A game for two players, requiring one pair of dice. To begin, each player rolls the dice. The player with the highest roll takes the first turn - if the score is tied each player rolls again until the order of play is decided.
Once the game is underway, each player's goal is to be the first to reach an agreed total, usually 100 points for a quick round or 500 for a longer game. The player whose turn it is rolls their dice, and the result of their roll adds to their points (e.g.; a three and a six total nine points).
The player may choose to roll as often they'd like within their turn and keep scoring points. Alternatively, after each roll, they may choose to end that turn, in which case the points from that turn are safely added to their total.
If at any point, however, the player rolls a total of seven, they will lose all the points accrued during that turn, and their turn will end, passing to the other player. The player to reach the agreed total wins the game.
If a player rolls three doubles (two fours, say) in a row their points are doubled and their turn is over.
These is the rules for a dice game called "Karnath" in the Tales From the Sea of Thieves book. You can find these rules in the book if you want context for why they are described in the book itself.
- My Archive of Lore Related Texts (Just like this one)
Reason for posting this: You might ask "Why is this guy posting rules for a dice game on the dang forums?". Well I collect texts and lore items that are in the game or are tied to the game like these rules for example, I then share these texts and lore items on the forums for everyone to know about. Also how cool would it be for this game to be in Sea of Thieves?