New Costume

  • Can we talk about something more important from the new patch notes please?

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    These be just terrible. The colours be drab, the bones look really stupid an' while I admire the art decision to be different it just looks a mess.

    In my eye anyways. Anyone a fan? What do ye like?

  • 27
  • @awesomecoreusa They're no Flameheart outfit that's for sure, but I don't mind them and I can't wait to get me grubby paws on em :D

  • i agree. I'd rather just work toward the titles lol

  • @awesomecoreusa Love the hat... not sure on the rest... but will definitely adding them to my wardrobe regardless!

  • @musicmee Aye... I mean... I'll do the missions an' buy them, dump them in me chest. But ye'll no see this pirate dressed in 'em.

    @xCALYPT0x had to go look that up... now I want a Flameheart outfit :)

  • Thank you! These look terrible. I was kinda regretting that I will be pretty busy over the next few weeks so I won’t be able to do much. When I saw the outfits I thought, “Naw... I’m good. Don’t need those.”

  • The hat has an oriental feel to it, which i like.

    But the coat just looks like a short dress, and the bones on the shoulders look out of place.

  • I mean, they're probably a step up from the Athena jacket, but that's not saying much.

  • I like the jacket not big on the dress or the hats though.

  • I like the boots, super fancy

  • @fitz said in New Costume:

    I like the boots, super fancy

    i know right! And those gloves are to die for!

  • A wise pirate once said "One can wear pants without a shirt, but no shirt without pants."

  • I’ll wear some of the items, but they could have been done way better.

  • I think the dudes jacket is actually not bad looking design wise, as long as they lose all the bones. I understand these are rewards based off of the event..but...bit over the top on the bones. :) Why not get rid of the hat, shoulder and chest bones and replace the lower three bone with bone hilted daggers...

  • @awesomecoreusa
    The guys jacket is ok i guess. But the rest look terrible. No sir i dont like it. Guess i wont have to find another crew after all

  • @awesomecoreusa

    I'm fine with 'em.

    Though I WAS slightly disappointed cause at first glance I thought the dress was actually a pair of super poofy pants ala Aladdin.

  • I’m not missing an opportunity to rock some MC. Hammet pants bro; #canttouchthis

  • They are ugly to me as well, but I still want them. Just to have. I am a bit silly like that!

  • I kind of like the jacket, but would be cooler as black and white. The hat looks like Bullwinkle haha. They said you can use your doubloons to cash in xp for your other 3 factions. So maybe if I get the jacket and title I will use the rest for merchant xp

  • Sry off topic I'm not sure how to post my own forum question but I put in the e3 obsidian eye of reach skin and for some reason it's not showing up in my locker? Anyone know why and could someone tell me how to make my own forum on here?

  • I can never tell how stuff will look on my grog soaked old wretch.

    The jacket looks ok, the hat is a bit funny looking but hey at least it's not as bad as the Athena's one.

    I might sport the shirt and breeches for a bit.

    Really want more short sleeved/cut-off shirts to show off me tats.

    Suns out, guns out amirite?

  • Was thinking something like this. Sometimes a little less, is they say..
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  • @musicmee oh no no no. The hat is what I hate about this outfit. How can you like that? Jk I know there are different tastes.

  • I would have liked a skeleton character skin unlock :')

    Look like a skele but still be able to dress ourselves in our usual.

    (I'm a massive advocate for character body skins.. ghost, skele, fishpeople, anything. Unique)

  • Personally if I could redesign them, I'd make them a bit more like the Shadow Skeleton captain longcoats and have the bones act as a form of button to loosely hold the coat closed. Perhaps maybe an eye patch made from a skull fragment. Or perhaps it could instead take a more native or voodoo inspired look. But yeah, personally not the biggest fan. Will likely sink my tokens into faction experience.

  • @oheck I wouldn't mind crossing bones on the middle front part of the hat.

  • Par for the course.

7 out of 27