[CLOSED] E3 Giveaway!

  • Ahoy there pirates!

    We're continuing to give away some Sea of Thieves goodies to celebrate E3, so here I am!

    Two lucky pirates will win a limited edition Sea of Thieves coin and playing cards pack, and two more pirates will win themselves a pack of Sea of Thieves playing cards! Sound good? GOOD!

    All I want you to do is tell me what has been your favourite in-game item that you've bought while playing Sea of Thieves and why? Easy!

    The winners will be picked at 3pm BST tomorrow and the prize distribution shall be random. Best of luck!

  • 224
  • Favourite Item has got to be the golden sword. Nothing better than swashbuckling fellow pirates with a weapon made from Gold! Arr!!

  • I love the imperial sovereign hat as it looks amazing with my chunky, shirtless pirate.

  • Favorite item was the admiral hull paint job so far.

  • @realterrortesin
    The launch crew sniper.

    Is everything a pirate would want!
    Powerful, awesome handcrafted piracy looking, with a bottle of booze in case we get thirsty, and most importantly, only cost 1gold!!! ARGH, I can keep my precious treasure!

  • My Favorite? Every single piece of Bilge Rat cloth except the hats.

  • My beard, because of how fine it looks.

  • There were so many... but the favorite was probably the sea dog figurehead. I really like the design of it.

  • @realterrortesin Only thing I have bought are clothes. Do those count? Because I do love my Sea dog eyepatch.

  • One must have the God of the Sea's favor if one wishes to have safe and profitable voyages!

    alt text

  • black shark hunter paintjob for ship

  • Not bought, but the full black dog pack/onyx items are awesome. I'm rocking the preorder pack and the Ebon Flintlock, and working on the Chips Ahoy items.

  • I'd say so far it has to have been the Hungering Deep Ship Hull, the black color makes me think of the Black Pearl and I absolutely love the PotC series! Looking forward to finding a new favorite in the upcoming content! :D

  • All of the hungering deep ship items because they are magic. The fact that it makes the ship dark makes it almost completely invisible at night i have not had a encounter with another play since equipping it 2 weeks ago and hey it also looks like the black Perl that's always a big plus in my book "make a jar of dirt item plz":P

  • Launch Crew Eye of Reach easily! Love the bottle scope!

  • My Sovereign pistol, use it all the time. Or maybe my beard, can't be a pirate without a good looking beard.

  • My favorite item, you ask? Ha, it must be the speaking trumpet, for, honestly... my throat couldn't take it anymore! Now, with a tender whisper, everyone can hear me from miles away!

  • I'd have to say my good ole trusty bandanna I picked up at Dagger Tooth. I'd rather wear that than a hat any day.

  • My favorite in-game item has to be the day one patch!

    I never intended to use an eye patch, but after realizing my eyes were too far apart after character creation, I came to an epiphany.

    How can one's eyes be too far apart if you only have one eye? Genius.

  • The speaking trumpet of course! I love to yell "free chests" and make others ships chase me! Lots of fun :D

  • @realterrortesin My admirals Red dress! Really brings out the color in my guys cheek bones :P

  • Admiral Cutlass. Because it has saved me from many of vengeful skelly. Also many a would be robber.

  • Me Sovereign Tankard! Was th' first purchase I made wit' me hard earned gold. I figured wha' kind o' Pirate am I without a proper tankard.

  • My favorite item was the Admiral hull. This was first item I bought and I worked and worked to save up enough coin at the beginning of the game so it was a very proud moment. Then came the sails and the figure head.

  • Definitely my Castaway Bilge Rat Beard
    Edit: I forgot to explain why lol
    It's my favorite because it's big, and it makes my character look more like a pirate and less like your grandpa

  • @realterrortesin There are so many great items in the game right now and honestly it's hard to pick just one so I'm going to have to say my top two. The Majestic Sovereign Hat and Facial Features are what truly make me the pirate I was meant to be. I've never seen a sexier pirate sailing the seas!

  • My favorite would either be my ferryman cutlass or the ruffian Sea dog ship sail and hull, also my SoT cards were damaged in a flood so they are extra piratey and I need a new set ;) lol. You should probably pick someone else haha.

  • Hands down the day one patch! Until recently that was the only piece of non-starter clothing I owned due to investing only in my ship and equipment

  • Ferrymen set. The Ferryman blunderbuss is my favorite thing in the game, AND it came with a controller that is hands down the best custom controller out!

  • The Launch Crew special is a unique sniper. It is my favorite!

  • Castaway Bilge rat Captains Hat is awesome. All the Bilge Rat stuff is awesome!

  • Probably the Shark hunter hull its simple but the black look awesome

  • My favorite thing that i bought so far is the Corsair Seadog jacket

  • No doubt its my trusty SHOVEL PEG LEG!!! A few kicks and I'm diggin me treasure up or putting my enemies in their shallow graves!

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