

    But I can't say how close the Galleon stayed to it while we were down South.

    It does seem like you can leave all kinds of treasures on islands no problem, so long as it doesn't get found. I'm just not sure if treasure left in open water will stay if no one is in the immediate area.

  • My cousin and I were doing a skull fort a few days ago, fighting off a galleon and another sloop that we sank like 3 times each. After the fort was over we grabbed the key and deuced, heading to Devils Ridge nearby to stash the key away. I hid it where it was literally inside a rock and the only way you could even tell a key was there was if you were standing right on top of it and could see the "pickup Skeleton Key" option. Knowing it was well hidden, I took a mermaid back to our boat(just an island away so we could keep lookout) and we had to wait 2 hours because the Galleon was just camping the fort waiting for our return, once they finally sailed off we went back and the key was nowhere to be found, it had despawned.

  • @melbufrauma aww... so sad.

  • @tundra-793 yeah our next experiment will be to leave the chest and barrel in the water and both of us sail away and come back in 20 minutes.

  • @realstyli said in Items Despawn Time:


    Hmmm... you could test the object permanency by leaving an item on an island on one side of the map, sailing to the opposite side and sail back to see if it's still there?

    Items on land and items in the water are two different animals here, no pun intended.

    In the water, especially the open sea, your chests and skulls will sink faster than powder kegs, but those sink eventually, too. Not sure about animal crates; those seem to float for a long time. But once that stuff starts sinking, it will eventually despawn when it gets too deep.

    On land? I'm not yet convinced there IS a despawn timer. I had to leave a couple of skulls in a well-hidden spot once because my sloop was sunk while I was off fighting skellies. When I mermaided back, my new ship was all the way across the map, so I had pretty much written off those skulls and proceeded with the rest of my voyage. An hour (yes, AN HOUR) later I returned just to see if they were still hidden there, and to my amazement, they were still exactly where I had hidden them!

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