Merrick's Tales of the Hungering Deep - Vengeance at last!

  • Merrick has left behind a journal...

    Well, knock me down wiv a chicken feather, if the pirates of the Sea of Thieves didn't rally round this old drunk when I needed them most.

    I had so many people listenin' to me tale, goin' out to battle the Hungering One!

    In fact... really quite a LOT of pirates said they killed the beast. In the thousands of different, conflictin' ways. Strange times we live in...

    I made enough figureheards and drums to fill in the ocean, I reckon!

    I appreciate the support, but I need to go away for a while and rest me whittlin' hand.

    Besides, I had a bath and I don't think the skellies will leave me alone much longer.

    Safe voyages, fellow pirates!

    This is one of Merrick's new journals that you can find telling the tales of the Hungering Deep. You can find this journal in the center of Shark Bait Cove, it will be leaning against the shark shrine.

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  • 3
  • My favorite was the Merrick Roll! I laughed so hard!

  • I love that in his journals they gave a good mention of Beardageddon The guy that solo'd the meg. Nice to see players added into the lore ;)

    Here he is reading the journal.

    Here he is soloing the meg:

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