Monkey Island event in Sea of Thieves?

  • I cant be the only one getting some serious Monkey Island vibes at times while playing Sea of Thieves? So this got me thinking...

    How awesome wouldn't it be if there could be some event with a Monkey Island topic? Where we could see some of these lovely characters and hear some classic Monkey Island songs etc. A fun event, titles and cosmetics that any Monkey Island fan will recognize and love.

    From what I understand it's Disney that owns the right now and not Ron Gilbert... :(

    I dont know how many Monkey Island fans are on this forum. But I would smile from ear to ear if this happened....

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  • I've been thinking, for a while, about how a spitting contest type of activity could be put into the game.

    I don't think they could go too far, and actually implement specific licensed things from the game - but they could have a nod, or two, towards it.

  • @binaryplayerone yes, unfortunately, Disney now has MI locked into their 'touch it and we sue' closet.

    Mr Gilbert has expressed interest in reclaiming it but I don't see it happening.

    Sadly, Disney doesn't like playing nice with anyone unless it is in their interest.

  • @binaryplayerone This game is my childhood i'd love to see some MI in sea of thieves, there is already some refrences apparently (in the legendary tavern and the name of an achievement)
    text alternatif

  • I know it would probably never happen, but wandering an island and bumping into something like this would be incredible alt text

  • @triheadedmonkey yes its sad,he would create a new monkey island, but he made another masterpiece thimbleweed park .

    topic:im a huge monkey island fan ,one of the best games ive ever played,

  • I did some Insult Sword Fighting with one of my mateys yesterday. I think that's the closest the game will get to Monkey Island.

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