New postures and photo mode (interaction with weapons and accessories)

  • The currently available postures do not allow to shine the weapons or accessories that we buy, to see how they look with our clothes.
    I propose new positions using the sword, gun, bluff, etc. and accompanied to this would be great the inclusion of a photo mode (filters, depth blur..)

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  • This is why it's nice to look on YouTube to see other peoples' weapons that they've spent money on. What you see in the store and what you see in front of your face can be two different things. However it would be nice to have animations for each weapon, just like with clothing.

  • @quietrobot That's a great idea! Perhaps the weapon chest could show a preview of us with the selected weapon?

  • @xcalypt0x could be, although I think this would slow down the menu load (we know the problems with poping in the menu)

  • I made a post about new gestures and text options and nobody’s reading it :(. I would appreciate any positive or negative feedback.

  • I like it. Can you add names to these postures?

  • yes ok this would be cool

  • New emotes are needed, and hopefully will come in the future. I'd love to see an emote system similar to Destiny or The Division, where you can earn/unlock new ones and assign them to your radial for individualization.

    I also have long championed for the inclusion of a Chunky Dance (a variant and non=-trademarked version of the Truffle Shuffle) emote.

    Also, like you said, the item/pirate preview in the shop/inventory UI is also in need of an upgrade with things like zoom and rotate controls, as well as pose.

  • @knightx13 Exactly, adding dances and other things to buy would be fine. The main thing is to be able to see for yourself the things that you have bought, the skins ... and if that is what you add a photo mode would be perfect.

  • Lots of emotes to buy, yes!

    I hope the dances all stay relatively period specific though. I shudder at the thought of breakdancing pirates. A river dancing pirate on the other hand! Or a waltzing pirate! HA!

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