wait a minute. is that Yen in her hand?!

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    first tease of eastern themed content?

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  • @mysticdragon297 Don't think so, I think it's just one of the world's gold coins. Go to your local gold hoarder, and examine the piles of coins.

    EDIT: Confirmed. Take a look at the gold you've got on your person, or anywhere you spend money. The coin icon has a hole in it.

  • The money we use in SoT is ancient coins.

    They're the left over coins from an ancient civilisation the remnants of which you can find scattered around the ancient isles.

    Talks a little bit about them in the lore book.

  • @mysticdragon297

    Very interesting, I was wondering about that coin... it looks very different from the usual gold coins?

    There's a mixture in this pile for sure -

  • It's definitely very different from any of the standard coin/doubloon/gold imagery we have seen before...

  • Looks like a square hole, which is not Yen. Looks more like a Chinese "Good Luck" cash coin.

  • Maybe a Canadian-Chinese hybrid...., unfortunately in Silver :-)
    Cool looking coin though...

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  • @piratecraggy Say what you like about them Chinadians. When they say they're building a wall to keep the neighbours out they really build one, and they pay for it themselves with stylish coins to boot.

  • @piratecraggy lol the new map Canada lol

  • @ajm123 said in wait a minute. is that Yen in her hand?!:

    @piratecraggy lol the new map Canada lol

    "A land of darkness where fire and ash consume all!!"
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  • @irish9399 sounds like a south park episode

  • so i want to clarify im fully aware that the coin does exist in-game. what i would like to point out is that rare could have used the default ancient coin type as opposed to this one. so, why did they use this specific coin type?

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