Visited Wanda's shop...

  • In addition to having a decidedly skellie arm, she had some stuff on the back shelf.

    Cursed Cannonballs

    I see two for dropping sails, one for drunkeness, one for broken bones and... the last one on the far left - I'm not sure.

    I'm wary of these... we'll just have to see how they work.

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  • I’m going to guess that the one on the far left either darkens the surrounds or just blacks out vision completely for anyone affected. If you look closely, you can see what appear to be clouds at the bottom and the shape in the middle looks similar to a crescent moon.

  • @bran-the-ent I remember one was supposed to weigh the ship down to make it sink faster, but i can't make the image match the description lol it really just looks like a Lego hand on a piece of paper to me 🤣

  • Didn’t anyone notice the guest on the top of her shop too??

  • @bran-the-ent makes you sleepy

  • @bran-the-ent I’m thinking the night time one will put you to sleep, the broken bones will make you limp, the grog one make you drunk and the sails one, make you slow down to a stop (as the sails are up). Seems purple affect the ship and green affect the pirates?

    @NikinJapan yes! Soooo sweet, I’d love one as a pet lol

  • @nikinjapan said in Visited Wanda's shop...:

    Didn’t anyone notice the guest on the top of her shop too??

    Apparently if you climb the adjacent buildings and then sword jump you can interact with Salty on the roof.

  • @sshteeve I'll have to check that out.

  • I talked to Wanda - her very ambitious and upcoming plans sound so exciting! Although I am left to wonder if she might actually be losing some skin in the game...

  • @r4bbi-the-shark said in Visited Wanda's shop...:

    I’m going to guess that the one on the far left either darkens the surrounds or just blacks out vision completely for anyone affected. If you look closely, you can see what appear to be clouds at the bottom and the shape in the middle looks similar to a crescent moon.

    Would be cool if it caused an eclipse, transforming the skellies into the ghost ones on the AI ship

  • If you stand outside Wanda’s shop and use your scope to look in, she will hold her arm out and you can see the full skeletal skin condition she has going on. Alternatively you can have a couple of crew go into the shop then one exits the shop and she will show her arm.

  • @slave2thesave also if you go in and just wait without moving she’ll look at her arm too :D no need for yer telescope.

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