The life of a pirate is fraught with danger.
For, you see, to journey out onto the waves is to take a step into the unknown.
There are things which have lived there and ruled there far longer than us.
Great terrors from the deep... some I've see with my own eye!
[ When trailer shows the cave paintings ]
Many have tried to gain control over the sea, but it does not reward the greedy or impatient.
The ancient people encountered monsters so powerful and terrible they worshiped them as gods.
Some say that the ancients even learned how to summon such creatures.
They'd offer a sacrifice and in return they were allowed to sail the seas undisturbed.
[ When trailer switches back to Merrick ]
Most would tell you that these are just stories.
But I know different.
And now I hear whispers from across the waves of ships disappearing without trace, sightings of something... impossible.
Just... stories.
Now! Did I ever tell you about the vicious parrot that stole my eye?
Ha ha ha!
This is the dialogue from The Hungering Deep Teaser. The character announcing the dialogue is Merrick.
- My Archive of Lore Related Texts (Just like this one)
To let you know: I had copied this text down from ear and the YouTube close captioning system. It does not give me any punctuation (or the correct words). So if it is off I am sorry, I did the best I could.