Merrick's Tales of the Hungering Deep - Un-beard-lievable

  • Merrick has left behind a journal...

    One of the oddest tales I heard from those pirates who went out to avenge me crew, was the story of a bearded stranger with a death wish!

    They say he fought and defeated the Hungering One... all on his own! Why? I have no idea.

    Seems he took it on man-against-fish, armed only with a sloop and a live chicken on the bowspirit! Some sort of protective ritual?

    I hear he was naked, too! That was very brave, considering it happily bit off my legs...

    They fought for the whole day and night, but our hirsute hero prevailed! I hope he put me figurehead to good use... and sold it to buy some trousers.

    This is one of Merrick's new journals that you can find telling the tales of the Hungering Deep. If you go to S,16 on the map you will come across an island not marked on your map. When you go to the far northern tip of the bigger island, you can dive into the water and when you turn around you will find a under water cave. Go through the cave and you should find a statue, the book is leaning against the statue. This is the tale of how @Beardageddon198 fought the Hungering One by himself

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