Were gonna need a bigger boat!

  • Hey guys!

    SO i have a HUGE problem with sea of thieves and here it is!

    When i first started this game there were two of us... We loved the sloop it felt comfortable and we preferred it to the Galleon! It just fit our play style and our skill level at that time beautifully.

    Then there were 3 of us and we were excluded from the sloop due to the size of our team. The galleon felt alien, huge, hulking and too hard to control for us newbies but we percerveared and got used to it. We now LOVE the galleon and its our home.

    Time progressed and we've added a 4th mate to out pirate crew. This 4th member is based on a freelance basis as it consists of one of five people from my friends list alone now playing Sea Of Thieves.

    Thanks to Rare's great work of getting everyone together to destroy Meg we've now got SO many more friends. Usually this wouldn't be a problem right? Grouping together since that day has been the norm giving less need for a 3 man ship and leaning more towards something bigger and more inclusive?

    We (as a freindship network) have now got to the point where we have out grown the galleon. Our freelance mercenaries have indeed become every night kinda players and on top of that my other two mates have managed to convince two of their friends to buy Xbox Ones to play the game with us.

    This is INDEED a 1st world problem but one we would like sorting. I know there is talks of clans and alliances but id love a bigger boat so we didn't have to say no so often to friends.

    I cant help feeling that a Grand frigate could be the best option.

    A hulking beast that can't get to close to shallow waters but that can deeply row boats to get into islands. Something ultimately balanced but that can hold a crew of up to 6 of us?

    We REALLY want to play together but we still want the world to be populated with other humans that want us dead! Thats half the fun right?

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  • @wanda-maximoff


    At the moment there is only the Brigantine (3 players) which is planned for the Cursed Sail update in July :)

    At E3 they mentioned that they are exploring a way to bring our friends on the same server and they have always wanted to expand their ships types. Balancing all the different ships must be a big challenge and a bigger ship would involve a lot of work.

    I'd really like to have one too! I'm sure we'll see a bigger ship one day, bringing a new way to play in the game but I guess we will have to be a bit more patient :)


  • Only issue is once we have an 8 man ship nobody outside of an 8 man ship is going to challenge it. 1v4? Yeah, tough, but often possible. 1v8? I doubt I could kill 8 players unless it was literally the ugliest pug ever.

    Not saying it's not a thing they could do but honestly nobody is going to pvp a ship of that size unless they are at least in a galleon or just have nothing to lose and want to screw around.

  • I'm not sure a bigger boat is needed, but more along the lines of making crews size more dynamic and a reason to have all that space.

    They could add it along with no longer allow stacking.

    Like right now.. there is just so much unused space in the galleon. Much of it taken up by unused barrels.. but when you go into a shipwreck, those barrels are filled with stuff.

    I just think they should make the Galleon be able to hold 6 crew, because right now the only time the Galleon seems to be fun and not unwieldy is when you have 5-6 people on it.

    Maybe when the Brigatine comes out they can make that 3-4 balanced around 3.. and the galleon can be 4-6 balanced around 4. Much like the sloop is balanced around 1.

    And most importantly.. be able to talk to the shipwrite and change ship sizes as it scuttles your boat.

  • @skulliah I don't know how I feel about being allowed to have friends on the same server, but not part of the crew. I think there should be a way to make alliances, as a way to maybe not have friendly fire from person to person.. or an easier way to merge crews without having to search xbl for someone, then invite them to your crew "if" you have an open spot.

    But to have a bunch of friends with multiple boats.. I think that might be open for abuse.. because having a multi-boat alliance is super strong. It should be held back by the social science of grouping or clanning.

    I dunno.. I keep going back and forth about it. The new private slots on the boat thing has helped a lot of why I wished for alliances.. Maybe the next thing would be to be able to increase crew sizes above the max.

    I really like playing on 6 man galleons, but the stress of worrying about killing your new "crew mate" makes him still feel as not part of the new crew.

    Even if maybe you limit it by only having a boat size max for spawning.. but allow an alliance person you meet along the way to form an alliance or a setting allowing you to turn on a friendly fire safeguard in game.. That would be cool.

    And you can always vote to turn it off and backstabb the other crew.. but at least if you have a truce or thing going on.. you can help each other out..

  • I dunno about a bigger boat. I think the number of players who would utilize such a boat are in the minority, considering about 30% of the playerbase rocks the 4 man crew. Balance is the important factor here, and with that remaining 70% being at 3 or less people, it seems like having to contend with such a high number would be pretty unbalanced for the few that encounter it. I also have a hard time understanding what role such a boat would really fit into. If it's the slower of the boats, it's practically worthless outside of attacking a stationary target. If it's faster, it's just broken balance.

    I understand it sucks for people with more than 3 friends who want to play at a time, but balanced game design is important, and there are plenty of other games that suffer from the same issue for similar reasons. People already abuse mechanics to get more than 3 friends on a server, and I've got to imagine that sucks bigtime for the rest of the server when those people tend to be the aggressive types.

  • @puck269

    I don't know how I feel about being allowed to have friends on the same server, but not part of the crew. I think there should be a way to make alliances, as a way to maybe not have friendly fire from person to person.. or an easier way to merge crews without having to search xbl for someone, then invite them to your crew "if" you have an open spot.

    I'm totally down for in-game alliances and I think Rare is exploring this option too. It could really help when you want to do some events together without killing someone from the other crew inadvertently.

    But to have a bunch of friends with multiple boats.. I think that might be open for abuse.. because having a multi-boat alliance is super strong. It should be held back by the social science of grouping or clanning.

    I have some concerns too about that one because it could be abused as you said. But they are doing a great job by keeping the balance between each players.
    The thing is, players are already trying to find some workaround to be able to have two ships on the same server and they are succeeding. So I can understand why they are exploring this thing to have a bigger control on it because at the moment, it is breaking the balance. They are listening to what the community wants and is suggesting. If they find a good way to implement this option, it might be great. But I love these unexpected encounters and growing my friendlist haha.

    I really like playing on 6 man galleons, but the stress of worrying about killing your new "crew mate" makes him still feel as not part of the new crew.

    6 players in the same crew on a galleon could really break the balance. The galleon would become too easy to manage. That's why a more complicated ship could be useful in this case. For example it could be more difficult to turn, the water could fill the hull more quickly which would involved more players bailling/repairing.

    But yeah, it could be really scary for the little sloop.

    I'm really glad they are exploring this option because who knows? it could be a great experience! If they want to test things, they have the pioneers to do that and they'll be able to see how to keep the balance intact.

    I'm confident with what they are doing but it's just not something they can bring in a couple of weeks anyway :)

    So let's just enjoy the game and make some new friends! :D

  • The best you can do now is bribe an enemy crew to allow your friends to join their galleon, so you get to have up to 8 people in the same server. Buy their ship with a load of loot or something.

  • @wanda-maximoff The simple solution would be to allow us to form an alliance with another crew. Basically allowing the players to share voyages (and treasure rewards) with a second crew. Not only would it allow more than 4 friends to sail together, but it would also help with the multi crew events Rare seems to be focusing on

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