Liar's Dice

  • A variant on a classic drinking game that can be played with just one pair of dice. As with Karnath, players roll to see who goes first.

    The player rolls the dice, keeping them concealed, to get a score. The score is determined by using the higher dice as "tens" value and the lower as the "units"; rolling a one and a four, then, would earn the player a score of 4-1, and so on.

    The player can then choose to either declare their score honestly or not. If the other player does not beleive them, they can challenge the roll - if the challenge is successful, the losing player must drink. If the declaration was accurate, the challenger must drink.

    If the other player chooses not to challenge, they must accept the cup sight unseen, and roll again. Whatever their true score, they must now declare an even higher result than the roll that came before, and so on.

    One additional rule, the lowest possible roll (2-1) is considered the highest, like a high ace in cards, even above a "6-6". If the player is lucky enough to role a 2-1, since it cannot be beaten, the other player must drink regardless - or twice, should they challenge the veracity of the roll and lose.

    These is the rules for a dice game called "Liar's Dice" in the Tales From the Sea of Thieves book. You can find these rules in the book if you want context for why they are described in the book itself.

    • My Archive of Lore Related Texts (Just like this one)

    Text Archive

    Reason for posting this: You might ask "Why is this guy posting rules for a dice game on the dang forums?". Well I collect texts and lore items that are in the game or are tied to the game like these rules for example, I then share these texts and lore items on the forums for everyone to know about. Also how cool would it be for this game to be in Sea of Thieves?

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